One question about current events


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The world is continually going nuts -- because we're out of line with our own planet -- our value systems have no relevance (for most) because they don't correspond with the carrying capacity of the Earth. Because we try to rely on politics, which is not oriented towards problem solving at all. Because we use money, which is obsolete in the face of advancing technology (especially nano-technology and automation).

The system is nuts, and therefore produces a crude form of life. That's the culture we see today.

It's a veritable "garbage in, garbage out" as long as we perpetuate a system that creates a selfish and ignorant public -- how can we expect to have leadership that represents anything different?

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Thought I would add a couple of things. When I was in high school (60’s) I once took a rifle to school. Since it would not fit in my locker I took it with me to classes and placed it on the floor by my desk. No one had any reason to think or worry about it. What has changed? I want you to think before you speculate. What has changed?

Years ago I would travel on an airplane with a gun in my possession. I was not the only one. I also use to travel a lot with a ham radio operator that would use his radio during flight to call into “repeaters” to call home to his family on their phone. It did not cause any problems with the navigation. What is the difference today?

May I make one observation? It sure appears to me that our society has disabled rational people and has enabled the nut jobs. We are making it harder and harder for responsible people and we are making it easier and easier for the irresponsible nut jobs.

I am begining to believe that we are marching towards a brave new world where the nut jobs are in charge and in control.

Want another example? Our laws are structured such that a nut job that wants to use a power lawn mower to trim his hedges has more protection under the law than a responsible business man trying to build a decent lawn mower for a decent price that never dreamed that a lawn mower would be used to trim bushes. So we enable the nut cases.

The problem with the health care system is not responsible people trying to pay for their own health care but the nut jobs that want to eat to be fat and have someone else be responsible for them.

Want more examples – how about our entertainment? Any enabling of nut jobs there?

Please – let’s stop enabling the nut cases. Especially in politics – let’s vote out the nut case enablers. Let’s vote for??? Oh now we have are real problem – don’t we. And most likely I will now end up labeled as a social or political terrorist by the current home land security administration. Sorry I take it all back.

The Traveler

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a brave new world where the nut jobs are in charge and in control.

Every generation thinks the nut jobs have finally taken control, and then the next generation survives just fine. Things change, sometimes for the worst, and sometimes for the better. That's life.

Want another example? Our laws are structured such that a nut job that wants to use a power lawn mower to trim his hedges has more protection under the law than a responsible business man trying to build a decent lawn mower for a decent price that never dreamed that a lawn mower would be used to trim bushes. So we enable the nut cases.

Do you have a link to your example? I've never heard of this.

Oh wait, I forgot. You don't read my posts. (Yeah, right.)

Does anyone else have an example of Traveler's example?


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