Director of Affirmation Urges Mormons To stop Shunning Gay Family Members


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If you can't link sources, you can't expect us to believe what you're saying when all linked resources (from reputable sources) show evidence to the contrary.

That being said- can we drop the AIDS tangent? It brings absolutely zero to this conversation; it's relation to the OP is purely hypothetical.

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What a rude young man you are! I'm sure your parents would be proud. ;)

It's really none of your business what my sources are... this isn't a debate team. It's a forum, where people may freely express their opinions without being shot down. I would expect better from a member of the Church!

Regarding this subject...I find your well as your caustic be most illogical!

Respect is given where respect is earned. I call a spade a spade -- and I back it up with evidence.

You can't make extraordinary claims without providing a source and expect to be taken seriously. This is a debate, is it not? All arguments are debates. The statement that "AIDs is easily spread via coughing/sneezing" is not an opinion. It is an incorrect statement and one that you use with intent to deceive.

I'm absolutely fine with you making that claim.. provided you can put your money where your mouth is. Ignorance has no place in an intelligent discussion.. so please validate your claims.

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Guys, this person has proven that she's just a troll. She's just looking to get a rise out of everyone, and will say any outlandish thing she can to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even believe half of what she's said.

I'd recommend just ignoring her from now on. She has nothing important or intelligent to say, so why waste any more of our time with her?

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You did not say that those who assume another's sources are incorrect are judgmental and close minded?

Nope, you did, demonstrably so. Maybe you mean to say that you did say the above (the only reasonable claim in light of the evidence) but that you are not assuming that someone else's information is false?

Nope, without having seen sources you've assumed them false. Maybe you aren't assuming, that its only after careful review of sources you've reached that conclusion... oh wait, they haven't been shared, that can't be it.

Oh, I know, you are waiting for somebody to share them before you conclude them to be false.

Oh shoot, there goes that theory.

That's demonstrably false. I'd demonstrate it of course, but you've already informed me that such would be an exercise in futility.

Did you not imply that I am judgmental and close minded?

Yes, you did, demonstrably so. "How ironic".

I have learned by sad experience, whenever I provide sources in this forum, it is not well received. It's called, "shooting the messenger".

And all I have to say about the rest of your post is "blah blah blah". lol

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Ignorance has no place in an intelligent discussion.. so please validate your claims.

To quote Snow:

"Prediction: can't and won't."

Maxel brings up a good point though, she's not going to respond how you want her to, we've entered violence against a deceased equine territory.

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Ignorance has no place in an intelligent discussion.. so please validate your claims.

To quote Snow:

"Prediction: can't and won't."

Maxel brings up a good point though, she's not going to respond with cites, we've entered violence against a deceased equine territory.

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Guys, this person has proven that she's just a troll. She's just looking to get a rise out of everyone, and will say any outlandish thing she can to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even believe half of what she's said.

I'd recommend just ignoring her from now on. She has nothing important or intelligent to say, so why waste any more of our time with her?

You have no idea what I am or who I am.

I understand the basic concept involved in attacking the messenger...'tis a Saul Alinsky tactic used to focus on and discredit the person, as opposed to discussing the subject at hand.

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You have no idea what I am or who I am.

I understand the basic concept involved in attacking the messenger...'tis a Saul Alinsky tactic used to focus on and discredit the person as opposed to discussing the subject at hand.

Edited for mods. Mods -- can you delete her intentionally misleading posts, then?

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"Each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak. And it is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians. Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let man label you as they may. If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country- hold up your head! You have nothing to be ashamed of.” - Mark Twain

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Did you not imply that I am judgmental and close minded?

Yes, you did, demonstrably so. "How ironic".

I have learned by sad experience, whenever I provide sources in this forum, it is not well received. It's called, "shooting the messenger".

And all I have to say about the rest of your post is "blah blah blah". lol

No - it's hardly a case of shooting the messenger. You are not a messenger. You often have a decidedly distasteful point of view and simply cite a bunch of bull on the web to back it up.

Edited by pam
had massager instead of messenger
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Guys, this person has proven that she's just a troll. She's just looking to get a rise out of everyone, and will say any outlandish thing she can to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even believe half of what she's said.

I'd recommend just ignoring her from now on. She has nothing important or intelligent to say, so why waste any more of our time with her?

I don't think so. She and her husband have been on and off the board for a long time - banned several times. I think that she or they really believe the grunge they post.

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I worked with a guy about a year ago who is a member of the Church and came out about his homosexuality about a year ago. He isn't active in the Church right now (I know that in his situation it's his own choice); but I wondered what would be protocol in the church if he and his partner were to begin attending regularly. They wouldn't be banned, would they? Would their bishop confront them? How is that handled within the Church?

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Good question. I honestly don't know how that would be handled.

They're allowed to attend. It's completely up to them if they choose to partake in the ordinances -- no one can tell them not to as far as I'm aware. That is between them and God. The Bishop can advise them not to.. but that is not binding.

They should be encouraged to take the sacrament if they are celibate.

I don't think so. She and her husband have been on and off the board for a long time - banned several times. I think that she or they really believe the grunge they post.

I'm afraid this is true. Perhaps she/he will shrink back into the shadows once again.. talk about a blessing. It's no fun poking sticks at out-dated arguments ;)

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The man and his partner would be welcomed so long as they didn't show any public display of affection (maybe holding hands would be ok... Probably up to the discretion of the bishop). Eventually, they would find the Church a waste of time or desire to join. From that point on, it's their choice if they want to give up their homosexual lifestyle and focus on becoming disciples of Christ or not.

Either way, I doubt they'd be attending as a gay couple for long.

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They're allowed to attend. It's completely up to them if they choose to partake in the ordinances -- no one can tell them not to as far as I'm aware. That is between them and God. The Bishop can advise them not to.. but that is not binding.

They should be encouraged to take the sacrament if they are celibate.

I'm afraid this is true. Perhaps she/he will shrink back into the shadows once again.. talk about a blessing. It's no fun poking sticks at out-dated arguments ;)

I never thought they wouldn't be allowed to attend. I just wondered about the conditions if any that might be placed on them if they do. I agree with Maxel that as long as there is no PDA...they would probably be fine.

I just thought it an interesting question and not something I had thought of before.

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Also, maybe we could drop the GrandmaAri tangent? It's going nowhere. If she wants to post her opinions and claim they are fact, but cannot back them up, then don't respond.

Unless she's breaking a rule, I don't see the need for this kind of reaction. Even if she were, there still wouldn't be justification for this kind of response from non-moderators.

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Also, maybe we could drop the GrandmaAri tangent? It's going nowhere. If she wants to post her opinions and claim they are fact, but cannot back them up, then don't respond.

Unless she's breaking a rule, I don't see the need for this kind of reaction. Even if she were, there still wouldn't be justification for this kind of response from non-moderators.

Especially since some of those posts going against her would be in violation of rules 3 and 4. We don't want the moderators having to stop these types of posts.

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Oh my, what have I missed? lol

Incidentally, I have references to back up my POV; however, as I've stated numerous times, my sources are unpopular in this forum. Therefore, it would be a waste of time to quote said sources.

I've come to the conclusion that some people are just bored and want to pick a fight. I'm very disappointed that this is happening in an LDS forum.

Edited by GrandmaAri
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