Resources for fighting Pornography


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I have a friend who is currently trying to fight a pornography addiction, he has had trouble with it off and on since he was five when a neighbor kid showed him a pornographic picture. Currently he is trying to change his life in such a way that he can overcome his addiction, but he is having troubles with resisting tempations and old habits.

I know there are some awesome people on here who have some awesome resources when it comes to overcoming pornography. I am wondering if some of you could list some of those resources for me so that I can pass them on to my friend.

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Tarnished, i would recommend that your friend start therapy with someone who has experience with this issue.

Because your friend was introduced at so young an age and it has left such a strong imprint on your friends life, i do beleive that any self-help method will be ineffective.

i was also introduced to extremely explicit porn at the age of 7 by an older friend......there weren't magazines then, just real photos of what you knew were real people.

This is more serious than your friend can know, because of your friends age at the timke.

The old saying of "get them while they are young" works for ill as well as good.

Your friend has lots of work ahead, i'm afraid.

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There's an author named Carnes. Look on Amazon. He wrote a few great books on the subject.

Harrison and Jeppson are LDS authors. They have good emotional workbooks that help as well.

IMO, the 12 steps should only be one tool in the addiction recovery tool belt. I also feel therapy is also essential.

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This is very true. If someone really wants to stop an addiction they will, however having a basis to work off of to keep away from temptation and things that might cause you to relapse is a good thing as well. I believe he really wants to change. I just want to try and help find him some good resources for making that change more effective.

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and if he doesnt....because this can be a VERY confusing need to set your own boundries and cut him loose if necessary.....i hope you dont need to.

this goes VERY deep......and his recovery is...a challenge.

give him support...but dont coddle him.

and if he him up.....but dont let him lean upon you too much...he must find his own strength.

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if he was molested, (and he was) a trip to The Meadows in wickenburg arizona. special hospital for sex addiction.

the wounded, molested child has to be treated and this CANNOT be done by amateurs or by self help groups alone. the treatment includes something called survivors week, where they go back and age regress this person back to when it happened and resolve it.

the special hospital treats this condition and gets down to causes and conditions.

read anything by patrick carnes. sex addicts anonymous for ongoing support.

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Just like any addiction. Mental or physical.

If the person really wants to stop doing it. They'll stop.

Some people are more successful at overcoming addictions than others. Take smokers for instance -- and I'm using this as an example because smoking is a more visible addiction, whereas pornographic and sexual addictions tend to be hidden and kept secret by such addicts. As such, you seldom know who they are.

There are some smokers who just decide, "I'm done with this" drop smoking and seem to never look back. These are the RARE EXCEPTION, NOT THE MAJORITY OF ADDICTS. I've only ever met perhaps one or two smokers in my entire life that didn't WANT to quit. Many of them want to quit very, very badly. But they can't seem to quit. Why do you think that is? Is it because they just secretly don't want to quit? Nonsense! They want to quit alright, but can't manage summon the will-power to make it happen. Most have tried and failed so many times that they become increasingly discouraged. Failed attempts to quit smoking pile up and they become more and more discouraged until most of them just give up and stop trying.

Sexual addictions of all types aren't so very different. Unlike smoking, they strike at one of the basic needs that is pre-programmed into the human psyche: Reproduction. Multiplying and replenishing the earth, etc. Considering that, why think of pornography or any other sexual addiction any differently. There is a biochemical component to these addictions just like there is with smoking, alchoholism or any drug addiction.

Can you imagine telling alchoholic, "Well if you wanted to quit, you'd quit. Suck it up and just do it! Don't be such a baby! If you can't just quite outright, you obviously don't really want to quit." There's truth to what you say -- ultimately the individual must make the choice to leave the object of their addiction behind them -- but they must spend the rest of their life strictly guarding themselves against relapsing. There is an addicted part of their mind that always wants return to the addiction, and it may never go away in this lifetime. Once and addict, always an addict, or so the saying goes. It works the same way for the individual addicted to pornography.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not nearly so easy as you make it sound.

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