Spiritual Needs of Homosexuals


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Guest pimpberries

Soo... If a gay person came to a service and it was somehow known, what could they expect? I assume you all introduce yourselves and shake hands and make small talk/fellowship after a service. Would members address it, or would that be something for leadership or would the gay one just get to worship without commentary? I've not attended an LDS service. I've only known a few LDS as coworkers, and those who have visited the Community of Christ forum.


The right thing to do would be to accept them without passing judgement. As long as nobody is hurting anyone else; there should be no room for this bickering.



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I am not flipping out do not like being attacked...

Can't much blame you for that. Few people enjoy being attacked. But I haven't attacked you; I have merely pointed out when you have made false accusations and have responded to points you have brought up. If you feel attacked, that probably has far more to do with you than with me.

you posted judgements and opinions

Uh...that's obvious, isn't it? This is a discussion board, after all. What did you think people would post on a discussion board, if not their own judgments and opinions?

you didn't ask questions... I answer all questions asked.


  • In any case, why on earth would a practicing homosexual (or fornicator) wish to bind himself/herself by covenant to practice a lifestyle s/he is openly flouting?
  • How do you think I've "attacked" you?
  • Which of the two of us lectured the other on being "judgmental"?
  • prospectmom, which of these two seems more rude and caddish to you?
    (Followed by two examples)
  • Please explain exactly what I have written that constitutes "blindly follow[ing] the masses" and exactly which "masses" I am "blindly follow[ing]".
    (Note that this is actually two separate questions you failed to answer, not one.)
  • But your experience does make it so?
  • Please point out where I have mocked you.
  • How's your behavior, prospectmom?

Still awaiting your responses.

I haven't ( flipped out ) since I was banned and have since learned to follow the site rules. I wish you could do the same.

Seeing as how I have never been banned, it would appear your wish has been granted.

3. Personal attacks, name calling, flaming, and judgments against other members will not be tolerated.

Now, prospectmom, answer honestly: Do you really want me to list out the many personal attacks, name-calling, and personal judgments against me that you have engaged in on this thread alone?

4. No bickering and nit-picking toward others. Realize that sometimes it is very difficult to be able to express how one feels through written words. Please be courteous and ask for a further explanation, rather then trying to attack and find holes in someone else's post.

As I have illustrated earlier in this reply, asking you for further explanations hasn't yielded much.

5. No cursing or crude language. Any topics of a sensitive nature must be placed in the Open Forum. Any swearing, including filter skipping, will result in an automatic one week suspension.

Swearing, huh? By all means, please oh please oh please show me where I have engaged in "cursing or crude language".

Vort just in case you haven't read the rules I have pasted for you review

Right kind of you there, pm. :)

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I admit I am so not as good as the copy/ paste process as you but in none of my posts as I have just re-read them do I deserve being called pathetic... sheepish..... and more ... Skippy was kind and took the time to clearly explain to me... how nice there are still gentlemen in this world.... You went on the attack . You put me down in every way you could... baiting and making personal attacks....

Personally I am embarrassed someone who is as happy and all together as you would act in the manner you have.....but I guess when folks get all puffed up in themselves there is no telling what they might say......

I might recommend you follow Skippy's lead which was calm and so christ-like .... I so appreciate that.

You I think like to fight/ argue without really making much of a point... now that I know that I will do my best to be as clear as posssible with you if our paths should ever crosss again.......

So you keep on being right and acting so self-rightious and I will keep trying to understand what is written and ask questions when I do not understand.....Boy has this been quite a learning experience and for that I thank you good and bad I have really learned alot about human behavior tonight.

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Soo... If a gay person came to a service and it was somehow known, what could they expect? I assume you all introduce yourselves and shake hands and make small talk/fellowship after a service.

Honestly no, but I'm rather shy and introverted and quite frankly am horrible at reaching out to people regardless of sexual orientation, so while they wouldn't get the best greeting and welcoming ever neither would the heterosexual person.

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Guest pimpberries

why????? what is soooo funny???

Nothin.. have a great night and a wonderful Mother's SunDay. :elvis:

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why????? what is soooo funny???

Well, your exchange with Vort is amusing in a certain light, mostly when you consider you didn't actually disagree. Kinds like watching one person argue that ham taste awesome and the other argue that no, the taste of cured and smoked pork haunch is better. :)

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Soo... If a gay person came to a service and it was somehow known, what could they expect? I assume you all introduce yourselves and shake hands and make small talk/fellowship after a service. Would members address it, or would that be something for leadership or would the gay one just get to worship without commentary? I've not attended an LDS service. I've only known a few LDS as coworkers, and those who have visited the Community of Christ forum.

My guess is that their reception would be as varied as the wards themselves are varied.

I am always interested in what our cousin Church does. How is this issue handled at the Community of Christ?


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Yep. As far as I can tell this point was first made on post #26, but people still seem to be intent on mixing the 2.

That is also the point of confusion. From what I have pieced together from varied answers on this thread, is that yes indeed Homosexuals are welcome if they do not do the things that Homosexuals do. However, if Homosexuals behave homosexually, they are either out of the mix in terms of being welcome or they are still welcome regardless as long as they (or the Heterosexuals) behave with decorum.

One poster at Beliefnet wrestling with this same question, noted that there are a myriad of ways for making people not feel wanted beyond any official declarations. That would mean also that there are a myriad of ways for making people feel wanted beyond any official mandate as well. Good things to consider the next time a stranger wanders through the ward doors, since the least of those we welcome would applied to He who is greatest también.

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Chaplain, do you make referrals to this group?

I am aware of the group, though have not personally made referrals. The American Psychological Association does not like them because they help people who, for reasons of faith, attempt to change their orientation. I'm not sure why the APA needs to weigh in on what people choose to do out of religious conviction.

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