What's In A Name?

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My username is my real name. At the time I joined I wasn't creative enough to come up with a different name. On trekbbs.com and some other boards I go by 'meesha' - who used to be my cat but she has moved on to a lovely life frolicking in kitty heaven with all the other family kitties that have passed on.


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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields+May 10 2005, 09:18 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Strawberry Fields @ May 10 2005, 09:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--pushka@May 10 2005, 04:02 AM

LOL John Doe...

My poor avatar...poor Pushka!!!  I hope she returns to your screens soon...I can see everybody else's avatars...for those who can't see Pushka, just try the link I posted...she's even bigger in that piccy!!!  :D

Pushka which link? The only link that I saw was a link to another post on talk where it said how to post a picture.

What does piccy mean?

Sorry to confuse you Strawberry...Piccy is just my 'slang' word for picture...and if you click on the link to the other post, and scroll down a little you should see a great big picture of my cat Pushka, which is the one I've been using as my avatar.

Please let me know if you finally see Pushka's picture :)

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Well, I've been a bit busy...and just to this thread....nice info from boardmembers :)

And Pushka...I see the monster cat just fine! Jenda.... I'll say it again about your avitar.... Love it, Love it Love it :)

I get my boardname from my nickname my grandmother gave me when I was little.

And I use it on every board I am on now....less confusing that way! And I really do love the name...cause it reminds me of my grandma.

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Originally posted by pushka+May 10 2005, 03:23 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (pushka @ May 10 2005, 03:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Strawberry Fields@May 10 2005, 09:18 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--pushka@May 10 2005, 04:02 AM

LOL John Doe...

My poor avatar...poor Pushka!!!  I hope she returns to your screens soon...I can see everybody else's avatars...for those who can't see Pushka, just try the link I posted...she's even bigger in that piccy!!!  :D

Pushka which link? The only link that I saw was a link to another post on talk where it said how to post a picture.

What does piccy mean?

Sorry to confuse you Strawberry...Piccy is just my 'slang' word for picture...and if you click on the link to the other post, and scroll down a little you should see a great big picture of my cat Pushka, which is the one I've been using as my avatar.

Please let me know if you finally see Pushka's picture :)


Yes, I finally saw you black kitty briefly yesterday before the power went out. As a matter of fact, I also saw Jendas. Today they are gone, at least for me they are. ;)

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Setheus: Its the name of a guardian angel who along with another angel Remiel, watch over a troubled soul who goes by Vittorio.

In the story Vittorio goes through extreamly depressing and exausting trials and at last becomes the thing he hates most.

As his punishment Vittorio is given the "gift" of being able to see "the light" in all of us, which is the light of Christ. Even the very spirit of a living thing. And whenever Vittorio takes a life, he has to watch the light dim and finally go out.

I chose this name for two reasons. The first (which is the reason an "angel" theme came to me) was when I was in the middle east the first time an elderly woman kept calling me and my team mates "Her beautiful angels off a canvas" which she spoke in Arabic. The last day I saw that woman I had our translator give her a quote for me, "If I'm an angel, paint me with black wings". I'll leave the meaning behind that for you to ponder.

The second reason I chose the name Setheus is from watching all of the death. I can't see "the light of Christ" in the people around me but I know its there all the same. And I watch as "vittorio's" kill each other and even though we all know that this is bad, it still goes on like a march.

I like to hope that with my knowledge of the Savior I can refer to myself as Setheus or Remiel instead of Vittorio.

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Wow Setheus, this is really deep.

Why was Vittorio punished? You said he was troubled and had trials then he becomes what he hates most...what is that?

I Love the story of the elderly woman, but the black wings? I believe I have "heard" you say this before but I can't imagine why you would "request" black wings. Maybe it is that the black wings keep you "grounded"?

I believe that what you are saying here is very symbolic.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@May 11 2005, 10:19 PM

Why was Vittorio punished? You said he was troubled and had trials then he becomes what he hates most...what is that?

Vittorio became a vampire.

It's from an Anne Rice book, appropriately named "Vittorio the Vampire".

I read it several years ago, and really enjoyed it, even though Lestat wasn't in it.

Although I like all of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, this one was especially good because...If I remember correctly...it took place in Florence during the Medici period...one of my historical interests.

Excellent name, Setheus.

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Guest &lusername&gt

<username>: Ya know what, I am not quite to sure where it came from...i know that there is a gal on another message board uses "(username)" as her s/n But uh.. I can remember why i chose this.. I usaly am either MetallicaFreak906 or MetalLord01

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My username came from an experience I had with God. I had a dream where I heard the audible voice of the Lord call me by name stating that he was placing these things in my hands (pretty over the top dream). Shortly thereafter I was visiting with a Native American holy woman who said she had a dream about me that morning and "knew" that I was coming. In the dream she saw me preaching to a large audience when I raised my hand and the "fire" of the spirit came out, literally knocking down the people (again pretty over the top). Needless to say it got my attention!

