What causes people to be extremly ant-mormon?

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Guest lalaonegin

It is not Bull! The question was asked: "What causes people to be extremely anti-mormon?" An answer was given that some non-Mormons have been treated unkindly by Mormons for no other reason than the fact that they were non-Mormon. This is a legitimate reason why some people may become anti-Mormon. Because of the bad manners of others. A person or group does not have to create websites or produce books to create these feelings. Person to person behaviour does this on its own. You can't actually say that all Mormons are kind and respectful, just like all non-Mormons are not all kind and respectful. That kind of self-righteousness might be another reason why there are anti's in all camps. And the fact that it's been addressed by LDS leaders shows that it exists.

Occasionally I hear of members offending those of other faiths by overlooking them and leaving them out. This can occur especially in communities where our members are the majority. I have heard about narrow-minded parents who tell children that they cannot play with a particular child in the neighborhood simply because his or her family does not belong to our Church. This kind of behavior is not in keeping with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot comprehend why any member of our Church would allow these kinds of things to happen.....

...The Lord expects a great deal from us. Parents, please teach your children and practice yourselves the principle of inclusion of others and not exclusion because of religious, political, or cultural differences. (M. Russell Ballard, “Doctrine of Inclusion,” Liahona, Jan 2002, 40–43)


This post is almost laughable on the surface. Alas, I'll only say that the post of snow's that you were responding to is dead bang right on.

Frankly, I have yet to encounter this alleged storm of LDS bigotry against gentile neighbors. I have though had to run a guantlet of hate to move me and my family from the parking lot to the Conference Center at General Conference. I'm amazed how you and others have no problem upbraiding Latter Day Saints, yet your silence is deafening on the doings of your co-religionists.

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Frankly, I have yet to encounter this alleged storm of LDS bigotry against gentile neighbors. I have though had to run a guantlet of hate to move me and my family from the parking lot to the Conference Center at General Conference.

I have never once seen it happen. I have heard of it happening a total of once on my mission, before this discussion. I know a LOT of mormons.

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...Frankly, I have yet to encounter this alleged storm of LDS bigotry against gentile neighbors.....

I see, so therefore if you have not witnessed it, it does not exist. Is that what you're saying. Instead you prefer to come to this site with your 37 posts and accuse a Senior Moderator of being anti. How kind of you.


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Guest lalaonegin

It is not Bull! The question was asked: "What causes people to be extremely anti-mormon?" An answer was given that some non-Mormons have been treated unkindly by Mormons for no other reason than the fact that they were non-Mormon. This is a legitimate reason why some people may become anti-Mormon. Because of the bad manners of others. A person or group does not have to create websites or produce books to create these feelings. Person to person behaviour does this on its own. You can't actually say that all Mormons are kind and respectful, just like all non-Mormons are not all kind and respectful. That kind of self-righteousness might be another reason why there are anti's in all camps. And the fact that it's been addressed by LDS leaders shows that it exists.

Occasionally I hear of members offending those of other faiths by overlooking them and leaving them out. This can occur especially in communities where our members are the majority. I have heard about narrow-minded parents who tell children that they cannot play with a particular child in the neighborhood simply because his or her family does not belong to our Church. This kind of behavior is not in keeping with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot comprehend why any member of our Church would allow these kinds of things to happen.....

...The Lord expects a great deal from us. Parents, please teach your children and practice yourselves the principle of inclusion of others and not exclusion because of religious, political, or cultural differences. (M. Russell Ballard, “Doctrine of Inclusion,” Liahona, Jan 2002, 40–43)


This post is almost laughable on the surface. Alas, I'll only say that the post of snow's that you were responding to is dead bang right on.

Frankly, I have yet to encounter this alleged storm of LDS bigotry against gentile neighbors. I have though had to run a guantlet of hate to move me and my family from the parking lot to the Conference Center at General Conference. I'm amazed how you and others have no problem upbraiding Latter Day Saints, yet your silence is deafening on the doings of your co-religionists.

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I see, so therefore if you have not witnessed it, it does not exist. Is that what you're saying. Instead you prefer to come to this site with your 37 posts and accuse a Senior Moderator of being anti. How kind of you.


I think his point was more that it would be in very rare cases, as an exception and not a rule. Thats what I thought anyways, when I read his post.

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Guest lalaonegin

I see, so therefore if you have not witnessed it, it does not exist. Is that what you're saying. Instead you prefer to come to this site with your 37 posts and accuse a Senior Moderator of being anti. How kind of you.


Feel free to twist, shout and contort all you desire. Life must be easy from your perch there in Alberta...eh?

