Our new pet Igor..


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My girlfriend and I rescued a poor little squirrel who had fallen out of his nest a few days ago. He was extremely lethargic and appeared nearly catatonic.. but it was just severe dehydration and he's looking healthy again. He has a gimp back foot (we think it's broken) and walks with a bit of a limp.. hence the name Igor. (He's tiny -- fits in the palm of my hand)

I really am amazed at how pet-like he is and how quickly he 'bonded' with us. He loves being held.. and he loves to get under pillows. I'm a little jealous as he favors 'mommy' over me though.. we basically have joint-custody. He sleeps at her house but spends his days over at mine :lol:

If you ever get a chance to nurse a little squirrel (or other critter) back to health.. give it a shot -- it's easy and rewarding.

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That's awesome!

He's so much fun, haha. I mean he poops on me and stuff sometimes.. but it's not even that bad. When he hears my voice he starts whining for attention.

I think the most fun is feeding him. We put pet formula in a dropper and he makes the funniest little noises.

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When I was 16 I fed a baby squirrel, he had been found in a tree that had fallen down in a thunderstorm. The person who had him worked at the same place my grandmother worked and was going away for awhile and needed someone to look after him. I loved feeding that little guy. He eventually grew up and lived in the stump of the tree that he was originally found in. He would take nuts from the hand of the man who found him. Baby squirrels are so cute!

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If you release him back into the wild, be very, very careful that there are no predators around. My in-laws once nursed a bird back to health . . . within ten seconds of their releasing him, the family cat got him.

That's just luck of the draw I think. The plan is.. if his leg heals properly and we're able to release him.. to build him a box that he can stay in until he makes his own nest, etc. :lol: It sounds awful.. but part of me doesn't want him to heal.. :D

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My girlfriend and I rescued a poor little squirrel who had fallen out of his nest a few days ago. He was extremely lethargic and appeared nearly catatonic.. but it was just severe dehydration and he's looking healthy again. He has a gimp back foot (we think it's broken) and walks with a bit of a limp.. hence the name Igor. (He's tiny -- fits in the palm of my hand)

I really am amazed at how pet-like he is and how quickly he 'bonded' with us. He loves being held.. and he loves to get under pillows. I'm a little jealous as he favors 'mommy' over me though.. we basically have joint-custody. He sleeps at her house but spends his days over at mine :lol:

If you ever get a chance to nurse a little squirrel (or other critter) back to health.. give it a shot -- it's easy and rewarding.

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well thats just great you were able to save him; one time i found a squirrel almost dead in a bucket of water; i pulled him out barely saved him from death. about an hour later when he started to come too; he bit off the end of my finger!:(

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well thats just great you were able to save him; one time i found a squirrel almost dead in a bucket of water; i pulled him out barely saved him from death. about an hour later when he started to come too; he bit off the end of my finger!:(

I caught mine young.. teaching him early. Sorry to hear about your finger.. what happened to the squirrel after the incident? Did it run off?

I won't tolerate anti-squirrel propaganda ;) I hope your finger healed fully

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Sorry about your finger. Any animal in pain and/or scared can bite. The squirrel was trying to defend herself. She had no idea you really meant her no harm. But, dang! that still hurts! I hope you've healed up fully!


My dad and his family had two squirrels when he was a kid. One of the squirrels used to play "ariborne assault." He used to leap from the rafters of the basement onto whoever was walking down the stairs below him. He never bit anyone- it was just a game- but he caused several near heart attacks until they understood his humor!

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