Barack Hussein Obama: US "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" Barack Hussein Obama:


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It is important to note that "if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world".

So says President Barack Obama. Or I should say: Barack Hussein Obama.

That's right: Barack Hussein Obama. Say it proud. Say it out loud. The middle moniker that dared not speak its name during the election campaign is now front and centre of the US president's attempt to woo the Muslim world, the theme of his visits to Riyadh on Wednesday and Cairo on Thursday.

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Doesn't surprise me.

When wooing Christians he's going to play up connections with Christians.

When wooing Atheists he's going to play up beliefs in separation of Church and State.

When wooing Muslims he's going to play up connections with Muslims

And when wooing the National Dairy Council he's going to play up the fact that he consumes and likes dairy products.

Seems pretty standard for a vocation that consists of selling yourself to as many people as possible.

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Guest Godless

Doesn't surprise me.

When wooing Christians he's going to play up connections with Christians.

When wooing Atheists he's going to play up beliefs in separation of Church and State.

When wooing Muslims he's going to play up connections with Muslims

And when wooing the National Dairy Council he's going to play up the fact that he consumes and likes dairy products.

Seems pretty standard for a vocation that consists of selling yourself to as many people as possible.

Exactly. This is nothing more than politics as usual.

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We are not a Christian nation. We are a Muslim one, though... if you look at the numbers.

This man makes me sick. I'm tired of 'politics as usual'... it's running this country into the ground and making it harder and harder for someone to start a life for themselves. This isn't the 'change' I was hoping for.

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What truly disturbs me to no end, is the fact that Barack Obama will no longer call a Terrorists a Terrorists anymore. We are all suddenly pals. I'm all for being pals, but in this case many extremists simply do not seem interested in being pals with us in the USA. To be PALS, you have to have two willing participants. For Barack Obama to simply blot out the words "WAR ON TERRORISTS" from our American vocabulary ISN'T going to make Osama Bin Laden, The Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Pakistan's Pres. Asif Ali ZARDARI suddenly like us.

Check out the world news on CNN or FOX News today. As of today Barack Obama sought the counsel of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Our founding forefathers use to seek the counsel of God...I wish Barack Obama had been taken notes. Barack would be wise to follow in their divine foot steps! He needs to get on his knees for all of us and Pray to the only GOD in Heaven!

Also today Osama Bin Laden just announced a Revenge Strike on our Country. Our Pal wants to annihilate us. I do not believe that Barrack Obama takes his responsibilities seriously i.e. his responsibilities in relation to PROTECTING our Nation and our very existence....Dear God, I hope I'm wrong. But right now Barrack seems like an Ify kinda guy when it comes to being grounded with REALITY...God help us all

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Check out the world news on CNN or FOX News today. As of today Barack Obama sought the counsel of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Our founding forefathers use to seek the counsel of God...I wish Barack Obama had been taken notes. Barack would be wise to follow in their divine foot steps! He needs to get on his knees for all of us and Pray to the only GOD in Heaven!


But right now Barrack seems like an Ify kinda guy when it comes to being grounded with REALITY...God help us all

I don't know how many times this administraion has reminded me of Isaiah's and Nephi's words:

Isaiah 29:14

Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

2 Nephi 9:28

O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

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Guest Godless

What truly disturbs me to no end, is the fact that Barack Obama will no longer call a Terrorists a Terrorists anymore. We are all suddenly pals. I'm all for being pals, but in this case many extremists simply do not seem interested in being pals with us in the USA. To be PALS, you have to have two willing participants. For Barack Obama to simply blot out the words "WAR ON TERRORISTS" from our American vocabulary ISN'T going to make Osama Bin Laden, The Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Pakistan's Pres. Asif Ali ZARDARI suddenly like us.

Check out the world news on CNN or FOX News today. As of today Barack Obama sought the counsel of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Our founding forefathers use to seek the counsel of God...I wish Barack Obama had been taken notes. Barack would be wise to follow in their divine foot steps! He needs to get on his knees for all of us and Pray to the only GOD in Heaven!

Also today Osama Bin Laden just announced a Revenge Strike on our Country. Our Pal wants to annihilate us. I do not believe that Barrack Obama takes his responsibilities seriously i.e. his responsibilities in relation to PROTECTING our Nation and our very existence....Dear God, I hope I'm wrong. But right now Barrack seems like an Ify kinda guy when it comes to being grounded with REALITY...God help us all

The War on Terrorism makes about as much sense as the War on Drugs. It's a joke. We will never win a war against extreme ideologies. They will always exist and they will continue to flourish so long as there are Western powers fighting against them. Yes, the threat from extremists should be addressed, and Obama has yet to show any signs of backing down from our anti-terrorism efforts overseas. All he's doing is restructuring our operations and policies to put a more realistic face on what we're doing. The Bush administration used sensationalist verbage and aggressive policy to fight the extremists, and that hasn't really worked so far. Obama knew that some sort of change was needed in our approach to foreign policy, and only time will tell how more or less successful he will be in keeping the threats in check.

