Rough Patch


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I've been going through a rough patch lately. My marriage has been suffering and I've lost some faith. I would never walk away from the church because deep down I know it's right. We have moved to a new area and are now part of a branch. Most couples here are just starting there families. There are not too many people who have kids my older kids' ages. I just don't feel like we fit in but I'm at a point that I need to try something. I have no family around for support and am getting kind of lonely with no friends. I need some good uplifting friends to be an example to me and help me through this rough patch. How do I go about trying to fit in and getting back to the type of person I want to be?

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I am somewhat in the same boat, so I am not sure if I can help. But know that in the end we are all in the very same boat. We are all trying. What might appear to be perfect on the outside might very well be extremely rough on the inside. W/ you having older children you might be the support and a great source of information to those that are just starting out. Give it a chance and you might find the source of strength from places that you least expect it.

Best of luck sister!

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i agree with les, may be time for you to do a bit of leading, scarey as that may sound.

i think that sometimes we are put in positions where we may feel that we are being tested (faith, etc.) but it is really just another "classroom" with its own lessons.

if you can take part in your branch, you just might find your faith is still there, with you.

i assume you've already been praying about all this, i would say to you, try to extend yourself, hard as that might be.

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Happiness is like a butterfly.

If you chase it, it will elude you.

But if you turn your thoughts to other things,

It will come and sit softly on your shoulder.

Lose yourself in service. A wise man told me many years ago that you get out of the church exactly what you put into it. Get involved. Be of service. Be interested in the younger couples and families. You'll be amazed how quickly this will work.

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