Lds & Easter


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Hi - haven't been on the board in a while so thanks in advance for reading.

I am an adult convert that has recently re-activated after a six year absence and during that interim I had attended my former faith, the Episcopal Church. Now to my concern:

In the Episcopal Church, nothing has more ritual and formality than Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Holy M, T, W, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Vigil and, finally, Easter Sunday keeps us quite busy following in the footsteps of the Savior during his last days of mortality and ultimate ressurection. I had previously attended all services and was caught up in the spirituality of the whole thing.

This is the first year in many I haven't kept Lent nor plan to attend Holy Week services, but I feel a void since the ward isn't really doing anything special to replace it. Becuase of conference, Easter Sunday will be a F&T meeting. Where is the celebration? honor? recognition? I had asked a life-long LDS what special stuff does the ward do and there is only a stake choir performance and special Sunday School lessons. That's it?! She commented that since LDS honor the atonement everyday, a special service isn't really necessary.

Any other converts having Easter withdrawl?


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Im a convert the other direction (Eastern Orthodoxy), and Im very impressed with Lent and the upcoming Paschal (Easter) services. Last sunday was "forgiveness sunday" and that was extremely impressive. I don't believe that Anglicans (or RC's) do it, but basically you ask forgiveness from everyone (literally) in the parish. You begin by making the sign of the cross, and saying outloud: "I am a sinner" then looking at the person in front of you (whether they be male or female, young or old) you say "forgive me". They in turn ask for your forgiveness and then we hug each other and say: "May God forgive us both." (Some of the Russians and Romanians kiss you on the cheeks as well.) With well over 150 folks in attendance, it took more than an hour to complete.

By the end of the service, you feel pretty humble.

Lent for EO's began on Monday the 14th, because we use the old Julian calendar as opposed to the "new" Gregorian calendar. The Forgiveness sunday was the kick off event. I know of no other religion that does such a thing, but it's a great way to begin the 40 day fast before Pascha.

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It wasn't such issue for me, having converted from Baptist to LDS. Easter in most evangelical branches is basically a day to dress up more than usual and put cute bonnets on children. In fact, the old joke is that the two times most folks go to church are Easter and Christmas.

If a church goes all-out to honor Christ and remember Easter for what it is supposed to be, more power to them.

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Mar 17 2005, 04:41 PM

Im a convert the other direction (Eastern Orthodoxy), and Im very impressed with Lent and the upcoming Paschal (Easter) services. Last sunday was "forgiveness sunday" and that was extremely impressive. I don't believe that Anglicans (or RC's) do it, but basically you ask forgiveness from everyone (literally) in the parish. You begin by making the sign of the cross, and saying outloud: "I am a sinner" then looking at the person in front of you (whether they be male or female, young or old) you say "forgive me". They in turn ask for your forgiveness and then we hug each other and say: "May God forgive us both." (Some of the Russians and Romanians kiss you on the cheeks as well.) With well over 150 folks in attendance, it took more than an hour to complete.

By the end of the service, you feel pretty humble.

Lent for EO's began on Monday the 14th, because we use the old Julian calendar as opposed to the "new" Gregorian calendar. The Forgiveness sunday was the kick off event. I know of no other religion that does such a thing, but it's a great way to begin the 40 day fast before Pascha.

That sounds very interesting. What a great way to bring the members of your church closer together and to build unity. :)
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That sounds very interesting. What a great way to bring the members of your church closer together and to build unity. 

There are some in the parish who complain to Father Basil about it, saying that they don't even know half of the people there, so why should they say "Forgive me". Fater replied, "that's exactly why you should ask their forgiveness....because you don't know them, and you should."

I personally see it as important because I don't know how many times i've seen people at church and thought: "Boy, she's dressed like a hoochy-mama", or "This jerks standing right in front of me...", or whatever. Since our thoughts condemn us as much as our actions, it's a great opportunity to seek forgiveness from those around us during worship.

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I converted to LDS years and years ago from a conglomeration of different churchs, and I do remember the great Easter services, the sun rise service, the "No Greater Love" cantata by the church choirs. It took awhile for me to understand why the LDS church doesn't put on more of a whoooptee do on Easter Sunday; that being that the atonement, death and resurrection of Christ is remembered every Sunday in Sacrement. It's a big deal EVERY Sunday, not just once a year.

I don't think that Heavenly Father would care if you went to an Easter service somewhere, if you think you are missing out on something special.... If it helps you feel closer to the spirit of Christ to see a special program, go for it. I don't think that anyone would condemn you for it. :)

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Guest curvette

Ditto to Lindy. I think that however a person or family decides to celebrate Christ's resurrection is fine. I don't think there is anything wrong with participating in another religion's celebration if your own religion's services don't meet your spiritual needs.

