Childhood Wishes And Dreams...

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Are you even close to where you wanted to be, or as you dreamed you would be as a child?

When I was a child I dreamed of being a mom or a teacher. I remember playing with my dolls and pushing them down the street in an awesome stroller that I got for Christmas one year. I remember listening to a primary record over and over is very powerful. We had a great Playroom with hardwood floors that I kept very clean and that I would change out for a school class room when I would play school and teach my dolls and stuffed animals the abc's and how to count.

As I got a little older, I dreamed of a house with a white picket fence. I dreamed of marrying in the temple and having three children.

In the important years of High School I had made friends with some kids who were choosing a different path. It didn't take me too long before I remembered what my dreams were and I made some changes that would help me to obtain what I truly wanted.

In a few months I will be 45 just about mid-life. ;) As I reflect on my accomplishments I would say that I have come very close to what I dreamed of as a child.

I am a mother of three children some of which I have helped very much in school.

I did get to live in a house with a white picket fence.

I did marry in the temple.

I believe that childhood dreams are very powerful...What about you?

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No I have to say no.

I wanted to sing and I was on track but do to others my dream never came true.

But I have to say I have sang for the Prophet twice when he visited our aria and that was close to the feeling I thought being a singer would feel like. :D

I did not have the gospel as a child so that did not play in to it.

My dream now is to serve a mission with my husband when we retire.

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Aug 10 2005, 09:23 AM

No I have to say no.

I wanted to sing and I was on track but do to others my dream never came true.

But I have to say I have sang for the Prophet twice when he visited our aria and that was close to the feeling I thought being a singer would feel like. :D

I did not have the gospel as a child so that did not play in to it.

My dream now is to serve a mission with my husband when we retire.

Wow Winnie you sang for the prophet...I'll bet you sang like an Angel.

You will make a great missionary too. :)

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You know, I can't remember any lasting childhood dreams- I had ambitions wanting to be great in gymnastics and to race motorcycles like my uncle. But sometimes, you need others that believe in you enough to help you fulfill your dreams. And other times..... well, after the 6th or 9th time in the doctors office or the hospital :o modify your dreams to just watching the races :lol: I still love watching was part of my childhood fantasy. ;)

I also wanted to be a police dispatcher as a child.... I think I worried my dad LOL.

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Aug 10 2005, 04:31 PM

You know, I can't remember any lasting childhood dreams- I had ambitions wanting to be great in gymnastics and to race motorcycles like my uncle. But sometimes, you need others that believe in you enough to help you fulfill your dreams. And other times..... well, after the 6th or 9th time in the doctors office or the hospital :o modify your dreams to just watching the races :lol: I still love watching was part of my childhood fantasy. ;)

I also wanted to be a police dispatcher as a child.... I think I worried my dad LOL.

Yeah, I know why you wanted to be a police love a man in uniform. ;)
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I had a childhood dream in preschool of being Michael Jackson (when he was black :o ). Then in high school I took a mechanical drawing class and wanted to be an architect. Sometime during my Junior year of high school I realized I was pretty fricken' good at math. Not actually at getting good grades or whatever, or showing my work, but I was good with numbers, good at understanding them, and running them quickly through my head. I proved this time and again for 2 and a half years after high school working for Toys "R" Us as, for some reason, I always ran the numbers in my head when doing change and such. I can subtract any number from 100 quickly in my head. (100 pennies in a dollar you know). So at that time I thought about being an Actuary, since I'd end up taking a ton of math classes in college which wouldn't be too bad.

I joined the church near the end of my freshman year of high school in April. My mom and my brother were getting baptized (stupid SOB husband of my mom's got them hooked) so I figured I might as well too, just to not black sheep myself signifigantly from the family. I woke up at 5am every morning I had seminary and to help wake myself up, I'd turn on TV, which was always set to Fox, and COPS! would be on. So for about 3 and a half years I watched COPS! episodes and started to like that and I got interested in law. I thought about being a lawyer but I wanted a more active job (I was fat at the time). So I chose law enforcement. I took some classes in college but they sucked. The law ones didn't but I had to take stupid crap like interpersonal writing and ethics (all ethics teachers should be shot, don't freakin' spend 30 minutes telling me about the word "ought"). The school I was going to offered a police academy class to get my P.O.S.T certificate (Police Office Standards and Training). But the school's sucked, so I bailed on that.

When I turned 21 I tried to go to various police stations and get enrolled in their police academies. The difference between this one and the one at the college was I didn't have to pay for it. In fact, they paid me! And after that I'd be guaranteed a job, assuming I passed the academy. But there were a few tests that had to be taken. And at like every written test I went to there were 70 other candidates trying out. There was also a backround investigator there who would advise us if we should continue or not, based on past behavior, since they were going to find out about it anyways (we would be forced to take a polygraph test if we wanted in). Before the written test I talked to the backround investigator and he told me I should wait until the Statute of Limitations had expired on a felony I had committed when I was younger (the Statute of Limitations is 3 years in California, the felony was harmless, by the way).

So I figured even if I could apply I'd have to go up against a lot of competition (my dream at this point was to get onto a S.W.A.T. team). I did some research and found out a lot of police officers are former Marines, and I mean a lot! So I looked into the Marines and found that they had S.W.A.T. teams also, although they were called S.R.T. So I applied for the Marines, had some physical problems but eventually worked them out and got sent to bootcamp. It didn't work out there (too little sleep, sickness, insanity), so they let me go. Before I left for the Marines, I had gotten a job at an insurance company that my mom also worked at and spent 2 months there (I left Toys "R" Us for sexual harassment reasons).

When I came back from the Marines, I was able to get my job back at the insurance company and I've been there ever since. Bit of a long tale, but I've had many dreams, mostly broken now :(

I have sang for the Prophet twice

I bet he's heard better.
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You know DisR....I really am sorry that life sucked big time for you... it's a shame that none of your dreams or ambitions came true for you might be a happier person if they had. :o

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As I child I dreamed in following in the foot steps of great scientist like Dr. Verner Von Bron. As a teenager I abandoned the dream to launch a rocket into space when a particular rocket exploded and drew a little too much attention. I still have a dream to complete a particular project left unfinished by Nicola Tesla.

The Traveler

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