School Daze


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Just need to rant and get this out of my system. Today in 1 of my classes I found a wallet. I went up and asked the prof. if there was a Kevin in her next class (name on the ID) and she said no, then went on to tell me how she saw the wallet earlier sitting on the floor and that I should just take the money and put it back to teach them a lesson! I was disgusted! She said this of course after coming into class 10minutes late for stopping traffic on the freeway to rescue baby ducks and do her “good Samaritans daily”. All I could think of was you’ve got to be kidding me, and took the wallet (all cash/ everything of course still in it) to the security office, where the lost and found it.

Then about 30 minutes later while waiting to go into another class, 2 girls in the class started talking about oral sex, and went on for the next 20 minutes (not sure immediately put my headphones in, but the girl sitting next to me was noticeably uncomfortable) I really wanted to say something to them, but when “I was their age” (they are 17 or 16 I’m 22) I was a pretty much as bad as they get. But now that I am on the right path it just made the girls look classless and like they had no self respect. I don’t want to be preachy or a hypocrite, because obviously I don’t have all the answers or even some of them, but I deff. felt like there was something that could have been said and was at a loss for it, especially after watching 1 girl walk in face turn red and leave again.

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Jeeze, tell them to shut the heck up next time. No one needs to hear that stuff. You will come out on top the next time. I've done the same at work and in school (UVU). If a man said the same in school, he could be censured and kicked out. The same should apply to those girls.

Regarding the professor, get used to it. Most of mine have been hypocritical and petty in plenty of areas.

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There's no reason for school admin to know about it, it has nothing to do with her class or her teaching (academically). Professors are not teachers of morality - fortunately or unfortunately.

Don't be unafraid to politely ask if people can keep those kinds of conversations for more private settings. Yes, some people have serious attitude problems and will tell you off, but most people are decent enough to honour that sort of request. And if they tell you off... what of it? It's not like what they think matters, in the grand scheme of things. (Just be prepared for it, and not be surprised by it if they do.)

Found a wallet before the start of class, once. Looked up his address (from his license) on white pages online and got his home number. Called it, told his dad I found the wallet, gave him my cellphone number, and told him to have his son (the wallet's owner) to call me. Turns out the guy was in my class, and just switched desks before I came in!

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Found a wallet before the start of class, once. Looked up his address (from his license) on white pages online and got his home number. Called it, told his dad I found the wallet, gave him my cellphone number, and told him to have his son (the wallet's owner) to call me. Turns out the guy was in my class, and just switched desks before I came in!

Haha! to funny

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I eat daily at a diner across from a high school. There is a young man that comes in and sits across the room from me that loves the f word. Didn't have a problem throughing it out when at a lose for a good word. One day about 3 weeks ago I went over to him and sat down and explained to him (quietly) that the next f word that came out of his mouth while my mother was there he wouldn't be talking for awhile. He has cleaned up his mouth greatly. Don't talk at all unless it's to tell me to have a nice day. Good kid just needed to be reminded who he was and who I am.

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Just need to rant and get this out of my system. Today in 1 of my classes I found a wallet. I went up and asked the prof. if there was a Kevin in her next class (name on the ID) and she said no, then went on to tell me how she saw the wallet earlier sitting on the floor and that I should just take the money and put it back to teach them a lesson! I was disgusted! She said this of course after coming into class 10minutes late for stopping traffic on the freeway to rescue baby ducks and do her “good Samaritans daily”. All I could think of was you’ve got to be kidding me, and took the wallet (all cash/ everything of course still in it) to the security office, where the lost and found it.

Then about 30 minutes later while waiting to go into another class, 2 girls in the class started talking about oral sex, and went on for the next 20 minutes (not sure immediately put my headphones in, but the girl sitting next to me was noticeably uncomfortable) I really wanted to say something to them, but when “I was their age” (they are 17 or 16 I’m 22) I was a pretty much as bad as they get. But now that I am on the right path it just made the girls look classless and like they had no self respect. I don’t want to be preachy or a hypocrite, because obviously I don’t have all the answers or even some of them, but I deff. felt like there was something that could have been said and was at a loss for it, especially after watching 1 girl walk in face turn red and leave again.


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