Motivation: school


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I normally excel with my school-work.

However, recently I've been really struggling to find motivation to do it (or do it well).

Quite often I've been using the "I'll do it after [x]" excuse.

And I'm having a lot of trouble getting out of this cycle.

Can anyone advise?


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I know the feeling! When I was at college I did several units over the time I was there, each unit lasting six months. During the first three months I'd literally do nothing in the way of work... I'd go to lectures (most of the time) and that's about it. During the latter three months I'd have to work my butt off in order to catch up and during the first year I was there I never had time to work above a C (our pass grades are marked from E - A* with A* being the highest and anything lower than an E was a fail). So that affected my final grade which wasn't as good as it could have been and it's now something I have to live with. I remember I left myself with so much to catch up with each time that I'd often save my work and leave the computer at 2am, go to sleep on the couch next to the computer, get up at 4am and start work again. The day before the deadline was always the biggest killer, I'd work for 24 hours straight, go into college arrives just seconds before the deadline. Then go home and catch up on sleep, whilst worrying that I might have missed things out because I didn't have time to check it. All of this because I couldn't be bothered to work the first three months so ended up with six months work to do in three months. And did I learn? Not really... it took me until the very last set of units we did before leaving college for me to get my act together and incidently those grades were the best I got throughout the entire time there.

So I can't really give you any advice on how to motivate yourself (as I never really found any magical solution to the problem) other than the knowlege that you have to live with the grades you get for the rest of your working life. Or put another couple of years in to do in again which is really a waste of time.

Edited by Mahone
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I think there is an explanation about that, may be you don´t like that school anymore , or I don't no if u are having problems in your life, or is just a momento of feeling down, most of students pass that experience, Im in college and I've been through this, in my case I'm just lazy sometimes because I don´really like how some teachers are teaching. lol. but anyways, cheer up!

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I dont know if you are in college or high school or what but I know the feeling all too well. I graduate from high school on June 11th so I have something that us North Americans like to call "senioritis". Senioritis is the time after you have gotten into college and high school does not really matter much to you anymore. So you start not doing homework, putting off studying for a big test and next thing you know your marks start heading for D's. Some people( i dont know any) have had their offers of admission revoked because their marks are too low.

Anyways my advice to you is pretty much you have to make yourself do the work. Yes it may not seem fun, and you could be doing better things but school is important. Education is a must in todays world. Anyways the only solution I can find is making yourself do the work when it is assigned. It will pay off in the end. Best of luck :)


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Hey A,

I know how you feel, this quarter I have been dealing with the same problem. Though I know the root of why I've been having such a problem. Have you honestly looked into what’s happened/happening in your life that is causing you to be anxious or inattentive to hw? Is it happening around other things you need to concentrate on?

I know personally I should post on this board about why I've been having trouble, but its so odd for me not to 'keep it all inside' so its something I've also been putting off.

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Glad to know im not the only one ...

I normally excel with my school-work.

However, recently I've been really struggling to find motivation to do it (or do it well).

Quite often I've been using the "I'll do it after [x]" excuse.

And I'm having a lot of trouble getting out of this cycle.

Can anyone advise?


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I know for me when I was in college (I just finished in December), I would say I'll get to it, and then I would put it off. This was especially true if I had self doubts or hated the class. What I finally told myself after failing 2 classes, was that every time I fail it cost me about a grand, and so taking the class again was another 1000 dollars. So for the 2 classes failed 4 Grand. I realized that this was going to hurt my wallet, so I buckled down and passed. I graduate next Sunday the 31st. Procrastination is easy when Satan wants to get to us. I found that the more I didn't want to do homework or study, the more I needed to get on my knees and pray, even if it took several prayers before I could get my work done. It worked!! Go to your Heavenly Father in prayer and tell him how you feel and ask for help. You won't regret doing so. I also found that if I kept the Sabbath and did no homework on it, that I could get more done when I did do it. Good luck to you!!


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