In Christ I Serve,


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Guest &lusername&gt

Originally posted by lindy9556@May 13 2005, 12:29 AM

username.....did your scoutmaster really say that?

I dont care if all the guys in the world go gay, thats more women for me!

Oh yeah. Brother Hartly is hularious. He was just jokign though. But we werwe talkign about The school i go to Atlantic High School in port orange, fl. (or as my mm calls it, sodom adn gamora (sp?) High school) and teh weirest thing is only about 20% of my schools population is completly strait.
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Originally posted by ThunderFire@May 13 2005, 09:40 AM

My username came from an experience I had with God. I had a dream where I heard the audible voice of the Lord call me by name stating that he was placing these things in my hands (pretty over the top dream). Shortly thereafter I was visiting with a Native American holy woman who said she had a dream about me that morning and "knew" that I was coming. In the dream she saw me preaching to a large audience when I raised my hand and the "fire" of the spirit came out, literally knocking down the people (again pretty over the top). Needless to say it got my attention!

In Christ I Serve,


What are "these things" in which you were handed?
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I like your post about your screen name! :)

I think some of your post show a genuine concern for troubled souls. So ... Setheus as a guardian angel is very appropriate. :D

I also think that Tao is right about Vittorio. Tao is often a very astute poster. :)

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It was interesting reading about your avatar/alter ego Hunter S. Thompson.

I read the link that you provided. I know that it said that he killed himself while his son and family were visting. The family thought that he had been planning it for sometime.

The question I have is: Did they find a note to that effect? Could he have been just absentmindedly handling one of his many guns when it discharged, killing him? :(

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I've only had my computer for about 1 1/2 years. I was using it exclusively for educational research until March of this year. Then I decided to try to carry on a decent discussion of christian concerns on "Yahoo Christian Chat", only to be constantly bombarded by obscence comments and gestures.

I then found this LDS message board. I chose begood, but did something wrong and then I couldn't get back to it, so I changed it to begood2.

When I signed up, I wanted a name to show my respect for the church, its members and their beliefs. I thought begood2 would fit this criteria, and it would also help to remind me to think of the outcome before I post a comment.

I'm far from being perfect, but I will never intentionally make disparaging remarks about anyones church or religious beliefs, nor will I engage in offensive name calling.

I like this message board. It is the only one that I have posted to. I would like to see other quality LDS message boards in the future. I find that this can become very addictive however, for I work two jobs and sometimes find that I have fallen sleep at the computer, AGAIN! :(:P:D

Karate is one of my fitness sports so I chose Bruce Lee as my avator. I'm A really big fan and have most of his movies. IMO, he was the best! Hands down! :D

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Originally posted by Jenda+May 9 2005, 06:02 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jenda @ May 9 2005, 06:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--nehiguy@May 9 2005, 03:11 PM


.... from the tribe of Nehi ? NO

.... a real short dude? NO

.... acroynm for Never eat hampster intestines? NO

Sooo.......... now that you have told us who you aren't, maybe you can tell us who you are! :lol:

You might say I am white mountain man although at times the color of that mountain has been questioned as has my gender. But Jenda has never been confused about my gender B) .

I like to restore new (or is that restore nu) friendships, that's why I am here.

If you don't like my screen name... icon change. I'm good at that.


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hfavaron is short for myname and Dell is the name of my computer so it would not let me use any other name so i used dell


This is dell repling

ok ok so plz no one get mad

this is a harmless reply

as for strawberry feilds i feel reallly bad for you and it makes me want to cry i was adopted my mom died in child birth and my other mom almost died with ovarian cancer

peace out

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Dell and hfavaron,

Thank you for the compliment. :) I try very hard to do what is right.

I prefer to post for all on the message board than to PM though. It's better to play it safe, than be sorry later.

Welcome to LDS Talk Forums. I hope that you will like it. :D

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This is why I chose my name:

Laurus Nobilis was the word used in ancient Greece to describe the noble Laurel Tree. Its branches and leaves were woven into wreathes to crown the heads of leaders, conquering heroes, and great athletes. This crown of laurel came to symbolize one who had overcome great adversity and challenge to achieve their life’s ambition or some worthy cause.

The specimen itself is hardy and drought tolerant once its root system is well established. It is both versatile and adaptable within its environment. In the temperate climes of Europe, where it grows in the valleys alongside great rivers, it can reach 80 feet in height. In the northern hemisphere, it requires shelter from the coldest of climates and is most often seen in the form of a shrub or hedge. In the United States and Western Europe, it is known as Sweet Bay, the bay leaf seasoning so frequently used in soups and hearty meat stews that warm the body and soul on cold winter evenings.

Love and hugs


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