Need Help on gay sexual sin?


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Welcome to repentance 101. If you thought that for a moment this was going to be some sort of picnic you were dreaming. Repentance is hard work when you do it properly and a walk in the park when you are not serious about what you are doing.

Have you approached church social services yet? Do it they are an invaluable tool that will help put some perspective on this for you. You need councilling and a bit of objectivity that will help you move on and find the love for yourself that is missing in your life at present. Take your wife with you, if you are still together. After the bomb shell you delivered at her door I would be very surprised.

You have done a very brave thing and a very difficult thing by seeing your bishop. Now go the distance and sort the problem out, truly repent and get down to living.

Keep your thoughts clean, only watch and participate in wholesome entertainment. Keep yourself busy in good works. Keep the commandments. And be honest to yourself and those around you.

I too have faced the consequences of sin in my life and have spent my fair share of time in bishops office. Next week I will be going for my temple recommend I have not been for about 5 years. From misery and darkness to being in the full light of day feeling good about my self and others.

Dont beat yourself death over this thing, you cant go back and right the wrongs, take the medicine get well and live.

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From last conference (from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf):

Why Does Heavenly Father Love Us?

Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love for you.7

God does not look on the outward appearance.8 I believe that He doesn’t care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely.

He loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God not because of our résumé but because we are His children. He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken. God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked.

What this means is that, regardless of our current state, there is hope for us. No matter our distress, no matter our sorrow, no matter our mistakes, our infinitely compassionate Heavenly Father desires that we draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us.9

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Just an update on this. I did finely did go to my bishop and told him what I did about a month ago. Told my wife last week. I've been release from my calling and can't take the sacrament anymore.

Hunh. That's of interest, BB. Let's look at some earlier things you said:

About 3 or 4 years ago, I had gay sex.

That's why I stop takeing the sacrement, that's why I never had my temple reconments renewal.

So you hadn't taken the sacrament in 4 years, and now you can't take the sacrament? Interesting. Thank you for the update.

I still say you aren't who you say you are and you're manipulating people for your own enjoyment.

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Hunh. That's of interest, BB. Let's look at some earlier things you said:

So you hadn't taken the sacrament in 4 years, and now you can't take the sacrament? Interesting. Thank you for the update.

I still say you aren't who you say you are and you're manipulating people for your own enjoyment.

And to think I was told earlier in this thread that I have a sick twisted mind. Shame on you FT for pointing out the inconsistencies in this story. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what, I really don't care anymore. I know what I did was wrong, and I now truly hate myself. I came here for advice, comfort, someone to kick me, shake me, wake me up about the extend of what I did, but never thought I be a joke to some of you. Maybe I deserve to be rip apart, and put down and thrown into the trash & stomp on. But since my last post some 3 or 4 months ago, I've really been doing a lot of thinking of what I did. One question, please tell me how you arrived at 4 years of me not taking the sacrament? I've never gave a time that I stop taking it. To be more honest, while I was doing my thinking and tiring to find the real reason of why I did what I did, I found out that it was more like 5 to six years ago. And just so you know, I stop taking the sacrament about 4 mouths ago after I strayed realizing what I did. But you know what, I really don't care anymore. You don't even know me or what I'm going through right now. What's the golden rule?, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." What comes around, goes around. Someday, someone will to to you as you have done to me. The only person I truly care about is God, and what he thinks of me, because he is the one I have to answer to. And if God truly loves me like I've been taught, then I know he won't put me down or rip me apart, even though I deserve it. Lately, I been thinking about the two sons and how the younger one basically throw his inherardence away, I know know how he felt about himself by crawling back to his father and was willing to be just a servant. I did just that, I lost my place with god, and maybe never get it back. Also been thinking about the anti-nieph-lehi (the ones that Ammon converted) and after the were converted, and the oath they made with god about not shedding anymore blood. Well did the same thing, and to be honest, I rather die then break my promise to god. I'm more afraid of God and what he will do to me if I do break my promise. I know this means nothing to you except a laugh. I have a long road ahead, but wont go there as I know you will all couintuning putting me down and calling me a storyteller. Another question, why would I come here just to tell a story? Doesn't make since to me.

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If you worry about what other people think of you, you will drive yourself crazy. If you want the approval of all you won't get it. Yes some may laugh at your predicament, but those who laugh are in a far worse state than you think you are. Now is the time for you to act and my advice has always been seek help with church social services, I did and they helped. See your bishop and he will tell you how to get hold of them. It is no good beating yourself up or hating yourself, what is done is done. Now sort it out and live. Don't keep looking back and keep crucifying yourself for the same mistake. Repent truly and let the atonement of Christ do the rest.

You know what to do have the courage to do it and do it you will

May the lord bless you in your endeavors

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I am actually having a hard time with this as well FT. In another thread all the blame for unhappiness is being put on a ward.

We've kinda got two stories going on here. I dislike that so many are offering encouragement and support when we have such differences in stories.

Even if this is all fake, which I don't know that I agree with....what the heck does it hurt to provide hope just in case? Reading the uplifting responses from everyone here has helped me, and I'm sure that I am not the only why limit your testimony to situations that only you deem worthy? Maybe its not real, but im sure that you won't lose points for trying to help maybe we can stop searching for the lies and just start testifying of truth?

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