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just be careful and hae your standards set before you come across on having the chance to kiss, id just kiss on the lips until you r married better safe then sorry. lol liondy like the vampire thing, and dis you a girl ? howd you know it would stir emotions in a girl? i think a guy would be more. p.s you think its hard now wait till your engaged, but just remember the lord atoned for you dont let him down. and heres a good hint on morally clean, dont ever lay down next to someone of the opposite sex it only leads to other stuff.

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Guest Gilvisto

I remember someone telling me that when they told their bishop they wanted to wait til marriage to kiss each other, he (the bishop) told them to kiss before then... he said "If there is no attraction, there will be no marriage"...

Teenagers should not kiss, says I. It should be post-mission at least...

John Bytheway had a good article on this topic... I'll let you konw if I find it...


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i was told today in can kiss but it should be non-passionate and be after a couple of dates atleast...they didn't say teens shouldn't...but i think that they shouldn't if they think or know that they won't be able to keep their standards by doing it...if they make the decision beforehand to just "peck" lol...then they will prolly just "peck"

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lol i know my old roomates who were vl before college would just for attention, they couldve gotten in trouble... p.s your husband will never want to know about your past boyfriends. even though i think its fun and funny to know about his past girlfriends so keep taht inmind when kissing, your spouse will never wanna know bout it jk lol

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Oct 29 2005, 11:25 AM

You probably should kiss girls, regardless of guilt, because if you don't, one of the guys that they are dating are going to.  And women are weird emotional creatures, and even though they might know you longer, they'll regard you more of friend material and the guy that kissed them as boyfriend/husband material.  At least kiss the girls you're attracted to.

I don't really think so. Kissing people just so you can beat everyone else to the goal doesn't help you, that's not love, that's selfishness.

Besides, if you went around kissing every girl you've ever liked, you'd get Mono so fast it'd make your head spin. (Literally :blink: )

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To kiss or not to kiss... that is the question.

I as well was a late bloomer and wasn't kissed til I was 20 years old. I didn't want to kiss just anyone. I didn't want to kiss out of curiosity. I wanted to kiss someone I was romantic about. Hence the delay.

I didn't even play spin the bottle or RCK (run , catch, and kiss) in the playground at school.

Was it worth the wait? ABSOLUTELY!

All I can say is, if you really love someone, if its mutual, and one of those moments then go ahead and kiss them. It is a matter of the heart. Now as you do kiss them, since its based on love, you will be concious and careful about letting it go too far or compromising values.

Always pray before you leave the house to see this person. A simple prayer that has always worked for me is where I just level with GOD. I say," Jesus, I really like this guy so please let me come home as pure as I left the house."

God hasn't failed me yet.

Now advice post kissing is:

-NEVER kiss and tell.

-NEVER kiss and brag.

-NEVER kiss and complain.

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Nov 10 2005, 08:54 PM

I don't see the difference post and pre mission.  And what happens if you're constantly pre mission (that is you never go on a mission)?  How will you ever kiss girls?

I guess it would be a standard for those planning a mission and not one for those who do not want to go...

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I think making out is ok if you and your boyfriend/girlfriend talk about it before hand. You have to tell them about your standards, if they're not a member, if they are they should know. It might sound alittle embarrassing to talk about it but if you truly like that person than you should be totally open to talking about it. Plus, if you know that you can control your self and not let yourself get carried away i think its fine, just remember there are consequences for your actions. : ) <3

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  • 2 weeks later...


The more the dollar is printed, the less each one is worth.

And so it is with kisses you've given since your birth.

The value of your kisses, a sample cannot measure,

Nor is your kiss more worthy if it's said to give one pleasure.

The more and more you give away, the better your kiss is known.

And to all the world, your kiss is cheap, and your affection shown.

But if you save your kisses, no matter what the cost,

You'll find as time moves forward, a chance you've saved, not lost!

Then when you find the one you love, with whom you'll live life through,

Think of the worth of a perfect kiss, if saved for only you...

-- Alvin W. Jones III

Okay, I havent read much of what anyone has posted on the topic but here is my take. President Kimball said this:

"Kissing has been prostituted and has degenerated to develop and express lust instead of affection, honor, and admiration. To kiss in casual dating is asking for trouble. What do kisses mean when they are given out like pretzels, and robbed of sacredness?"

