China's Unrestricted Warfare policy.


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I'm interested to know what people think about China's policy as set out under Unrestricted Warfare in 1999?

For those who don't know what that was, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiang-sui set forth a policy that can be summed up in their own words as follows:

If the attacking side secretly musters large amounts of capital without the enemy nation being aware and launches a sneak attack against its financial markets, then after causing a financial crisis, buries a computer virus and hacker detachment in the opponent's computer systems in advance, while at the same time carrying out a network attack against the enemy so that the civilian electricity network, traffic dispatching network, telephone communications network and mass media network are completely paralyzed, this will cause the enemy nation to fall in to social panic, street riots and a political crisis. There is finally the forceful bearing down by the army, and military means are utilized in gradual stages until the enemy is forced to sign a dishonorable peace treaty.

Given that China now is the biggest investor in American currency as per:

Drowning in Cash, Chinese Foreign Investment: Who, What and Why--Part 1 of 3

How do Americans as a whole feel knowing that a country has set out a specific doctrine on how to dismantle the US and apparently now have the capability?

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I don't think Americans as a whole know about this policy. I, personally, am worried.

I have to admit to being honestly confused. An EMP attack is well within China's capability, their heavy investment in the US dollar will allow them to force another financial crisis - A financial crisis that, because the US is already reeling from the investments in this particular crisis would mean that there essentially isn't a defense. In fact, technologically China has everything they need to do exactly what they said they would do in 1999.

And they've had unprecedented military buildup since 2005 -

China’s Military Build-up Continues; Nation Refits Russian Aircraft Carrier |

And they have stolen the US Aegis cruisers plans and have developed anti-satellite weaponry to crush the US smart-missile technology - -- China's Anti-Satellite Test: Worrisome Debris Cloud Circles Earth

And the US is in a financial crisis. I have to admit to being mystified that this isn't being talked about more.

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I have to admit to being honestly confused... I have to admit to being mystified that this isn't being talked about more.

This is America. In recent years the average American was more worried about who won American Idol than who became the President (until this most recent election, when the people "banded together" to elect the most left-leaning, progressive president this country has yet had). Nescience is our motto; ignorance is our bliss. Currently we care about as much about the First Dog as we do the President's policies. If the "average American" can't be bothered to be educated about national affairs and policy, how could they be bothered to learn about international affairs (unless it involves wherever we're fighting a war)?

I think a rude awakening is coming- soon.

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This is America. In recent years the average American was more worried about who won American Idol than who became the President (until this most recent election, when the people "banded together" to elect the most left-leaning, progressive president this country has yet had). Nescience is our motto; ignorance is our bliss. Currently we care about as much about the First Dog as we do the President's policies. If the "average American" can't be bothered to be educated about national affairs and policy, how could they be bothered to learn about international affairs (unless it involves wherever we're fighting a war)?

I think a rude awakening is coming- soon.

Hmm... You might be right. It could be that the very balkanization of American politics gives them hope. After all, if US citizens are already talking about things like secession and civil war, what would happen if China pushed the envelope?

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China does not want America to fail. If it does, then they will fail. The global consumption of the consumer goods are mostly bought by whom?

Here's the problem: Their government doesn't care about the economy. They never did. The bigwigs would do just fine if they lost half the population in a war and people stopped buying their stuff.

Not everybody wants a liberal consumer-based society like the US.

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China does not want America to fail. If it does, then they will fail. The global consumption of the consumer goods are mostly bought by whom?

Because Germany in both WW1 and WW2 refused to attack its trading partners? While it makes sense to not attack the guy with whom you are trading copious amounts such things are decided by many factors and what it will do to ones economy is not always given top drawer.

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Here's the problem: Their government doesn't care about the economy. They never did. The bigwigs would do just fine if they lost half the population in a war and people stopped buying their stuff.

Not everybody wants a liberal consumer-based society like the US.

