How Do You Personally Feel The Spirit?

Guest yb4bets

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Guest yb4bets

How do YOU personally feel the spirit?

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

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Originally posted by yb4bets@Jun 29 2005, 04:10 PM

How do YOU personally feel the spirit?

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

I believe the spirit guides us and helps us be of service to others. I would tell your friend to do something every day of love and concern for someone else but to do it in a manner that no one know where the good turn originated (take no credit). Once they are use to the spirit they will be more able to allow it to direct them in other ways. The key is doing good to others. Those that focus on themselves will always struggle with the spirit.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by yb4bets@Jun 29 2005, 04:10 PM

How do YOU personally feel the spirit?

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

I can remember a really dark night 13 years ago....I wondered if someone had the ability to change even after the worst mistakes. i had tried everything to feel the spirit and was about to give up hope....I fell to my knees in prayer. Asking my heavenly father what have I done so wrong that he cannot hear me, tears rolled down my face as I cried and asked him over and over to please for give for what I have done to him, and those that I have hurt. I told him I wished I could take it all back and start over. I don't remember how long I was on my knee's, I just remember a point in which I finally felt comforted, as if his arms had wrapped me in his love.

When we pray with a sincere heart and with all the passion we posses

...He hears us. He has been there the whole time, just waiting for us to wake up and see the sunrise of a new day. We have his promise....His promise is sincere and full of love, all's we have to do is ask to be forgiven.

He doesn't care what you were, he only see's the potential you have and who you will one day become with what you have gained.

The lord is full of mercy and love, if you just take the time to kneel and ask for it.

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Originally posted by Traveler+Jul 3 2005, 02:30 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Traveler @ Jul 3 2005, 02:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--yb4bets@Jun 29 2005, 04:10 PM

How do YOU personally feel the spirit?

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

I believe the spirit guides us and helps us be of service to others. I would tell your friend to do something every day of love and concern for someone else but to do it in a manner that no one know where the good turn originated (take no credit). Once they are use to the spirit they will be more able to allow it to direct them in other ways. The key is doing good to others. Those that focus on themselves will always struggle with the spirit.

The Traveler

Travelers suggestion is one that truly helps me get out of myself. When I believe that my life is sad or lonely, serving others is a way to fill my cup. Focusing on others fills us with love. Serving others also brings us closer to becoming more like our savior. Our Savior is our greatest example.

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Originally posted by yb4bets@Jun 29 2005, 05:10 PM

How do YOU personally feel the spirit?

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

For me feeling the spirit starts with having an open heart. Humility is also key to feeling the spirit so we must let go of the natural man. If you are looking for answers you must pray with complete faith, a faith and an assurance that He will hear you.

Once you have felt the spirit you will never be able to truly deny it.

A year ago today I had the face the possibility of someone I loved with all of my heart being taken away from me. Nick was so injured that the doctor at the ER told me that he most likely wouldn't make it through surgery. We were placed into a small room where there were several prayers offered on Nicks behalf. We were then told that we could see him for just a few minutes while they prepared for him to go into surgery. Nick was given a blessing by his father as I held his bandaged lifeless hand. We didn't know it at the time but we were allowed to do this because the medical staff felt that we were telling him goodbye forever. I was told to stand at the side of the gurney as they rushed him into the ER. I kissed him goodbye and he was gone through the operation doors.

To back up just a bit, on arrival to the hospital I was hysterical. We had just come from his work and we had seen him on the floor of the garage of the tire store where he was being worked on by the paramedics before life flight came. After the tire and rim had struck him it went up another 12 feet and destroyed a light and the heating system. On our way to the hospital life flight flew over us to pick him up...we beat life flight to the hospital and when we started we were 18 miles away. As I was crying hysterically in the ER waiting room I remember all the way up there having my husband tell people on the phone that Nick didn't have a face. A trauma nurse came to my side and she said to me "Do you really want to help your son"? I said "Oh yes, more then anything". She said "Then you need to give that energy to your son". Immediately I stop crying hysterically, and I sent my energy to Nick. In doing this I felt a warm, beautiful spirit come upon me and I suddenly knew things.

