Absolute Witness by the Holy Ghost


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That's an excellent question. You will probably see a wide variety of answers......I would say the witness of the Holy Spirit is a bit different for everyone, but also the same. For me, it most often fills with me a great sense of peace and comfort and also makes me very emotional....tears flow and hearts soften. My children describe it as someone draping a warm blanket around them and sometimes like someone gently touching them. It is definitely a wonderful experience and is something I enjoy everyday.....as long as I am worthy. It is.....being in the presence of something very familiar and very Holy.

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As above and I get a protective armour over me, I can feel it, but cant see it. I also just know that the thing is the way I think in my mind also I suddenly understand something I have not understood before and I really understand it, understand how it is, why it is... but then sometimes I forget it... and I just know, but dont know why and how. I remember that I understod it once, but can not remember how.

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I don't like the word absolute so much. I think I like the word "sure" instead.

Look....even with the most beautiful of spiritual experiences faith is required. Faith is part of the deal with gaining and progressing thru all the lines upons lines of spiritual knowledge. The Holy Ghost gives us various kinds of surety along the way.

You might think that having a vision or seeing an angel is "absolute" knowledge. But it is clear from scripture that this isn't even as long lasting as a spiritual communication. Even some who walked with Christ couldn't handle his message.

When I hear people say "without a shadow of a doubt" in their testimonies I don't think they mean that there aren't anymore pockets of not knowing. I personally don't like those words. It is important to understand that a testimony helps to conquer doubt with faith or knowledge and usually it is a combination of both. ---- something that can be gained and built upon and then just as easily lost.

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What is an example of an "absolute witness by the Holy Ghost" and has anyone here received it?

Um, context, anyone?

The Holy Ghost is to witness to us of the mission and reality of Jesus Christ and the Father. I would suppose that an absolute witness would include a personal visitation from the Father or the Son (or both), but I have no idea if that is what you are asking.

Would Stephen's vision be counted as an 'absolute witness'? I wouldn't think so, but ???

To receive the Second Comforter, to personally embrace the Savior, that in my mind would qualify as an 'absolute witness'.

I have been witness to some pretty cool things, but not that one (yet). If I HAD, I wouldn't say so. I would just stay silent.

We LDS are taught not to talk a lot about such things. I sometimes regret that, but it is too easy to begin boasting and then fabricating, so I guess it's best just to remain tacit. I do share some things in a personal setting, though.


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absolute is definately (ack spelling) hard to define for the simple fact that it can be a relative term in this sense. so as far as context goes let me give you an example that happened to me. i am a convert, and was baptized at 18. and while i had been going to church since 16 and knew it was true, i had bad cold feet the night before the big day. so i played a conference cd before bed and started to wonder if i should really go through with it. after listening to a talk, and then a hymn, i had to pray for guidance. when i did, before i could finish the sentence asking if i should get baptized, i stopped and couldn't continue. i felt like, it may sound silly, but that i was being hugged from every angle and this weird pressure just enveloped me. but at the same time it was the most amazing feeling of love and warmth. it brought tears to my eyes and i knew what heavenly father wanted of me.

to me, that was absolute in every sense of the meaning. not sure if that helps. especially since every person can have such differing degrees of experiences. one of the most faithful people i know told me that he's never had an experience of the same kind, but the less powerful moments with the spirit speak to him with as large of a voice, yet is just as meaningful and full of truth as was that moment for me.

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That's an excellent question. You will probably see a wide variety of answers......I would say the witness of the Holy Spirit is a bit different for everyone, but also the same. For me, it most often fills with me a great sense of peace and comfort and also makes me very emotional....tears flow and hearts soften. My children describe it as someone draping a warm blanket around them and sometimes like someone gently touching them. It is definitely a wonderful experience and is something I enjoy everyday.....as long as I am worthy. It is.....being in the presence of something very familiar and very Holy.

This may just be the most eloquent description of this experience I have ever read/heard. It actually answered a lot of questions I had about the experience and thought it may just be to personal to have explained well. Thank you for sharing.

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Sorry everyone! I was gone most of the day yesterday and I couldn't fill in any blanks.

Sorry :(

I asked it in another thread about "Ultimate Forgiveness" (I think) and it was about Satan being forgiven, but I was ignored. I read some of the thread but mostly to see if anyone mentioned the "absolute witness by the Holy Ghost" mentioned in the question. I wanted to know if it was something like in your face like an Angel coming down or if it was just the feeling of the Holy Spirit. I appreciate all of the answers thus far and I really hope my wording is a little clearer so I might be able to get more answers?

The objective of my question was actually more of a personal one. Judging by some of the answers I was hoping to answer the question for myself, but I will throw it out there.