Let me add this for knowledge, there will be no country on this planet will step foot upon this land unless the people voices begins to fight against GOD and violate the servants of GOD. Go back and read D&C 77 and the Book of Revelation written by John concerning the Four Angels, who have the power over the Earth and protection of the servants of GOD. As Joseph Smith stated about the '...constitution hanging by a thread', I will add this to his statement, when this country begin to defy the servants of GOD and this nations constitution, then these four [one of them that is assigned] will begin the removal of such people to allow the GODs servant to gain control over this land.

Some added background, these four servants or what John called - Angels of GOD - will minister to this earth and the Master’s righteous servants. Yet, they have the power to seal and the power to remove life. They will have power to control nature. They will have power judge. All of this is granted by the Godhead unto these four that the works of the Master maybe fulfilled. Looking at these four, they are or were members of this church. All four were converts to the church and the gospel. They are sent forth into mortality by the hands of the FATHER to gain salvation and to be edified. They need to fulfill all the covenants necessary in order to be resurrected with the fullness of the priesthood. Even while in mortality, they will have theses powers and only use it when called upon by the Spirit – to seal – to curse – to control nature – to judge. For this purpose, they may experience the world and the gospel in order to cast appropriate judgment upon the world by the hands of the Master. In summary, in there hands, is given FATHER’s honor and power, to carrying out the works in preparing the earth for HIS beloved SON.

So as I stated, do not fear…but fear for those who fight against the servants of GOD and who wish to break up this constitution for their own gain.

Edited by Hemidakota
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I've just reread D&C 77. No, Hemi. There's nothing there about the supernatural protection of the United States in the last days. Maybe it's revelations.

Yep! You're right. Now that I reread Revelations and get to Revelations 13, we do see what's in store for the Saints in the end times. Here, let me post:

1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Hemi? Revelations specifically says that the Beast is given power to make war with the Saints and to overcome them. D&C 77 doesn't say the US will be supernaturally protected. I'm completely unsure where you're getting what you're getting.

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I guess I'm just not sure what China would really gain from putting all those resources into destroying the US. Plus, even after destroying our technological infrastructure and sending the population into panic, I'm sure there are self-sufficient enough military bases that would still be able to nuke them. Not to mention, just about every other civilized nation would be ready to annihilate them.

In short, I really don't think China could take on the entire world and win, and I think they know that as well. I'm no political expert, but I'm guessing those measures are to be put in place if they are under attack or feel seriously threatened by another nation. I'm sure we have our own plans of war in those cases as well.

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I believe these measures to be in place for when Taiwan is invaded. You don't want other people stepping up to try to stop it. It has been their intention for decades to force Taiwan to rejoin. Culturally, it's a real sore spot for the country.

In fact, in University, a Chinese student burst in to tears when Taiwan was mentioned as being a separate country. She said 'It's my country. It's my country!'

To which the reply was, 'Then why do you need a passport to go there?'.

Many westerners don't realize just how painful this particular issue is to the Chinese people.

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Hemi? Revelations specifically says that the Beast is given power to make war with the Saints and to overcome them. D&C 77 doesn't say the US will be supernaturally protected. I'm completely unsure where you're getting what you're getting.

Beast is given the power to make war but not in removing any life. He will go after the weak Saints first. Eventually, as the four are held back, they will be allowed to remove the beast eventually. The point of this posting, one of them is assigned specifically to a region of this land.

All of Lucifer's minions or those mortals who try to oppose the church or the land promise will be thwarted. This does require a great desire to know the fate of the church and its people in the last days. You are entitled to receive such. ;)

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I guess I'm just not sure what China would really gain from putting all those resources into destroying the US. Plus, even after destroying our technological infrastructure and sending the population into panic, I'm sure there are self-sufficient enough military bases that would still be able to nuke them. Not to mention, just about every other civilized nation would be ready to annihilate them.

In short, I really don't think China could take on the entire world and win, and I think they know that as well. I'm no political expert, but I'm guessing those measures are to be put in place if they are under attack or feel seriously threatened by another nation. I'm sure we have our own plans of war in those cases as well.