You don't need to have something like this happen to you in order to feel the spirit. You just need to go to our Heavenly Father in humility, with passion (as LT said so beautifully) and then you need to get quiet and listen.

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I think that it is great that you are trying to help your friend. :)

I think that all of the posters have given some really good advice that you can share with your friend.

After your friend has had time to ponder the suggestions that have been given ... I would then try to initiate a discussion about what the Savior's life means for us. (The Atonement).

Jesus willingly and humbly went through the sorrow in Gethsemane and the suffering on the cross. This great sacrifice was made to pay for our sins and overcome death.

This sacrifice of Jesus has paid the debt for us ... that we could not pay.

All we need to do is come unto him, repent of our sins, and love him with all our hearts and follow his teachings ... to be saved. :D

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All we need to do is come unto him, repent of our sins, and love him with all our hearts and follow his teachings ... to be saved.

How do you come unto Him?

If the sins were paid for over 2000 years ago, what is being repented of?

No person on earth has ever loved the Lord with ALL of their hearts. Now what?

No person has ever followed his teachings either. Now what?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest K Anderson

It is unfotrunate that even many members do not understand this principle.

The baptism by the holy ghost is the baptism of FIRE and it burns within you. It is not a happy feeling or a tearful feeling when you watch a romantic comedy. It is not a small feeling. It is a big feeling "that leaves an indelible impression on the soul who wintesses it" as the prophet said.

You will KNOW when the holy ghost has fallen on you, and you cannot forget it.

The problem? Most mebers don't SEEK THE HOLY CHOST. They do not seek it. They do not purify their works and their lives to receive it. That is why the LORD said, "IF YOU WILL RECEIVE IT!!!!!"

If you have not had that fire and the burning (The Spirit of God, hymn 2), then you have not been born again of the spirit and you are lost and will probably fall into the stream or be ashmed of those who laugh at you "AND SUCH TURN AWAY" siad Paul.

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I skipped this question before because the answer is difficult to put into words, but while responding to another thread I came up with this:

The feeling I get when the Holy Ghost confirms the truth to me is a feeling that feels good to my spirit; my body feels it only because my spirit lives and burns within my body.

Or in other words, that feeling doesn’t burn within me as does a physical sensation like heart burn; that feeling burns within me.

Anyway, that's how I personally feel the Spirit, and I usually feel that power when I Ask God a question I really want to know the answer to, and when I'm really doing my best to emulate Jesus Christ, as I worship our Father in heaven.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally posted by Laureltree@Aug 27 2005, 10:27 AM

I personally believe each new day we spend here on earth we find new ways to feel the spirit, it is our way of surviving through things that are hard for us. Having faith helps us and gives us an open door for the lord to spiritually touch us.  :D

Oh, I so agree! I think back on several years ago when I made one of the biggest decisions of my stay in the podunk area I was in, instead of moving to an area that I loved, to keep the happiness I had found in my life. I had to do some major heavy duty praying about a decision that would affect my family as well as my own life. The answer was not to move. I was a bit unhappy (ok....more than a bit) with that answer, but I learned to deal with it. I knew I had to rely on the faith I had, and that God knew what was best for me at that time.

But I became very bitter for a short time, hating everything about the area that I "couldn't leave", I hated the dry land, the heat, the tumbleweeds and the lack of pine trees and ferns...and I even found fault with the cattle grazing on the hillsides next to the highway that I had to travel on every day to work and back.....then I realized that I needed some Heavenly help to overcome the extreme hatred I had developed for the east side of the I prayed again.