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Thanks for all the responses. I was just thinking on the way home from Sacrament meeting this morning that next Sunday (Easter) is a Fast & Testimony meeting! What are they thinking? Fasting on Easter?!? Fortunately(?!) I am pregnant so don't observe the fast, but come on, you are asking kids to wait until dinner to dive into their Easter Baskets (or do LDS have Easter Baskets?). I won't be attending Church next Sunday since I will at my in-laws pigging out on Easter Brunch & chocolate bunnies! LOL!

I think what I might do when my son & future child are older (or even born LOL) is to follow the nights of Holy Week but as a week-long family home evening. We'll see about this next year.

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Guest curvette

Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 20 2005, 01:53 PM

Thanks for all the responses. I was just thinking on the way home from Sacrament meeting this morning that next Sunday (Easter) is a Fast & Testimony meeting! What are they thinking? Fasting on Easter?!? Fortunately(?!) I am pregnant so don't observe the fast, but come on, you are asking kids to wait until dinner to dive into their Easter Baskets (or do LDS have Easter Baskets?). I won't be attending Church next Sunday since I will at my in-laws pigging out on Easter Brunch & chocolate bunnies! LOL!

I think what I might do when my son & future child are older (or even born LOL) is to follow the nights of Holy Week but as a week-long family home evening. We'll see about this next year.

I thought the same thing. It's because of general conference, but I think they could have planned fast Sunday the following week.
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In my church, for several years, we had an early(er) service in addition to our regular service. The earlier one was put together by members, and they found something that brought the meaning of Easter home to them, and presented it to the congregation. It ranged from scriptures to readings, to poetry, to making cookies with their kids (the kind where each of the ingredients describe a portion of the crucifixion and burial of Christ), to music, etc. The regular service was a traditional preaching service. Except one year, we bloomed a cross.

One year, instead of an early Easter service, we had a Good Friday Tenebrae service. That was an awesome service. Very much like "The Passion". (sort of)

This year, we are not doing anything special. :( Just a traditional preaching service.

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Originally posted by curvette@Mar 20 2005, 12:47 PM

Ditto to Lindy. I think that however a person or family decides to celebrate Christ's resurrection is fine. I don't think there is anything wrong with participating in another religion's celebration if your own religion's services don't meet your spiritual needs.

Same here, I only went to one LD$ church service on Easter, and all they talked about was Joe Smith, which left me feeling cheated, being a convert. By the following Easter, I had already resigned after an abusive marriage to a Peter Priesthood that I managed to escape from. Since resigning, I love going to any other church where they actually celebrates Christ's resurrection.

I would also be annoyed about Fast Sunday being on Easter, because Easter to me is one of the 3 days of the year where you can get away with a large feast, Thanksgiving and Xmas being the others. After eating all day Sunday, including a nice breakfast at a restaurant, I'm hitting the gym on Monday and the rest of the week.

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Guest JRodan

Originally posted by Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 06:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building.

Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with.
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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 17 2005, 02:59 PM

Hi - haven't been on the board in a while so thanks in advance for reading.

I am an adult convert that has recently re-activated after a six year absence and during that interim I had attended my former faith, the Episcopal Church. Now to my concern:

In the Episcopal Church, nothing has more ritual and formality than Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Holy M, T, W, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Vigil and, finally, Easter Sunday keeps us quite busy following in the footsteps of the Savior during his last days of mortality and ultimate ressurection. I had previously attended all services and was caught up in the spirituality of the whole thing.

This is the first year in many I haven't kept Lent nor plan to attend Holy Week services, but I feel a void since the ward isn't really doing anything special to replace it. Becuase of conference, Easter Sunday will be a F&T meeting. Where is the celebration? honor? recognition? I had asked a life-long LDS what special stuff does the ward do and there is only a stake choir performance and special Sunday School lessons. That's it?! She commented that since LDS honor the atonement everyday, a special service isn't really necessary.

Any other converts having Easter withdrawl?


What would keep you from attending a sunrise service or other Easter celebration at another church?
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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 20 2005, 01:53 PM

Thanks for all the responses. I was just thinking on the way home from Sacrament meeting this morning that next Sunday (Easter) is a Fast & Testimony meeting! What are they thinking? Fasting on Easter?!? Fortunately(?!) I am pregnant so don't observe the fast, but come on, you are asking kids to wait until dinner to dive into their Easter Baskets (or do LDS have Easter Baskets?). I won't be attending Church next Sunday since I will at my in-laws pigging out on Easter Brunch & chocolate bunnies! LOL!

