Hi everyone!


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I have been a member of the LDS church since I was born, so almost 26 years. I have been inactive, however, for about 8. I was a really good mormon boy, but once I turned 17 I started going through that rebelious phase and put myself through a lot of bad things. I have recently thought about getting back into the church again. I found this site and thought I would join. Hope I can find a lot of answers to my solutions here. :) I made up a different name because I want to keep everything I say on here private. But in time I may just change it lol.


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Welcome, Wishing!

It'll be tough, but in the long run it'll be worth it. :) There will be a million reasons not to come back, whether it's someone offending you or the difficulty in the day to day. It will be difficult to persevere, but know that it will be worth it.

I'll pray for you! Hope you have a great day.

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Welcome Wishing! It is great you have become interested to maybe getting back. It will be worth it!

So officially:

Welcome to LDS.net. You will find here an ecclectic mix of LDS and some non-members. While the site is dedicated to the Gospel, and to promoting the Church to a world that often does not understand us, we also make room for conversations about current events, and about social and cultural practices within the Church. If your main desire is to learn about the Church, consider starting with the "Learn About Mormonism" forums. For more advanced teachings, that will often include a variety of perspectives, some non-LDS, consider the Gospel section of forums.

While you are welcome to all main sections, be aware this site makes room for a variety of opinions and personalities. Some posters can be passionate about their views, and occasionally more so about them than about the souls of visitors. If you find something particularly offensive, feel free to make a report by clicking the appropriate tab.

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Welcome to the site. There is no problem with keeping your name anonymous. I'm sure you've noticed there are many who do not use their real name. But some do..such as:

Mr. Dazed A. Confused

Mr. Funky Town

Mr. John Doe

Mr. Mahone (he wanted to get the one name thing going like Beyonce and Cher and others)

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Welcome. I was a convert who joined the church at age 21yrs old. Eventually I too became inactive. Recently I styated feeling compelled to become active again. I've been pretty nervious about this so I joined this site to see what peoples reaction would be to me being inactive & coming back to church. It's one of the BEST decisions I ever made. I'm working with my local Bishop & Missionaries now. This Sunday I will attend my first Sacrament Service in about 5 yrs. I hope & pray theat things work out just as well for you!

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