just got asked out by a good mormon boy....Im TERRIFIED!


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Everyone in my ward thinks I'm a good Mormon boy too. :P No one is perfect. Everyone has struggles. If this guy was really that great of a guy, he wouldn't judge you.

Not to derail this thread, but I believe LS's comment is naïve. Of course we judge others, especially when we're dating. That's what dating is -- a chance to make a judgment about the other person. No, we don't mentally classify that person as a child of hell or some such, but we do make a judgment about whether we want to spend time with that person. If someone decides that the person he or she is dating doesn't meet expectations -- whether that's because of past sins, present circumstances, or any other important or trivial reason -- well, that's his or her right. You aren't required to marry someone you don't want to marry, even if your reason is that she's fat or his breath smells funny, or that you don't want to deal with his heroin addiction recovery or her past sexual involvement.

One thing that has bothered me about this thread is the insistence that a few have that such-and-such a young man is not "better than" a given young lady. What does this even mean? That the young man is not worth more to God than the young lady? That's obviously true. Or that the young man is not more justified before God than the young lady? Well, how on earth would anyone know that? It's entirely possible that the young man is "better", in that sense, than the young lady. Telling her otherwise does not a bit of good. Ironically, those who proclaim "Judge not!" the loudest often end up being those who most openly pass judgment.

The appropriate response is not to say, "In God's eyes, So-and-so is no better than you or me." You cannot possibly make such a judgment. A better response would be to say, "So-and-so seems like a virtuous young man; good for him! If you're looking to better yourself, people like him are probably the people you want to be around. Go on a date with him and have fun!"

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In most cases, when you meet someone who is such a good person. You keep them around and it motivates you to become so much more than what you are. And I truly believe that Heavenly Father puts these certain people in our paths so that we can make something of that friendship/relationship.

If it works out, its meant to be.

If its not, then you take ALL the good things from that and make use of it.

Don't be hard on yourself. We are all human, we all have our imperfections. If we have the faith that we can change, we will, and we can.

I wish you all the best!!

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Alrighty, I went on the date and had a rather good time...even if it doesn't result in a second date (though I would be very pleased indeed if it did) then it was good because it helped me realize that that really is the kind of person that I want to be with. It will take ALOT of work to become that kind of person myself, but even just being with him made me want to be better...the way his apartment was decorated (pictures of Christ just about on every wall) and just his whole demeanor and the way he carried himself....i should like to have an eternity with someone of that nature.

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all I can say is good for you lost!!!!!!!

I am so glad to hear that you went out on the date and had a good time!!!!

Remember that the Lord is mindful of our needs and I believe he puts people on our path to assist us on our journey. Maybe this was the Lords way of telling and showing you that what you desire is within your grasp. Take it from some one who knows.............we are so much harder on ourselves then the Lord is. Remember that you are a daughter of God and that He loves you!!!!

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Just because us RM types LOOK like we've lived perfect lives doesn't mean we have. I've messed up many a time in my life, and I am working to overcome my own weaknesses. People who know me might think I've always been who I am now, but I haven't. I've had to work to get here, and you've had to work to get where you are. If this guy is worthy of YOU, then he'll understand that it doesn't so much matter where you've been, it matters more where you are now as a result of your own efforts in life. If he doesn't understand that, he doesn't deserve two seconds of your attention in spite of his outward accomplishments. I bet he'll understand you though if you honestly think he's a great guy.

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