The Spirit touched my heart one day as I was driving to I came up to a spot where the river could be seen from the car......I heard that small voice tell me that there is beauty in everything...all I needed to do was to open my eyes and see it ...and then I saw something that was so beautiful it could have been put on a postcard....the reflection of some of the trees' in the water, with clouds that looked like cotten balls dotting the sky, the fall leaves that were changing colors....and the blue of the sky ....all reflecting in the river... and then when I glanced to the west...I saw one of the snow covered mountains in the distance, with nothing but blue skies surrounding it........I guess you had to be was just so pretty. It was like God telling me "I have given you so much good....stop trying to find the bad." I stopped looking for the bad. I like to keep that "open door policy" with the keep that communication line open. I actually rely on the feelings I get when I pray about something.....I don't know what I would do if I could not have the feeling of the Spirit in my life.

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Originally posted by lindy9556+Aug 28 2005, 03:47 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Laureltree@Aug 27 2005, 10:27 AM

I personally believe each new day we spend here on earth we find new ways to feel the spirit, it is our way of surviving through things that are hard for us. Having faith helps us and gives us an open door for the lord to spiritually touch us.  :D

Oh, I so agree! I think back on several years ago when I made one of the biggest decisions of my stay in the podunk area I was in, instead of moving to an area that I loved, to keep the happiness I had found in my life. I had to do some major heavy duty praying about a decision that would affect my family as well as my own life. The answer was not to move. I was a bit unhappy (ok....more than a bit) with that answer, but I learned to deal with it. I knew I had to rely on the faith I had, and that God knew what was best for me at that time.

But I became very bitter for a short time, hating everything about the area that I "couldn't leave", I hated the dry land, the heat, the tumbleweeds and the lack of pine trees and ferns...and I even found fault with the cattle grazing on the hillsides next to the highway that I had to travel on every day to work and back.....then I realized that I needed some Heavenly help to overcome the extreme hatred I had developed for the east side of the I prayed again.

The Spirit touched my heart one day as I was driving to I came up to a spot where the river could be seen from the car......I heard that small voice tell me that there is beauty in everything...all I needed to do was to open my eyes and see it ...and then I saw something that was so beautiful it could have been put on a postcard....the reflection of some of the trees' in the water, with clouds that looked like cotten balls dotting the sky, the fall leaves that were changing colors....and the blue of the sky ....all reflecting in the river... and then when I glanced to the west...I saw one of the snow covered mountains in the distance, with nothing but blue skies surrounding it........I guess you had to be was just so pretty. It was like God telling me "I have given you so much good....stop trying to find the bad." I stopped looking for the bad. I like to keep that "open door policy" with the keep that communication line open. I actually rely on the feelings I get when I pray about something.....I don't know what I would do if I could not have the feeling of the Spirit in my life.

Nice story Lindy, thanks for sharing it. :)

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Guest Member_Deleted

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, there were so many great responses and so much wisdom, but fasting and praying together have always worked for me.

Faith is a big one also. Just relax and know that God loves you and will give you His spirit. One of you said that being still was good. I agree. We get too anxious and fretful, how is the Spirit to work in such an environment?

Bring as much peace to yourself as possible and then the Spirit will have place in you and give you the peace that surpasses all understanding.

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I prepare for the unexpected, so to speak. I often listen to good music. I believe music to be the most non-intrusive way to receive what God is trying to tell love that isn't earned. We always have His love. We always have our divinity.

Earning his trust back though, is a whole other ball game. I think that is where we let ourselves believe we don't 'feel' the spirit. The truth is...that is when the spirit is there the's always ready for us to receive it.

We earn his trust by serving our brothers and sisters....admitting our mistakes...repenting of them....and then moving on about the Lord's business. It's a step by step process. I think self-forgiveness is much harder in coming than the Lords.

go your HT or VTing w/ renewed spirit and of the best books and realize....we all screw up!

We all make mistakes and perfection will not be attained in this life. I have different ideas about 'perfect' anyway.

Here are some great lyrics of a song by David Wilcox....

How Did You Find Me Here

I listen to this song a lot. It helps me to remember that when life is tough....I'll be found one way or another.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by eleigh1977@Aug 28 2005, 01:27 PM

I prepare for the unexpected, so to speak. I often listen to good music. I believe music to be the most non-intrusive way to receive what God is trying to tell love that isn't earned. We always have His love. We always have our divinity.