BTW, when I see you and the other Gentile's on this thread condem the antics of the "Christian" haters at Conference time, it'll go along way to show your true concern.

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Guest TheLutheran

In light of the last several posts, perhaps "rudeness" should be added to the list.

This thread has turned rather ugly. As a non-LDS, I was extremely hesitant to even post a response as I feared the potential for ruffled feathers was huge. However, I think that often groups have a genuine interest in how others perceive them so that misinformation can be disspelled.

It is so unpleasant when a poster demands "What are **you** doing here?" to non-LDS. It still cracks me up to see how often LDS members will take the bait and cyberfight with posters whose intentions are obvious.

So, why am I here? The Littlest Lutheran is currently dating a fine LDS boy and I wanted to learn more about the LDS faith traditions. We live in an area with a large LDS population and we have experienced all kinds of interactions -- some good, some not-so-good. My experience here at LDS.net has been pretty much the same. :sunny:

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...BTW, when I see you and the other Gentile's on this thread condem the antics of the "Christian" haters at Conference time, it'll go along way to show your true concern...

And what makes you different that these "Christian" haters at Conference time. How is your attitude on this thread any different than them, lalaonegin?


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Guest lalaonegin

And what makes you different that these "Christian" haters at Conference time. How is your attitude on this thread any different than them, lalaonegin?


Maureen, I hope and pray that there is an ignore button on this site. You're my first.


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It is so unpleasant when a poster demands "What are **you** doing here?" to non-LDS.

Errr . . . I agree. As one guilty of many of the aggressive posts in this thread, I have to admit I do not mind jim being here. I do not like the way he post-scripted his list's explanation, but the list I was fine with.

I do not mind anyone being here or anywhere. I am not too concerned with motives, those usually become apparent, but I do concern myself with methodologies. There are really good ways to show opposition and criticism. I support those. I took something said by another poster quite personally. A few of the other members of this board think I was out of line to. I'm still considering what they said.

It still cracks me up to see how often LDS members will take the bait and cyberfight with posters whose intentions are obvious.

How many forums have you been on? It's not just Latter-day Saints. I get into these kind of things on WoW and Marine Hobby Forums as well. The fish tank fights are the best. You wanna talk about basement-dwelling nerds, these guys are the kings.

WoW-heads are a bunch of kool-aid drinkers!!!

Personally, when I do cyberfight, I role play with my Star-Wars bobble-head toys. <<fffzzznt goes the Ogre's lightsaber as he parries evangelical storm-trooper blasts slowly making his way through the barrage to make the final strike . . . "uhnnnn" the weeny clone says as he crumples to the floor. The floor shakes as the Ogre performs his ritual dances of celebration {{{{{ah-Ooooooooo}}}}}>>

So, why am I here? The Littlest Lutheran is currently dating a fine LDS boy and I wanted to learn more about the LDS faith traditions. We live in an area with a large LDS population and we have experienced all kinds of interactions -- some good, some not-so-good. My experience here at LDS.net has been pretty much the same. :sunny:

Welcome to the site. you will find all sorts in the LDS community. Most are more sane than I am.

Edited by the Ogre
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A situation will never be better off because contention entered.

If you disagree, then disagree.

If war is the only way to end the matter, then go to war.

Do what you feel is right, but when you have hate in your heart, and feel contention toward another, Satan wins every time.

My kids have learned that the first one who comes to me yelling, "Dad, dad, dad... so and so did such and such..." is going to be the first one repromanded. After that matter is resolved, then I try to get to the bottom of whatever actually happened and move forward. You'll find this to be consistent with my actions here.

Anyone who is prejudice towards another because of religion or beliefs is in the "gall of bitterness." Many people in history have learned the hard way that giving others their freedom to worship as they choose gives them the right to worship as they choose. Take that freedom away from others because you disagree with what they're saying, and your freedom will soon be taken as well.

To be honest, I live in the Bible belt and have witnessed a LOT of anti-Mormon sentiments. I've seen signs on churches that read "Mormonism unveiled tonight at 7:00," and it wasn't even an LDS Church. Nothing gets my goat faster than when one church professes to be an expert of another church's beliefs. In all my years of being an LDS (35+) I have never seen a sign, heard of a meeting, or even heard of a pamphlet made by the Church stating what another church believes.

But still, this kind of "persecution" is insignificant compared to what our early members endured. And, often, such persecution will cause my friends who know I'm LDS to ask if I really believe this or that.

I'm not disagreeing that LDS members take a lot more than they give. But, we should be able to take a lot more. It's not really that bad, is it?

