Well, This Is Me.


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Well, I'm a new Member online here, and I'm a new member of the church being baptized Less than a week as of this posting. I am constantly learning about my choice, and There are a lot of questions to ask, and a lot of things that I need to figure out for myself...

I'm a Former U,S, Marine, as well, I served out a contract in the Army, I grew up reading the King James Bible and going to A Presbyterian church, I never Felt welcome. I have also Suffered from mental Illness induced by the military that has been Medicated and I'm ok. as well as a drug and Alcohol problem... I had known some mormon family's growing up and I had seen some up close and personal and I loved how some of them just seemed to have the life that I Always wanted to have. so.... one morning out of no where I was up at six A.M. I decided I was going to church. I returned to the Church that I grew up in and ran into some people that I had gone to Highschool with, And people who had involved themselfs with my family at one point or another, and at the end of the service, I had already caught the attention of the Preacher, and he shook my hand and told me that he would like to talk to me, and that he would call me... well he never called me..... I decided never to return to that church.

a month or so later, Again I find myself up at 6 A.M. and I decide I'm gonna Go to Church... and I looked up the closest ward to my house and I showed up at 9:00 and I was welcomed.. I had people talking to me and I enjoyed the Sacrament service, and I believe that God knew what I was lacking and he helped me find it., because I have given up smoking and Drinking, (in less than a month no less..:eek:.) I'm cleaning out my Closets so to speak and Giving my life to god... I'm trying to Either convert my Girlfriend or leave her because of the fact that she does not really approve of Me becoming a Mormon nor does she think that any way but her way is the right way... But I'm ok with it because I know that God will help, :( the only sad part is the fact that she has two kids that I have been dad to since the day they were born pretty much (not mine,)

But on to other things... I came here to chat with other good folk, so I can become better.....

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I can understand some of the emotions you are going through. My husband in the beginning was really not interested in joining the church. He would always ask me what the missionaries had said after they ha left. Finally I said, "why not ask yourself?" That motivated him to sit down with them and another member of the church. They were able to answer all his questions. Don't get me wrong, it was not an easy process and it took months for us to get baptized. I was ready but I was not willing to have a divided household. I knew what that was like and didn't want that for my family again. If you love your girlfriend be patient and really pray about it. It is amazing how things can really work out.

This is an amazing journey you are on and I hope that you hold fast to what is true and don't let little things get you down. Welcome!

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hey....welcome........former fmf corpsman....70-74............semper fi..............similar history..drugs, alcohol......searching.............so glad to hear of your resolve......it's very important........and i can feel your emotional uneasyness, too..........but sometimes we all have to save ourselves before we can be of any help to others......welcome, again

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Welcome man. It's nice to meet you. I have a lot of respect for you investigating the church and taking that step in faith to be baptized. Always remember that it's YOUR testimony that you're here for.

I hope I'll get to know you better. I'm a new member of the site, but I've been LDS all my life. A little about me, well I struggled to find where I belonged. I still might not belong at my ward, because of weaknesses I have, but the I know I'm where God wants me to be.

So I understand a bit. Anyways, nice to meet you man.

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Welcome xoomer. I felt a good spirit in your post and I hope you will find a lot of friends here and that your problems will be solved. God will always help those who do the right thing, even tough sometimes it may not seem that way. Enjoy the discusitions and learn!:)

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