Children not off limits for liberals.


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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.

He also called Palin a slut.Let's take a look at Lettermans life. After divorcing his first wife, he had a long affair with writer Merrill Markoe(sp) and had a child with Regina Lasko in 2003. They finally got married in 2009. Letterman should know a good bit about sluts.

His audience thought his comments were hilarious. Of course, the IQ of a Letterman audience is probably about two points above that of a Jerry Springer audience.

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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.

He also called Palin a slut.Let's take a look at Lettermans life. After divorcing his first wife, he had a long affair with writer Merrill Markoe(sp) and had a child with Regina Lasko in 2003. They finally got married in 2009. Letterman should know a good bit about sluts.

His audience thought his comments were hilarious. Of course, the IQ of a Letterman audience is probably about two points above that of a Jerry Springer audience.

He's a comedian. Get over it.


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I think you're right, Churchmouse. The actions of Letterman represent all liberals.

I don't for a moment think that you're hysterically painting all liberals with the same brush.

Wait... Wait... Timothy McVeigh was staunchly conservative. OH, NO! Now I have to make a post: "Conservatives blow up Oklahoma City government building and kill hundreds." :(

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Guest Godless

*sigh* You act as if conservatives never do stuff like this. There are hypocrites and scumbags on both sides. There's no need to label leftists as child-haters, nor to belittle the entire audience of a comedian (I think that's why LM referenced rule #3).

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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.

He also called Palin a slut.Let's take a look at Lettermans life. After divorcing his first wife, he had a long affair with writer Merrill Markoe(sp) and had a child with Regina Lasko in 2003. They finally got married in 2009. Letterman should know a good bit about sluts.

His audience thought his comments were hilarious. Of course, the IQ of a Letterman audience is probably about two points above that of a Jerry Springer audience.

is it true?

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Would you feel that way if he said it about your daughter? If so, I'm glad you weren't my parent. Of course, I would never be the child of a liberal.:D

If I put myself in a position to be a public figure like Sarah Palin did, I would expect comedians to make fun of me. If I put my family in a position to be public figures, like Sarah Palin did, I would expect comedians to make fun of them as well. That's what comedians do and she knows that.

If you don't like it, don't watch it.


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Umm... perhaps the title should read: "Children not off limits for comedians." I didn't even know David Letterman was a "liberal" and in my "liberal" opinion, I find him to be intolerably annoying even without this incident which I think is in bad taste (but as Elphaba said, he's a comedian, making questionable comments is what he gets paid for).

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Would you feel that way if he said it about your daughter? If so, I'm glad you weren't my parent. Of course, I would never be the child of a liberal.:D

well this liberal believe in free speech - my Grandad used to say and he was no liberal I may not like what you have to say but I put my life on the line for 4 years so you could say it.

I feel as strongly as he did - if I put myself in the public eye and make myself a public servant taking money from the people of my country to represent them - then I should be scrutinised.

As I asked in a previous post is what he said true? its not pleasant but in my country satire usually starts with a grain of truth, otherwise its called slander or libel.

If as a right wing Christian she fights for office as such she is behaving in a manner that has appearance of evil should she not be called to account?


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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.

He also called Palin a slut.Let's take a look at Lettermans life. After divorcing his first wife, he had a long affair with writer Merrill Markoe(sp) and had a child with Regina Lasko in 2003. They finally got married in 2009. Letterman should know a good bit about sluts.

His audience thought his comments were hilarious. Of course, the IQ of a Letterman audience is probably about two points above that of a Jerry Springer audience.

Let’s look into Letterman’s life a little more closely. He was married to Michelle Cook for 8 years. After the divorce, Letterman had a “long-term relationship” with Merrill Markoe (I can’t seem to find any reference for how long they were together, although one source says it was 11 years*). Then in 1986, he entered a relationship with Regina Lasko. They were married this year. That means that he’s been with Regina Lasko for 23 years.

So, does an 8 year marriage, an 11 year relationship and a 23 year relationship add up to him knowing all about sluts?

David Letterman & Merrill Markoe - Relationship Details -

David Letterman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps it’s just me, but isn’t the title “Children not off-limits to Liberals” kind of misleading when talking about Letterman? I mean, he is just one person, and hardly represents the entire liberal spectrum. It seems to me that this is just another way for you to take a cheap shot at liberals. And it’s about as mature as Letterman’s joke was.