Originally, kisses meant something. What do they mean now? To the general public, absolutely nothing. They are pleasure and thats all. Yes, Disruptive, I know.. "What's wrong with pleasure?" and absolutely nothing is wrong with that in the right time, place, and with the right person. I have been dating the same guy for 2 1/2 years.. we didnt kiss until after the first year. Everything was great for that first year, too. It was pure clean fun. We could laugh and just have awesome times together. Once we kissed, things started getting more serious. After a month, we started making out. After we'd gotten bored of making out, things went further. Before I knew it, I was talking to my bishop. Of course, not ALL kissing leads to other things but you either have to be doing the right kind of kissing (WHICH is NOT making out) or have a heck of a lot of self control. And trust me, no matter how much self control you think you have, Satan works EXTRA hard when he knows you're vulnerable. #1- when youre making out and think you can take it, he preys on the prideful... the ones who think they are strong enough. #2- he knows we have hormones and will want more so he helps us to justify going just a little further. Trust me, I know. No matter who you are, if you dont slip the first time, you'll slip the 2nd or 3rd or 4th. The Lord and his porphets know what they are talking about when they counsel against these things. The Lord knows everything and he knows you. You think He doesnt know your weaknesses and when you'll eventually give in? He does. And thats why he has his servants, the leaders of The Church, help us set standards for these things.

Being a woman, I just gotta say this. Kisses mean different things to different people. A kiss may mean a lot more to one person than it does another. John Bytheway said this, "Kisses are wonderful, but they are powerful and should be handled with great care." Also, Thomas S. Monson said this, "Men, take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears." If you disregard all the spiritual reasons regarding kissing, its as simple as this: people get hurt when their being lead on. A simple kiss can mean a lot more to me that it does to the guy giving the kiss. We all know how much it stinks to be hurt so just use youre head and actually think about things before you do them.

I'm not looking for debates or arguments so there's my take on kissing, dont expect me to come back with a re-direct when you disagree.

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I kissed my fair share of girls way back in the day as my kids say. I think that kissing means more to girls than it does to most guys in their teen years.

It is true that it is the first step in a progression that can lead to other physical and emotional things happening. I have heard it likened to playing with a poisonous snake. You may get away with it a few times but sooner or later you will be bit if you play.

I would caution all who wish to maintain a high moral standard before marriage to limit their kissing, touching, petting, gettin jiggy whatever you want to call it. As stated in an earlier post what is considered normal today was obscene just 20-30 years ago. Let's not accept what the world would have us do and maintain a higher standard. LDS or not.

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Well boys and know uncle Seth will give it to you bluntly.

I believe with kissing and moral standards and things that have to do with your religious standards is the easiest thing in the world.

The trick? No trick. Make your decision BEFORE you get to that point. Make up your mind that you will never kiss on the first date....then when that first date comes you dont need to make up your mind...cause it was made a long time ago. Stick to your decisions.

I never kiss on the first date even now. And if my date makes a move to kiss me goodnight I have developed a sly little move where I take her by the hand and move it up between our lips so that she cant kiss me and I just kiss her hand softly. This spares her feelsings and it maintains my decision. Then I let her know that I look foward to tasting those soft lips next time....

Let me just restate: Make your decision on these matters now. Then when the situation actually comes up you dont have any decision to make. No pressure to worry about and no second guessing.

Draw your moral line in the sand...and then do not cross it.

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You know it really IS nice to see men (young..or older) who have their moral standards they stick by. Setting a good example to others and such....

If I didn't know any LDS brethren...I would have thought it was a by-law of the Boy Scouts or something :)

Gettin jiggy (with it) LOL Ben....

Witty....really liked that poem!

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Setheus has a good point there.

Kissing on the first date isnt for those you are serious about getting to date again. And I hate the ackward cliche first date good night kiss, just because its a way to get back inside the house and get him to go away.

When I kiss someone its because I have spent alot of time with them and am really emotional about them and I see that they are about me as well. And that special moment comes about.... :wub: The more drawn out the kiss the better.

This is why I employ the 2 option method on my rendre-vouz.

senario #1 is I wanna see the guy again so I will say ty for a nice evening and give him a hug and be gone inside. If he really feels something about me, he will call back and ask to see me again.

senario #2 If as the date progresses I get to know some things about him, and I realize that there is no way on God's green earth that I am kissing this guy EVER, I go ahead and get a huge order of my favorite food, Cuchi Fritos (Fried Pig Ears in Hot Sauce)... and then I go into detail on how they are made. First you have to wash the ears very well to remove every bit of ear wax, then you shave them, then wash again, then boil them, then when they are soft and cooked you slice them, then you fry them in lard, then you add hot sauce... and VOILA!!! This method is 100% effective. No fighting anyone off at the front door, no trying to uninvite someone demanding a night cap, and no 2nd date to go on. :P

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