Following Counsel


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Hey guys, I'm gonna try to make this short. I sinned grievously in the past, went to bishop and confessed. I expected life changing consequences (bishop went to stake,who in turn gave him authority over my situation). I was given steps to gain full fellowship, and I'm complying. Once the bishop makes a judgment, and I follow his advice, can I stand blameless before Heavenly Father if I do my part? I confessed, repented, forsaked the sins, and trying to move forward. I just expected a worse outcome. Thank you in advance.

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can I stand blameless before Heavenly Father if I do my part?

How about you ask your Bishop this question. He has been appointed as judge, holds the appropriate authority and right to receive inspiration, knows the situation better than anyone here, etc, etc, etc. He's the one to ask that.

Can you stand blameless? Of course. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.Isaiah 1:18

A rhetorical question for you - If you Bishop didn't think that repentance (ie. full forgiveness) of the sin was possible, why is he having you work through a process of repentance?

You expected ‘life changing consequences’? Those should happen within yourself – the change to turn from the sin, change yourself, the remorse when you come to an understanding of the situation and how the Savior paid the price. I don’t believe that Heavenly Father administers punishment to effect change. That would be counter-productive to the plan and interfere with our agency.

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Honey....repentance isn't about "paying" for our sins. Christ did that for us. Repentance is about changing our hearts and our sinful desires into something more Godly. The process of repentance and continued conversion (I see conversion as a process, not an event) is about literally changing our dispositions so that we longer have a desire for sin. The counsel....the steps outlined by priesthood....are steps to help you get there. The Savior, when healing someone, would often have counsel for them too such as going to wash or reporting to a priest.

You sound a lot like Enos in the BofM as he said, "Lord, how is it done?"

I hope you are learning something about the nature of God right now. He isn't ruthless. He doesn't wish our suffering....or to pay every last farthing for our mistakes to fix things. His approach is rather one of tender mercies. It's a miracle, isn't it? :)

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Misshalfway, that was an awesome response. Definitely, conversion is a process not an event. "Sin never was happiness" is something I see now. Everyday I will try to get better, no more steps backwards. I just want to earn Jesus' and Heavenly Father's love back. I hurt them with my sin and I owe them so much. I owe them leading a good life from now on.

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Hey guys, I'm gonna try to make this short. I sinned grievously in the past, went to bishop and confessed. I expected life changing consequences (bishop went to stake,who in turn gave him authority over my situation). I was given steps to gain full fellowship, and I'm complying. Once the bishop makes a judgment, and I follow his advice, can I stand blameless before Heavenly Father if I do my part? I confessed, repented, forsake the sins, and trying to move forward. I just expected a worse outcome. Thank you in advance.

Removing the burden of sin is a Bishop or Stake President Leadership duty [see Miracle of Forgiveness] when the member has shown signs of repentance and it is acceptable before the Spirit. The important key is being accepted by the Spirit. But to remove the sin itself, requires GOD or the Savior personally to make amend to the grievous sin. I only know a handful of church leaders who can remove the sin itself through the Lord, which I can attest, have the 'Honor' of Godhead. This is a rare authority to hold such in mortality beside of being a prophet who I can say, has that honor.

Regards with the Lord in removing such grievous sins, this may take a day. This may take a month. This may take a lifetime depending on the situation of severity. But it will be removed and the Godhead will not remember it no more. To complete this act of seeking a true repentance, it depends on your complete effort in seeking or desire of this to be removed.

Edited by Hemidakota
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Misshalfway, that was an awesome response. Definitely, conversion is a process not an event. "Sin never was happiness" is something I see now. Everyday I will try to get better, no more steps backwards. I just want to earn Jesus' and Heavenly Father's love back. I hurt them with my sin and I owe them so much. I owe them leading a good life from now on.

I hope you will forgive me the following comment.

This is a wonderful pendulum swing! I think we all feel such a determination as we try to change our lives. But I find that I DO have more backward steps to deal with even though I am in the process of conversion. Such is the way of these kinds of processes. And you know....God knows that. That is why we have the sacrament every Sunday. He knows all about pendulum swings and He knows that most of us can't sustain them and that we fall to the center eventually. He even knows that sometimes we need to momentum of the swing to help get us unstuck. But remember that that destination isn't the goal.

=The cool part about the center is that it's a place of balance. It's a place where we work on ourselves in ernest, but give ourselves lots of mercy and patience. It's also a place where we keep commitments but recognize we have not yet arrived. And this middle ground is really really good because we recognize which part is ours and which part is the Lord's and it all works together into something we call peace.

Celebrate your victories. Guard your weak places. Walk forward in obedience and faith. Change the one sinful thing that is yours to conquer today. And commit that you won't swing and get stuck that way again. But leave the rest for another day and be ok with where you are right now. Move forward in gentleness and self love. Don't you spose if God's way is tenderness and mercy that our way should look like that too?

Edited by Misshalfway
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Welcome and congratulations for the steps you have taken! It is never easy to go the bishop and confess. It may take some time before you are ready for full membership but it will come. Misshalfway said it so well! So I dont really have anything to add... except you can add me to the choir of those who want to back you up. God loves you it will be ok and you will be a new person.:)

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Welcome and congratulations for the steps you have taken! It is never easy to go the bishop and confess. It may take some time before you are ready for full membership but it will come. Misshalfway said it so well! So I dont really have anything to add... except you can add me to the choir of those who want to back you up. God loves you it will be ok and you will be a new person.:)

Thank you, Maya! Yeah, even now I can feel the difference within myself. My wife has noticed, my father-in-law sees it, and it feels good. I feel like I'm finally waking up out of a bad dream. I know I have a ways to go, but I'm no longer tormented like I was a while back.

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I been watching very close someone getting back on the trancks. Hes has taken many years, but he is back fully. Except that he has got older and slower and forgetful in everything. I remember how he felt, that confession helped him so much, the burden of sin was gone. I know he has a minority or should I say lessholycomplex.

It is pretty tough to suddenly realise, that what you been doing IS categorized as a sin, but not realising it right away. He was strong enough to go right away to the bishop. Hardest is to forgive yourself for making the cosest ones to suffer.

But it is such a great thing, that we can repend and rise again. Eternally thankful for Jesus Christ.

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Some of us have been in that same nightmarish mortal dream.

Well said nightmarish mortal dream... very excact

Have you noticed when we leave the path to the tree of life, we begin to forget what was given to us and when we return to the path, overtime the former knowledge is return?

That was an interesting thought... but I can remeber when I joined the church the knowledge just came to me... there was so much new, but still old things I never realised to be the way they are.

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