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Hi everyone! My name is Amanda. I'm new so I just thought I would introduce myself. :) An advance warning: I write EPIC posts. I can't help it. I'm long-winded. See? Just can't stop talking. ;)

Basically I was born and raised in the Bible Belt. I was raised Protestant (of course... does any other religion EXIST down here? :P). So basically I believe in the Bible and all that good stuff. However I recently have begun to research other Christian religions because, well, mine isn't really working for me. Not only does it fail to inspire me, but I have lots of doctrinal issues with it. There are so many aspects of it that are not taken from the Bible and so many things I find important in the Bible that are not addressed in the Church.

So, as you may have guessed, I am here because I have some questions about the LDS religion. Just so you know, they aren't loaded questions, I genuinely want to know the answers because I am seriously considering joining. :) The questions won't be too basic though, because I've done pretty hardcore research already. I know who Joseph Smith is and all that good stuff lol. I actually think I have more questions about the Church and how it works than actual beliefs, although I may have a few questions about that too. ;)

Anywho... sorry I wrote a novel. If you're still reading, you're amazing. :D I look forward to "meeting" all of you!

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HI Mandii and do feel welcome! This is from a VERY thick lutheran belt of Scandinavia... been there done that.. I mean searching and finding. Today an LDS from -81 and have just loved the ride all the way! A bit bumping road but if you hold fast well enough it will be ok! Anything I can help you with just ask.

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