I have come to realize that most people who are anti-LDS have been taught to be that way and have very little knowledge of what our Church really teaches anyway.

Edited by Justice
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Maureen, I hope and pray that there is an ignore button on this site. You're my first.


lalaonegin, I would advise you to get to know the posters here instead of automatically assuming they're the enemy just because they are "gentile".


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Guest lalaonegin

lalaonegin, I would advise you to get to know the posters here instead of automatically assuming they're the enemy just because they are "gentile".


Moreen...you simply ASSUMED...and you know what you get when you break that word down...Tah Tah...

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Moreen...you simply ASSUMED...and you know what you get when you break that word down...Tah Tah...

So much for ignoring. Have the courtesy to spell my name correctly, wouldya? Oh no, you can't, I'm not Mormon.


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I have been a member of the Church since 1998. In all that time, I have neither witnessed nor participated in any violent or verbal assault towards any other nationality, race, or religion.

Of course, that does not mean that ugliness from members towards those outside the Church does not happen.

However, in the past 4 months the Relief Society window to our ward has been busted out twice by an object. I live in a very small town of less than 2,000 or so citizens. I live in the Bible Belt. Go figure.

Personally, I think some people are evil and they will use any platform, issue, and/or agenda to spew their hatred and filth.

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Why do you come here? Are you trying to learn about Mormonism, convert us, answer questions about Protestants or all of the above?


A came here about three years ago, ironically, over a bout of anti-LDS persecution in my hometown. The schoolboard had a vacancy, and one of the candidates chose to highlight her oponent's LDS membership. She slyly mentioned that two of the boardmembers were already of that faith, and, for the sake of diversity, perhaps someone else would be a better fit.

I wrote a rather scathing letter to the editor saying that I would rather have a person of faith, who might better understand my children's needs, than someone who thought it appropriate to treat anyone's religion as a negative in a local political campaign. BTW, the LDS guy won.

That whole incident got me curious, so I did an internet search for "Mormon chat," and found LDSTalk.com, just to check it out and see what I might learn. In the past three years, I've learned much, shared some, made some good internet friends, and even joined an LDSnet gathering, in Utah. In the process, the site administrator asked me to join the moderator team. I prayed for about a week, and felt led to accept. So, I came to learn and share, and now stay for the big bucks I earn. :P

For those who take their faith seriously, isn't this place a treasure? People here are like-minded in that we take God seriously. Even the atheists and agnostics here appreciate the depth of faith here, and the level of intelligent discourse. Sometimes we fail, but how often can we talk like this in our work places, or social gatherings. It's a blessing, and me thinks Heavenly Father smiles upon our efforts here.

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BTW, when I see you and the other Gentile's on this thread condem the antics of the "Christian" haters at Conference time, it'll go along way to show your true concern.

FWIW, several of us have--and I believe Maureen does. President Mower (sp?) of Fuller Seminary offered an even broader apology for evangelical misbehavior.

As a chaplain, I find it especially offensive to see some video clips a protestors waving sacred G's or stomping on a Book of Mormon. My approach is to respect hosts and earn respect back.

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How many forums have you been on? It's not just Latter-day Saints. I get into these kind of things on WoW and Marine Hobby Forums as well. The fish tank fights are the best. You wanna talk about basement-dwelling nerds, these guys are the kings.


I agree. I'm on a couple of forums devoted to etiquette and the things that start fights there! Shopping carts, shoes off in the house, not sharing recipes, and just recently beans and weenies at a potluck. Some people are just looking for a fight I think.

On the subject of anti-mormons, I've been a member for more than ten years. I've met many good members and many bad members. My first ward was a wonderful ward full of good kind people who would have welcomed anyone to church with open arms. I personally have never seen a member of the church treat anyone badly for not being a member but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

On the other hand I've seen plenty of other members of other churches treat LDS people badly. One of the worst things I've seen in my opinion was during my senior year of high school. Our seminary building was being torn down and rebuilt and getting all new furnishings (I forget why it was being torn down but I think it was because of water damage). That same year another church bought a building across the street from the school and started a Christian seminary that kids from our school could go to. The LDS church offered them all the furniture from our old building, it was all in good shape we were just getting new stuff. This church accepted the furniture. The building had a sign out front where they would advertise what they would be teaching that week, at first it had just scriptures or gospel messages but as the year went on we saw a lot more anti-LDS stuff advertised on that board, they would show Book of Mormon vs DNA, the godmakers, all sorts of fun stuff. It got so bad towards the end of the school year I even heard one of my non-LDS friends remarking, "are they a Christian seminary or an anti-LDS seminary"? Lots of fun.

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