The Biggest Secret Society of Them All


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On another thread our poster Grandma posted a link to a conspiracy video featuring David Icke. Reading Icke and his website you will learn a whole lot of important stuff you did not know.

Where you aware...

What can Americans expect if Romney wins the election? According to Schnoebelen, "If they form a dictatorship, they would institute a United Order, which is a communistic form of government where the church owns all the property. They already own almost 90% of the farmland in Florida and they are chewing up farmland all over the U.S. They want to control the U.S. food supply."

He also warns of a mark of the beast system for non-Mormons living in this distorted LDS utopia. "You cannot buy or sell unless you have the mark and the number of the beast because there will be no way to get food since it is up to the Mormons," Schnoebelen said. "You would either have to be a Mormon or somehow be of subservience to them. They have plans and oddly and eerily enough, their plans are very akin to what you see the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation wanting to do."

Granted, this conspiracy is not as outlandish as some of the others that posters have gotten jacked up about lately, but it's still a good one.

BTW: Had a Temple Recommend interview today. I was surprised to hear two new questions:

-Why do chicks dig you?

-Do you associate with any nutbar conspiracy theory groups?

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I must have missed the 'secret conspiracy to take over the world' discussion during our PH meetings. Does that mean that I won't have the secret walks/signs/handshakes to make sure that I am a chosen one to survive after we take over the world, and will therefore be cast out?

I didn't realize that we had bought up the farmland in Florida. What is that, about 10 acres? If we REALLY wanted to control the food, we'd buy up Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas and really put the hurt on.

Then we'd get pigs, cows and chicken as well!:)

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I am getting confused. The LDS Church pays farmers in those states not to farm? I know the LDS church owns the largest cattle ranch east of the Mississippi and it is in Florida.

I know the US government pays farmers to not farm in an attempt to control prices and surplus. It is also done in the dairy industry.

Ben Raines

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Oh I read the OP and it was about a secret society where LDS were taking over the world and owned all this land and were going to make people starve if they didn't belong, etc. and then we were paying for land to not grow anything.

I believe this government program goes back at least 50 years if not longer.

Ben Raines

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I didn't really take anything serious from the OP because of the purpose of its existence... to torment and make fun of my past references. So I missed the direction it might have led the discussion in facts... sorry.

Yeah... I think the programs for paying the farmers to not plant fields is dating back to the fifties... that's when I first heard about them.

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Apparently YOU weren't in the secret meetings either! I guess the church DOES pay farmers to not raise food except for the LDS!

Maybe you and I can pool our food storage together to survive since we obviously missed the secret meetings. Maybe that was why our Stake President called for our latest PH meeting to take place in the graveyard at midnight, and asked who had a goat to bring....

Darn, I miss ALL of the good meetings!

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Guest Utahrulzz

Why do chicks dig you?

-Do you associate with any nutbar conspiracy theory groups?

I don't know if your jokes are appropriate being linked to the Temple Recommend interview. The Temple Recommend interview has been given to Bishops and Stake Presidents directly from the Bretheren. To mock, even in the spirit of humor, is a violation of the Covenants you made in the House of the Lord.

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