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Everything posted by jameslentz

  1. I'm 35 until January 18th....so 18 more days I guess, and i'll start the downhill slide to 40.
  2. i look at God knowing all as being this....He knows every possible choice and outcome there is....every different way that we could choose, and because He knows us He knows which choice we will make but that doesn't mean that we are forced to choose it. He is ok with us making whichever choice we want because He loved us enough to give us our agency. So just because He knows all the choices and outcomes doesn't mean the choice isn't still all yours. There is a talk by Jeffrey R Holland called Remember How You Felt - it talks specifically about spiritual experiences and how the adversary attacks that feeling....i read it every so often to remind myself to always remember, when i feel disheartened, those times when I was full of the feeling that comes when we need it most.
  3. I was forwarded this email that had this audio clip in it....so i found a website you can listen to it on. Is it possible she is a member??
  4. that is awesome....welcome to the site and good luck with your baptism. let us know if u have questions or need help with anything!
  5. and if you account for MST (mormon standard time) it won't really start until 7:45PM
  6. Atlanta, GA Provo, UT Columbia, SC and i was sealed to my parents in the Washington, DC temple when i was 3 if that counts :)
  7. From LDS.org Gospel Topics: Chastity ...emphasis added by me...There are more references to talks by GA's on the subject but here is one i always remember: Serious Questions Serious Answers - Richard G Scott I believe that the Law of Chastity is one of those things that we all can agree is under constant attack by the adversary. It is important that those who struggle with it stay on guard at all times and are honest with themselves and with the Lord. Rationalizing sin will not make it ok on the day of judgment. Besides if she has been to the temple she knows how serious Chastity is. My heart goes out to her because there is nothing easy about controlling this if it is a persons weakness. But the Lord make your weak things strong. I hope this helps.
  8. welcome to the site. we love that you found us and we will all do everything we can for you.
  9. I heard a rumor that Pam was the secretary that wrote the Declaration of Independence for the founding fathers...what an honor that must have been. Happy Anniversary!!
  10. how about a nice heart shaped locket on a necklace with a picture of the two of you, and inscribed with your favorite scripture...that makes it religious, beautiful and personal but not obviously any denomination. also i hear baptisms are good presents....
  11. apparently you are pretty good with English too!!! Welcome!!
  12. There does seem to exist this huge stigma in our culture that the age gap is very important as to the approval of outside parties. Too often I think in all areas, not just relationships, people let the opinions of others get in their way. If this man happened to be one of the someone's you could have been eternally happy with then what does the age gap matter. My main question in all of this is: In the eternities, is age [here on earth] going to matter? I know there are still problems that go along with a relationship that includes people from different generations...sometimes those things can cause very big problems...but if you are happy then what is wrong with it. You have to do whatever makes you comfortable and we each have our limits but an age difference that is over 10, 15 or even 20 years, while significant, doesn't mean it's a deal breaker. I have a friend in my ward that is in his early to mid thirties and married to a girl that is 22 or 23. I guess all i'm trying to say is that each person has their limits and every persons limits are valid, but don't limit yourself based on others opinions.
  13. i too had similar experiences on my mission...tracted a man who setup an appointment to return only to find out he was a minister and was prepared when we returned. I was not comfortable and there was nothing of value that came from it. I still think about it from time to time and wonder if there was something else I could have said or done but the truth is people that feel and believe that way have either made their eternal decision or at some future time will allow HF's attempts to reach them succeed. On a funny note, a recent missionary in my ward had a saying for people who rejected their message harshly, he would say "Have fun being a star!" Not sure if he told them that but it seemed to help him remember to let it go and continue searching.
  14. indeed a very sad story but continues to show that Shaq is a very good man. There have been many stories I have seen about him helping people and especially how much he does with children. I've just always liked him.
  15. i heard it said one time, and it always just felt right, that on the day of judgment, that we will be our own judges and to not be allowed entrance to the Celestial Kingdom won't be HF or JC banishing us from that place, but it will be WE who will take ourselves from there because we know that we don't belong in Their presence....the same I think could apply to the Kingdoms, that we won't try to go to one that we don't belong in, and not from someone keeping us out, but from us keeping ourselves out then there's that whole brightness of glory thing...i don't think a star can "act" like a moon or a moon like a sun...
  16. i just read the continuous atonement and it was really good....i recommend it....i am looking to read the infinite atonement as soon as i can get my hands on it.
  17. How Firm a Foundation High on a Mountain Top I Believe In Christ Called to Serve Praise to the Man my number one favorite Oh How Lovely Was the Morning Because of the video every time I hear or sing that hymn I start to think about the magnificent event of that morning and it chokes me up.
  18. move back to my home town because every day there seems like a freaking eternity...LOL!! but seriously...i would do my home teaching :) no really I would go and see my children and maybe tell some people things that I never had the courage to say before...and enjoy as much cheesecake as possible
  19. gramajane got to it before i did...but i was going to say that Pres. Eyring is probably the most emotional of the current apostles....i also remember back in April there was a youtube video that had parts of a talk by Elder Holland and video from Jesus the Christ put together testifying of the Easter season and the resurrection of the Lord. i gave a talk in August and my topic was faith. I started talking about Abraham being commanded to take Isaac and sacrifice him....didn't make it through before i started crying....i was thinking about what it would have been like to be told to take your only son and sacrifice him....which made me imagine myself in Abrahams place with one of my sons....it got me. I do find that I am emotional when the spirit is present, but i always try to make sure that it is genuine because i remember an article in one of the ensigns this year talked about making sure that signs of emotion weren't linked to the spirit being present because that is not always the case. I am trying to find that article. The hymn Joseph Smith's First Prayer...i hear the opening notes and it starts...for me i associate that song with the vision (of course) but i have already tied it to my own thoughts about what it must have been like for Joseph to see our HF and our Savior standing about him....makes my heart swell. but anyway, i too get embarrassed but i don't let it bother me too much because i love the feelings of the spirit. now....which of the ladies thinks crying men are sexy again??
  20. ....by remaining in his coverage lane he kept containment in case the return man bounced out to his side...i call that perfect coverage
  21. welcome Rick!! I live on the other side of the state near Hickory....not that far away though. Glad to have you back in the fold. I too came back this year. The demons and struggles will get easier. I am happy for you and if there is ever anything you want to talk about let me know. This is also a great community of support on this website. Any question is answered honestly and lovingly....i think you will really like it here....i know i do. -James