Thru the Veil


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I'am not saying we will be judged on our premortality though. I'am saying that we will have a recollection of agreeing to the terms of the Plan of Salvation that was presented to us in the Councill of Heaven, and then having the perfect recollection of not living up to them on mortality, and thus heaving a "perfect guilt". This is what makes sense to me.

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I was listening tio backyard professor on youtube about Quantiteory... an idea hit me.... yeah I know I try not to get hit too often or too hard, it hurts.... They ahe found out that there are very small parts that shine (dont ask me what you call them) smaller than athoms that is and there is also the opposite dark particles...

You know when people use a lot of time in Temple they tend to shine, when someone i babtized they oftehn shine, when somneone does a good thing ... right... they shine.

Then again have you ever seen someone go dark? I have. Have you experienced a darkness around you? I was once again on a Finish netdiscusition on mormonism and I felt the drkness around me... then I saw that a certain person had come back to the discusition. I told my friends that I take a few days brake... As I changed to the darkness disapeared

Light and darkness is real.

What if we, when we are good, choose the right pull the shiny particles to us and when we are bad, do the wrong decitions and pull the dark ones to us. The more good you do the more you shine and the more of these light particles are in you. Maybe the atonement of Jesus Christ washes these dark partikles away.

Good is like light, fire. He is perfect, more alike Him we are more we shine!

Also when the dark ones are sent to outer darkness they will dissapear in to the darkness... maybe they will be solluted??

Sience is interesting!

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We do not know the nature of the "veil of forgetfulness". For example, it is possible that upon birth, we are in a sense "remade", such that our memory of previous lives (to use the prophets' words) is destroyed. In this scenario, we would never "regain" those memories, because they are no longer a part of our intelligence (though the effect of our previous choices obviously would remain upon us). Following this idea, perhaps we don't gain "permanent" memory until we are resurrected or exalted or whatnot. Then again, this could all be completely misguided. The point is, until we understand the nature of our spiritual "past" and "memories", the subject cannot be intelligently addressed.

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Humans are born with inteligence and the abiltiy to reason. Other animals cannot. There are reasons for this other than the size of our cerebrum...

I have lots of kids, they have different personalities. They were born with these personalities. I did not teach them. They all have very similar DNA but there is something that makes them vastly different that modern science CANNOT explain.

Some people have a predisposition to excell at music, or art, or science.

An excellent explanation would be that these were things that we gained during out pre-mortal life and that have stayed with us.

When we die we are sent to the spirit world. Some people go to spirit prison and some go to paradise. From the D&C 138 we know that those in spirit prison must be taught by those in paradise about the gospel. In effect a mission was set up by the Savior during the 3 days that his body lie in the tomb in Jerusalem. If after death we all are given our pre-mortal memories why did this mission have to be set up? Why do they have to be taught the gospel?

Why must every knee bow and every tongue confess - Isaiah 45:23? If we all get our pre-mortal memories back it will be obvious no?

I feel strongly that the transition from this life to the next is not going to gaurantee you an endowment of gifts. We are going to continue to have to grow and progress. I do think that we will be able to eventually unlock our previous memories, but that there are requirements that we must fulfill before we can obtain these blessings.

When I was sealed in the temple, the worker that sealed my wife and I stated that when we pass into the spirit world we will be able to feel each others presence due to the sealing power (and thus will be able to easily reuinite). And that we will have the same ability with our children. This necessairly means that those that are not sealed will not have this ability and will have to search for their loved ones. I have never seen this explained by a prophet but it sounds like truth to me.

The final fronteir will be an excellent journey but I dont think that it is going to be a Disney Cruise Ship. We still have work to do...

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This verse always gives me a great deal of comfort:

Alma 40: 12

12 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.

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A key that many miss in the resurrection is the restoration.

Alma 42.

If you are restored to your filthiness then you cnanot abide God's presence. It is at least a partial judgement, that is how you will be restored, since it is Christ that will be doing the restoring.

Read Alma 42 very slowly... perhaps 41 first.

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The Ferrari has a higher cost of ownership. And to some the cost isn't worth it.

Cranky today are we? Look, if you're happy with a Yugo-style afterlife, be my guest. I suppose there might be some spiritually handicapped people who will be quite happy in one. I prefer something a little better, and Hell to me would be living in a Yugo when I could have a Ferrarri. Sorry if that offends you.

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Cranky today are we? Look, if you're happy with a Yugo-style afterlife, be my guest. I suppose there might be some spiritually handicapped people who will be quite happy in one. I prefer something a little better, and Hell to me would be living in a Yugo when I could have a Ferrarri. Sorry if that offends you.

I'm not cranky nor am i offend. Just pointing out while the Ferrari might be the dream car for some, others might want something else because it cost less.

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I'm not cranky nor am i offend. Just pointing out while the Ferrari might be the dream car for some, others might want something else because it cost less.

My dream car is a Mini Cooper S Convertible with Stepford shifting paddles, an open-air intake valve and 2.2 lbs of boost.

Can you choose a non-standard heaven and still make it?

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I believe that hell is when someone reviews their life and realizes that if only they had tried just a little bit more they could have attained a better inheritance...Hell is knowing that you didn't try hard enough to return to the presence of you Father and Mother in Heaven. All it would have taken is just a little bit, but you decided to coast instead of doing your best.

With all due respect, I disbelieve this.

Does anyone really believe God will say, "Look, you alllllllmost made it -- but sorry, you only scored 98.99%, and you need to get 99% or better to make it up here with me"? That's absurd, and surely anyone with a spirit will find that spirit offended by the mere thought of such inanity. It's not a matter of "you didn't try quiiiite hard enough", it's a matter of "what kind of person have you become?" Those who can endure and rejoice in the presence of God will do so; those who cannot, will not.

While on my mission, I was talked into participating in something called "Flight to Eternity". A bunch of investigators (and some members) sat in a room that was called an "airplane", and for the "in-flight movie" they watched something like "Man's Search for Happiness". Then the airplane dramatically "crashed", with flashing lights and pilots screaming, leaving the audience in quiet darkness. An "angel" in a white dress then escorted the "crash victims" from room to room, viewing their possible eternal fates. This included the solitary young woman screaming her condemnation in a darkened room with nothing but a candle to provide light for her (telestial kingdom), a pair of young men hanging out in a somewhat dimly-lit room and expressing their wish that they had been more valiant (terrestrial kingdom), and a family dressed in white in a bright room enjoying each other's eternal presence, and apparently for the children, eternal childhood (celestial kingdom).

I was furious, and I let the mission president know how sorry I was to have participated in such a manipulative lie.

Will members of the "lower kingdoms" be totally hunky-dory with their fate? I do not know that; maybe they will, maybe not. Maybe they won't even have complete awareness of "higher" states or kingdoms. Will they spend all eternity screaming their lungs out at their missed opportunities in mortality to become something better? Of course not. I don't know what the afterlife looks like, but I am very confident it doesn't look anything like that. To represent that to investigators is no less manipulative than the "Christians" (or Muslims) who dredge up visions of eternally burning in flaming liquid sulfur for all those who aren't believers in their particular brand of "Christianity" (or Islam).

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When the final judgement is upon us. I believe that we will judge ourselves with God as a witness. We will completely understand the role of both justice and mercy and there will be no dobut as to which kingdom we deserve. I also believe that there is a form of repentance in the next life prior to the final judgement, its just alot more complicated than if we do it while on Earth.

Edited by mikbone
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