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I disagree, Moe. Anyone who belongs to any group is always indicative of the whole.

All liberals hate America and children and want to steal money from your pockets and hand it out to unworthy people who laze around at home.

All conservatives want to blow stuff up, murder innocent people and molest kids.

That's just fact, Moe.

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I disagree, Moe. Anyone who belongs to any group is always indicative of the whole.

All liberals hate America and children and want to steal money from your pockets and hand it out to unworthy people who laze around at home.

All conservatives want to blow stuff up, murder innocent people and molest kids.

That's just fact, Moe.

But apparently, you have to be a Canadian to figure it out. :D

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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.


Did he say it was the 14 year old? Palin does have a daughter (Bristol) that has already demonstrated her choice to not live a chaste life. Actually a little searching (example) seems to indicate thats who he meant, he just didn't have his facts straight on just which one attended.

That having been said, even if he had meant her, "Comedian says something crass, news at 11."

But apparently, you have to be a Canadian to figure it out.

Does this mean all Canadians can figure stuff out? I want my calorie free Aero bars that taste exactly like the original, get a figuring Canadians!

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Hmm . . .

A trend? Or just cherry-picked examples?

I'm inclined to think the latter . . . but interesting, nonetheless.

I’m with you on the cherry picked examples. I also have to question the credibility of the author. I mean, he said, about these women, “These five women are are not the only ones that American liberals ridicule without fear. They are like little boys who cannot handle a strong woman. These women dare challenge them intellectually, and so we get crude counterattacks.” If I were any one of those other women, I’d be insulted to be lumped into the same intellectual category as Sarah Palin. The fact that the author says that her discourse is any kind of an intellectual challenge is pretty indicative of what kind of intellect he possesses.

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Did he say it was the 14 year old? Palin does have a daughter (Bristol) that has already demonstrated her choice to not live a chaste life. Actually a little searching (example) seems to indicate thats who he meant, he just didn't have his facts straight on just which one attended.

That having been said, even if he had meant her, "Comedian says something crass, news at 11."

Does this mean all Canadians can figure stuff out? I want my calorie free Aero bars that taste exactly like the original, get a figuring Canadians!

I believe the original post was 'LIBERAL says something crass', Dravin. When you sidestep the issue by pointing out he's a comedian, that sounds like you're saying tarring all liberals with the same brush might be wrong. That's dangerously akin to LIBERAL talk. :mad:

Oh, and we already figured out the Aero thing. It's called 'The Matrix'. Go live in the matrix and you can have exactly what you want.

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Gotta agree, MOE.

I wanted to like Palin. Really, I did. But . . . just couldn't make it happen. I sympathize with her, because I think she gets a raw deal in the media in a lot of respects. But I don't want to see her in a national elected office.

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Oh, and we already figured out the Aero thing. It's called 'The Matrix'. Go live in the matrix and you can have exactly what you want.

Hm... a system designed as a consequence of a lack of sunlight. The Canadians as designers and builders is starting to make perfect sense.

Ack, I'm starting to figure stuff out, am I turning Canadian? :)

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Guest Godless

I’m with you on the cherry picked examples. I also have to question the credibility of the author. I mean, he said, about these women, “These five women are are not the only ones that American liberals ridicule without fear. They are like little boys who cannot handle a strong woman. These women dare challenge them intellectually, and so we get crude counterattacks.” If I were any one of those other women, I’d be insulted to be lumped into the same intellectual category as Sarah Palin. The fact that the author says that her discourse is any kind of an intellectual challenge is pretty indicative of what kind of intellect he possesses.

I don't know who Michelle Malkin is. Of the other four, the only one who I have an inkling of respect for is Prejean. I may not agree with her views, but I admire her integrity and honesty. The other three are idiots, and I'm not just saying that because they're women. There are plenty of male conservatives whom I feel the same way about.

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I don't know who Michelle Malkin is. Of the other four, the only one who I have an inkling of respect for is Prejean. I may not agree with her views, but I admire her integrity and honesty. The other three are idiots, and I'm not just saying that because they're women. There are plenty of male conservatives whom I feel the same way about.


If you don't know who Michelle Malkin is then you must not be a liberal.


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Guest Godless


If you don't know who Michelle Malkin is then you must not be a liberal.


I've been exposed!!! :o

I just looked her up on Wikipedia. Apparently she's a writer of some sort, which is probably why I've never heard of her. I don't read the news. That's what I have a TV for.

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