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I didn't agree with Bush on every principal he stood for, although I supported a lot of his policies on good faith value. Bush had his good attributes and his bad. Whether Bush fought against the axis of evil/terrorist for all the rights reasons or not, the truth remains that his administration kept us safe after 9/11 for many years. I do not feel as safe with the Obama administration. Barack Obama is in total denial that certian evil's even exists. They have blurred all the lines of what is truly right and what is wrong, to the point of near anarchy and insanity.

I've noted that Obama bows to anyone or anything that will enable his popularity and power to grow. he is a puppet to MANY constituents' and friends. He's still paying many political friends back for helping him win the presidential election.

Obama has a lot on his plate, all the while he's denying that certain enemies DO in fact exist. If the terrorists are handed a free passage, you'd better bet your life on the fact that they will TAKE IT! Why wouldn't they? Obama cannot afford to drop the ball here. America is only 300 years old and our very exsistence is at stake.

Lastly, what horrifies me the most is that Obama publically announces his doubts that the terrorists are a real axis of evil. Our enemies are probably salivating through fixated eyes on us right now. We will not even sense their approach, should we stay on the same path were heading down.

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President Obama is not wrong, the USA does have possibly the largest amount of followers of Islam in the world.

It's funny how someone that was raised to see the good in every culture/nation/religions in the world could just go out and make a speech talking about good stuff in various cultures/nations/religions. Boggles the mind, even :P

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President Obama is not wrong, the USA does have possibly the largest amount of followers of Islam in the world.

It's funny how someone that was raised to see the good in every culture/nation/religions in the world could just go out and make a speech talking about good stuff in various cultures/nations/religions. Boggles the mind, even :P

Not according to the article:

The average claim for the US Muslim population is about six million. The precise figure is difficult to get because it's not included in US census data and many put the figure at much, much less.

But even if we assume there are six million Muslims in the US, that makes it only the 34th biggest Muslim country in the world - behind Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, China, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Tanzania, Syria, Malaysia, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Tunisia, Somalia, Guinea, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Tajikistan.

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My bad, here's more from the same article...

UPDATE 2: Debbie Schlussel cites a reputable survey by Pew that puts the number of Muslims in the US at 1.8 million. This would make it the 48th biggest Muslim country, after the above list plus France, Libya, Jordan, Israel, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Germany, Kuwait, Oman, Eritrea, Lebanon and Serbia and Montenegro - and just above Britain, which would be the 50th.

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When wooing Atheists he's going to play up beliefs in separation of Church and State.

No politician would try woo atheists, it would be political suicide. When playing up the separation of church and state, politicians are just trying to woo liberals. If there's anything that most people of different faiths can agree on, it is that they really don't like atheists :)

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No politician would try woo atheists, it would be political suicide. When playing up the separation of church and state, politicians are just trying to woo liberals. If there's anything that most people of different faiths can agree on, it is that they really don't like atheists :)

Or Wiccans.....but yeah atheists are probably disliked more than even wiccans.:o

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President Obama is not wrong, the USA does have possibly the largest amount of followers of Islam in the world.

Erm, no.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population, with over 207 million Muslims.

The U.S. has only approximately 4.5 million Muslims. Our Muslim population is about 38th in the world, hardly one of the "largest."


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No politician would try woo atheists, it would be political suicide. When playing up the separation of church and state, politicians are just trying to woo liberals. If there's anything that most people of different faiths can agree on, it is that they really don't like atheists :)

That's true, we will likely have a LDS or an actual Muslim candidate elected as President before an atheist. Obama doesn't count as Muslim since he was raised as a Christian.

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That's true, we will likely have a LDS or an actual Muslim candidate elected as President before an atheist. Obama doesn't count as Muslim since he was raised as a Christian.

Obama wasn't raised as a Christian. His mother was an atheist and his father and step-father were Muslim, though not devout.

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What Barack was actually saying (though unfortunately it didn't come across clear) is that America is one of the largest Muslim nations in the West, and it is. There are more Muslims in America than Mormons (not surprising since Muslims have been US citizens since the 1600's).

There are nearly 6 million Mormons and about 10 million Muslims.

And even if you take the whole world into account, that means that America is still one of the largest Muslim nations on Earth. In the top 30-40 easily.

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We are not a Christian nation. We are a Muslim one, though... if you look at the numbers.

President Obama did not say, nor did he imply, that America is a Muslim nation.

Edit to add: My point is, Obama did not imply America is a Muslim nation in the same context that people say it is a Christian nation.


Edited by Elphaba
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Check out the world news on CNN or FOX News today. As of today Barack Obama sought the counsel of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Check out this photo.

Posted Image

Were you as outraged when President Bush not only also sought Abdullah's counsel, but held his hand while doing so?


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