I think what I might do when my son & future child are older (or even born LOL) is to follow the nights of Holy Week but as a week-long family home evening. We'll see about this next year.

Golly, you're a big kid...why don't you make a decision not to fast on that day. It ain't that hard.
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Originally posted by Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 05:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building. ;)

Better luck next time.

Interesting. who spoke about what? In who's name were the prayers and testimonies said? What about the sacrament? who's name was mentioned there?

Come on my friend.

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Originally posted by JRodan+Mar 26 2005, 08:31 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JRodan @ Mar 26 2005, 08:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 06:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building.

Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with.

Seems you assume too much... :rolleyes:

:lol: "alphy" doesn't seem to know any more about it than you do. His most intimate family never called him "Joe". And JS's name is rarely mentioned in most Sacrament meetings.

Don't let facts get in the way, though...

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Guest JRodan
Originally posted by Outshined+Mar 26 2005, 02:48 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Outshined @ Mar 26 2005, 02:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -JRodan@Mar 26 2005, 08:31 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 06:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building.

Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with.

Seems you assume too much... :rolleyes:

:lol: "alphy" doesn't seem to know any more about it than you do. His most intimate family never called him "Joe". And JS's name is rarely mentioned in most Sacrament meetings.

Don't let facts get in the way, though...

I'm not going to assume what Sacrament meetings you attend, but I hear his name mentioned fairly often in the ones I attend, especially on F&T Sundays. I wouldn't begin to assume what terms of endearment his immediate family may or may not have used. I wouldn't even assume you knew, though it appears you seem to think you've a firm assumption of the "facts." Your comfort level does seem a bit agitated by anyone not Mormon referring to him familiarly and that's to be understood.

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Originally posted by JRodan+Mar 26 2005, 02:57 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JRodan @ Mar 26 2005, 02:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 02:48 PM

Originally posted by -JRodan@Mar 26 2005, 08:31 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 06:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building.

Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with.

Seems you assume too much... :rolleyes:

:lol: "alphy" doesn't seem to know any more about it than you do. His most intimate family never called him "Joe". And JS's name is rarely mentioned in most Sacrament meetings.

Don't let facts get in the way, though...

I'm not going to assume what Sacrament meetings you attend, but I hear his name mentioned fairly often in the ones I attend, especially on F&T Sundays. I wouldn't begin to assume what terms of endearment his immediate family may or may not have used. I wouldn't even assume you knew, though it appears you seem to think you've a firm assumption of the "facts." Your comfort level does seem a bit agitated by anyone not Mormon referring to him familiarly and that's to be understood.

Those opposed to Joseph and his work often called him Joe or Ol' Joe. Most everyone else called him Joseph.

Oh, or Holy Joe

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Originally posted by JRodan@Mar 26 2005, 03:57 PM

I'm not going to assume what Sacrament meetings blah blah blah

We'll set aside your false assumptions of being "agitated" and your email telling me how you don't like me. :rolleyes:

Fact: In F&T meetings, as in all Sacrament meetings, I hear the name Joseph Smith mentioned about one-tenth of the number of times I hear gratitude for the Savior. Perhaps you're just a little sensitive to JS's name, I couldn't say.

Fact: Joseph Smith's family normally referred to him as Joseph in every reference we have. If you've read any Church history, you know this. If you have evidence to the contrary, please present it.

The pretentious "Joe" is a childish attempt to belittle him, as is the "his majesty" reference, as you well know. See I know because I read. Thus my grasp of the facts is solid on this one. ;) My supposed "comfort level" is unaffected by your posts, but I hate to see anyone insist on being in error to look cool.

Have a nice day, and save the emails, okay?

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Originally posted by srm+Mar 26 2005, 10:56 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (srm @ Mar 26 2005, 10:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 05:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building. ;)

Better luck next time.

Interesting. who spoke about what? In who's name were the prayers and testimonies said? What about the sacrament? who's name was mentioned there?

Come on my friend.

I know that I am not LDS, but we have the same communion prayers, and nowhere in them is the name of Joseph Smith mentioned? Or do you attend a breakoff of the LDS church?

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Originally posted by Jenda@Mar 26 2005, 05:30 PM

I know that I am not LDS, but we have the same communion prayers, and nowhere in them is the name of Joseph Smith mentioned? Or do you attend a breakoff of the LDS church?

I think that was his point, that Jesus Christ is the focus of Sacrament.
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