Concur...they will first try when America will be most vulnerable through corruption and apathy sets in but there will be those as I mentioned [beside the righteous in the land] across the veil to protect its sovereignty.

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I've just reread D&C 77. No, Hemi. There's nothing there about the supernatural protection of the United States in the last days. Maybe it's revelations.

Yep! You're right. Now that I reread Revelations and get to Revelations 13, we do see what's in store for the Saints in the end times. Here, let me post:

Hemi? Revelations specifically says that the Beast is given power to make war with the Saints and to overcome them. D&C 77 doesn't say the US will be supernaturally protected. I'm completely unsure where you're getting what you're getting.

The beast that rose from the water is already fulfilled in prophecy as the holy roman empire. America is the beast that rose from the earth after the first beast. look into the symbolism throughout scripture and historical fulfullment relating it to book of Daniel. take note as well that the 'first beast' was wounded as unto death, but was miraculously healed after a time. I can elaborate if you want me to, but it will be lengthy.

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I guess I'm just not sure what China would really gain from putting all those resources into destroying the US. Plus, even after destroying our technological infrastructure and sending the population into panic, I'm sure there are self-sufficient enough military bases that would still be able to nuke them. Not to mention, just about every other civilized nation would be ready to annihilate them.

In short, I really don't think China could take on the entire world and win, and I think they know that as well. I'm no political expert, but I'm guessing those measures are to be put in place if they are under attack or feel seriously threatened by another nation. I'm sure we have our own plans of war in those cases as well.

They don't have to destroy th US, they will own it!

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The beast that rose from the water is already fulfilled in prophecy as the holy roman empire. America is the beast that rose from the earth after the first beast. look into the symbolism throughout scripture and historical fulfullment relating it to book of Daniel. take note as well that the 'first beast' was wounded as unto death, but was miraculously healed after a time. I can elaborate if you want me to, but it will be lengthy.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can say that biblical scholars are torn on the identity of the Beast and whether or not that aspect of Revelations has passed. In fact, some say that the time of Revelations passed nearly two thousand years ago. For an example of a biblical scholar disputing your interpretation, see:

Tomorrow's World - Who Is the Beast of Revelation?

It's possible you're correct, but it's also possible that what we think of it is not.

However, I also think it's untenable to think that the US cannot and will not be devastated by those times.

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I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can say that biblical scholars are torn on the identity of the Beast and whether or not that aspect of Revelations has passed. In fact, some say that the time of Revelations passed nearly two thousand years ago. For an example of a biblical scholar disputing your interpretation, see:

Tomorrow's World - Who Is the Beast of Revelation?

It's possible you're correct, but it's also possible that what we think of it is not.

However, I also think it's untenable to think that the US cannot and will not be devastated by those times.

Yeah I'm familiar with a lot of different interpretations. The problem I have seen is that Catholic Scholars (jesuits) have tried to create their interpretation of revelations to direct the focus away fron the catholic church fulfilling those prophecies (that actually just about fit to the T),Evangelicals try to fit it to their beliefs etc, And then you have LDS who try to fit them to the interpretation that the US is both 'the beast' and the blessed promised land. The symbolism of revelations parallels Daniel prophecies amd is specific, Daniel explains his prophecies with historical accuracy before they happened. So from Dan you can peice together Revelations and everything gains clarity. I don't have a preconceived Idea to try and fit it to, with some open minded study, it reveals itself.

I will post some interpretation on here soon. I'm always on my laptop on here, My PC has all my notes on the christian timeline. I'll put a bit up tomorrow.

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The difference is whether or not the revelations for the LDS group, you call interpretations, are from GOD. Not having a direct conduit to the Godhead with the aforementioned claimed zealots is like spinning the 'wheel of revelation' on a single nail center of the platter...and then spin the platter; we now have 360 different interpretations to write about.

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if the Prophet feels the need to clarify the specifics of the book of revelation, I will be more than happy to accept that revelation as from God. truth is revealed to more than the LDS alone, though. Doctrine/ordinance/Gospel/Salvation wise, yes revealed truth only to LDS (the important stuff) through the prophet.

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