Utah is the happiest state in the US


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I've read both the news article and the research article now. The authors of the research never say that Utah is the happiest state. They say that it scores the highest happiness index (or something to that effect). However, you have to consider the definition of the happiness index.

The happiness index generated by the authors is based on economic, health, and social factors. Essentially, they took a list of factors that are known to be correlated with self-reported happiness and mashed them all together. But there's one catch to it--it's based on aggregated data from other self-reported research and polls, and they failed to weight the aggregated data for variability. For instance, the median income in Mississippi may be lower than in Utah, but there is probably a wider range of incomes in Utah than in Mississippi. This study assume all states have equal variance in all these measures.

The research could have been a lot better if they had either accounted for variability in their calculations, or used source data (individual responses) instead of aggregated data. Minor oops.

Even if they were to make that change, however, I dont' think you'd see radical changes. Utah might still be towards the top of the list, but probably not so dramatically.

The other thing that was interesting in the study was that Utah frequently didn't conform to the known correlations for happiness. Happiness is known to be correlated with income, for example. But Utah actually has a fairly low median income (compared to other states) but a really high happiness score. If it did this in one or two areas, I'd not be so concerned. But it happened in enough areas that I question the validity of the defintions.

What's more, I'm a little disturbed by how this research fits in with other known research. Utah ranks 1st in the country for anti-depressant use. It ranks 11th for teen suicide rate (first among teenage boys). And then it's the happiest state? The research is starting to paint a picture that Utah is happier because the unhappy people are either on drugs or have killed themselves. Looking at the whole picture, I'm not sure this is a recognition Utah should be happy about.

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Do any other Utah residents see the youth of our state struggling like never before?

I see youth everywhere struggling like they have never before.

I don't like singling out Utah as I think Satan is targeting youth everywhere -- especially the ones who have great spiritual abilities and potentials.

This is the last days. All the wickedness of the generations is starting to come to a head. All the pestilance and plagues fortold are hitting us. None of us are too protected or immune. The fact that we are seeing struggles like never before on youth and marriage and morality and happiness shouldn't be that big of a surprize, imo.

If you are LDS, you have been warned and forewarned. We are still in a spiritual war and the battle is only intensifying. But there is hope and happiness and the Savior will come again. But I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better. So all the more reason to do everything we can to promote the ways of happiness and spiritual safety.

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Thanks Miss 1/2, you are exactly right. Satan is targeting everyone everywhere and trying to find whatever chink in the armor that he can to weaken us and drive us to despair.

I have been to Utah many times, both as a student and then visiting my kids while they are at the Y. I don't know if it is happier than the rest of the nation, but I do know that I meet an awful lot of nice people there.

Those that are living the gospel as they should are naturally happy and are focused on enduring to the end joyfully. Those that do not have this type of attitude (including church members), or that 'life $uck$, and then you die' are, generally, not going to be very happy.

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I've heard that statisticians frequently throw in a plus or minus amount of allowable deviance in their disclaimer. All the state scores fell within a seven point margin in the sixties (out of a possible 100). My thought is due to this narrow range, it is actually meaningless to point to a significant difference on a state to state basis.

As far as that happiness goes, it was rather painful for all us Utahans to have our smiles stapled in place.


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