Now, out of curiosity, if bytor2112 were to go apostate, would he be going with Satan? This question really isn't about bytor of course, just hypothetically.

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Guest Believer_1829

Don't know if this will be the "right" answer, but hey...

I have always just known, since the day the LDS missionaries introduced it to my family when I was 7 years-old, that the Book of Mormon is God's word and is exactly what it claims to be. It was obvious to me.

I believe it is the Gift of Knowledge, which is a gift of the Spirit. But there has never been a "warm fuzzy" or "burning in the bosom", just a absolute knowledge that it is His word, which in turn gives me peace, because I know it is one of the few things I can rely on.

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Don't know if this will be the "right" answer, but hey...

I have always just known, since the day the LDS missionaries introduced it to my family when I was 7 years-old, that the Book of Mormon is God's word and is exactly what it claims to be. It was obvious to me.

I believe it is the Gift of Knowledge, which is a gift of the Spirit. But there has never been a "warm fuzzy" or "burning in the bosom", just a absolute knowledge that it is His word, which in turn gives me peace, because I know it is one of the few things I can rely on.

I think it is the right answer for you. ^_^

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Guest Believer_1829

I think it is the right answer for you. ^_^

I praise God that He was merciful enough to give me that knowledge so blatantly, I can be pretty thick sometimes. I wish things would be that obvious in other areas.

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I have always just known, since the day the LDS missionaries introduced it to my family when I was 7 years-old, that the Book of Mormon is God's word and is exactly what it claims to be. It was obvious to me.

My question isn't argumentative, but honestly inquisitive in nature.

-Have you ever prayed in your life to know whether the Book of Mormon is true, or have you felt it unnecessary because you alreay know?

I ask because I've heard a lot of lifelong members say the same thing: they've always just known.

As to the question in the OP:

The initial feeling of confirmation about the truth of the BoM's truth is a feeling I will never forget. I believe that, for something to be absolute, it needs to be testable and repeatable. I have found that through following the process outlined in Moroni 10:4-5 I can receive another confirmation about the BoM or anthing else.

For me, the feeing of the Holy Ghost is a feeling of strengthening and peace: I feel that things will be all right, the Lord loves me, and I am doing the right thing by coming to Him in humility. Depending on the situation, I may be moved to tears or the feeling will be accompanied by an expanding of my knowledge and wisdom of the world. There's a definite physical component as well as an intellectual and spiritual components.

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Guest Believer_1829

My question isn't argumentative, but honestly inquisitive in nature.

-Have you ever prayed in your life to know whether the Book of Mormon is true, or have you felt it unnecessary because you alreay know?

I ask because I've heard a lot of lifelong members say the same thing: they've always just known.

As to the question in the OP:

The initial feeling of confirmation about the truth of the BoM's truth is a feeling I will never forget. I believe that, for something to be absolute, it needs to be testable and repeatable. I have found that through following the process outlined in Moroni 10:4-5 I can receive another confirmation about the BoM or anthing else.

For me, the feeing of the Holy Ghost is a feeling of strengthening and peace: I feel that things will be all right, the Lord loves me, and I am doing the right thing by coming to Him in humility. Depending on the situation, I may be moved to tears or the feeling will be accompanied by an expanding of my knowledge and wisdom of the world. There's a definite physical component as well as an intellectual and spiritual components.

Good question...

I have never felt the need to pray specifically about the Book of Mormon because my knowledge is so sure concerning it.

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The Book of Mormon is true. I, too, have just always known. That doesn't mean I haven't felt the peace while reading it, I feel it even when I just pick it up and intend to read it.

I have pondered much over how or why some do not feel the same thing I do.

I don't know the science behind what causes the feeling, but I'm certain the reason some don't feel it is because they aren't sincere. Sincereity seems to be one of the prerequisites for knowing it's true.

desire, in your case, why do you think you don't even desire (pun intended) to read and pray about it? What is your thought process?

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Now, out of curiosity, if bytor2112 were to go apostate, would he be going with Satan? This question really isn't about bytor of course, just hypothetically.

Are you trying to ask about the few that deny the Holy Ghost that will not receive any degree of glory, and will be cast into outer darkness? As I understand, there will not be many in that situation.
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I too have always known the Book of Mormon to be true. Have I ever had to pray about it? Yes but not to know of its truthfulness. But to assist me in my understanding and learning of what is written in it each time I read it.

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desire, in your case, why do you think you don't even desire (pun intended) to read and pray about it? What is your thought process?

Ha ha. I never heard that one before. :P

At the time: I knew it was true in my mind without feeling the need to pray for it... and at the same time I just wanted it to be true. It was more along the lines of "if it isn't, don't tell me", and then I grew to have the feelings of peace when reading it.

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