Earning his trust back though, is a whole other ball game. I think that is where we let ourselves believe we don't 'feel' the spirit. The truth is...that is when the spirit is there the's always ready for us to receive it.

We earn his trust by serving our brothers and sisters....admitting our mistakes...repenting of them....and then moving on about the Lord's business. It's a step by step process. I think self-forgiveness is much harder in coming than the Lords.

go your HT or VTing w/ renewed spirit and of the best books and realize....we all screw up!

We all make mistakes and perfection will not be attained in this life. I have different ideas about 'perfect' anyway.

Here are some great lyrics of a song by David Wilcox....

How Did You Find Me Here

I listen to this song a lot. It helps me to remember that when life is tough....I'll be found one way or another.

That songs lyrics are awesome.

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Originally posted by lindy9556+Aug 28 2005, 02:47 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Laureltree@Aug 27 2005, 10:27 AM

I personally believe each new day we spend here on earth we find new ways to feel the spirit, it is our way of surviving through things that are hard for us. Having faith helps us and gives us an open door for the lord to spiritually touch us.  :D

Oh, I so agree! I think back on several years ago when I made one of the biggest decisions of my stay in the podunk area I was in, instead of moving to an area that I loved, to keep the happiness I had found in my life. I had to do some major heavy duty praying about a decision that would affect my family as well as my own life. The answer was not to move. I was a bit unhappy (ok....more than a bit) with that answer, but I learned to deal with it. I knew I had to rely on the faith I had, and that God knew what was best for me at that time.

But I became very bitter for a short time, hating everything about the area that I "couldn't leave", I hated the dry land, the heat, the tumbleweeds and the lack of pine trees and ferns...and I even found fault with the cattle grazing on the hillsides next to the highway that I had to travel on every day to work and back.....then I realized that I needed some Heavenly help to overcome the extreme hatred I had developed for the east side of the I prayed again.

The Spirit touched my heart one day as I was driving to I came up to a spot where the river could be seen from the car......I heard that small voice tell me that there is beauty in everything...all I needed to do was to open my eyes and see it ...and then I saw something that was so beautiful it could have been put on a postcard....the reflection of some of the trees' in the water, with clouds that looked like cotten balls dotting the sky, the fall leaves that were changing colors....and the blue of the sky ....all reflecting in the river... and then when I glanced to the west...I saw one of the snow covered mountains in the distance, with nothing but blue skies surrounding it........I guess you had to be was just so pretty. It was like God telling me "I have given you so much good....stop trying to find the bad." I stopped looking for the bad. I like to keep that "open door policy" with the keep that communication line open. I actually rely on the feelings I get when I pray about something.....I don't know what I would do if I could not have the feeling of the Spirit in my life.

That was awesome, ladies. Thank you for letting me feel the Spirit from YOU!

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Originally posted by Please+Aug 28 2005, 02:08 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-eleigh1977@Aug 28 2005, 01:27 PM

I prepare for the unexpected, so to speak. I often listen to good music. I believe music to be the most non-intrusive way to receive what God is trying to tell love that isn't earned. We always have His love. We always have our divinity.

Earning his trust back though, is a whole other ball game. I think that is where we let ourselves believe we don't 'feel' the spirit. The truth is...that is when the spirit is there the's always ready for us to receive it.

We earn his trust by serving our brothers and sisters....admitting our mistakes...repenting of them....and then moving on about the Lord's business. It's a step by step process. I think self-forgiveness is much harder in coming than the Lords.

go your HT or VTing w/ renewed spirit and of the best books and realize....we all screw up!

We all make mistakes and perfection will not be attained in this life. I have different ideas about 'perfect' anyway.

Here are some great lyrics of a song by David Wilcox....

How Did You Find Me Here

I listen to this song a lot. It helps me to remember that when life is tough....I'll be found one way or another.

That songs lyrics are awesome.

Do we have some especially awesome sisters here or WHAT?!? Thank you all. :)

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