Is Fear Healthy?


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I have had a problem with watching scary shows and I have even gone as far to walk out of something that I felt was too disturbing. The world is having some very scary things going on. How are you dealing with all of what is happening in your homes?

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when i was a teenager i thrived on fear becasue i didnt want to be scared of anything, and i watched so many stuff and did things that made me relize, there is a fear of ghosts that people have or dead people who have gone on.. im not scared of that, but we also have to relize satan is real and his spirits are watiing for us to make mistakes, therefore I may not be scared of much in this category becasue i love scary things expessially halloween, but there can be a fun scary and evil scary the best way to keep my home clean is Avoid it at all costs and keep the good spirit in my home at all times. if i were to ever see a family member who passed on agian i wouldn't want to unless mabey in the temple or hospitle.

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How am I dealing with all what is happening in my home???

Perfect loves casts out all fear, and there is beauty all around when there's love at home... so what do I have to be afraid of?

Btw, while I have found that perfect love does cast out all fear, I have also found that it helps to not watch scary movies... and I even turn the channel when I see a scary movie preview. :)

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 7 2005, 03:43 PM

I have had a problem with watching scary shows and I have even gone as far to walk out of something that I felt was too disturbing. The world is having some very scary things going on. How are you dealing with all of what is happening in your homes?

I does not bother me to read a scary book but when they do a movie of it i never get threw it...Mainly because of the goryness of them.....I don't like bloody chain saw slasher stuff UGGGGGGG! I can handle a good thriller though...mainly the guys like guy movies and I don't get to watch them (or i just dont want to) But they don't watch the gross stuff....

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There is enough real garbage in the world that I don't have to watch a movie or read a book that if full of demons or gore.

As a former police officer I have seen enough blood and gore and what I consider evil and I believe in evil spirits so I don't invite them in to my house via the media of books, movies, etc. That is how I deal with it.

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My will admit my question was a bit confusing. :blink:

What I was trying to say is that my spirit is very sensitive to that which is scary or evil. With the way the world is going I worry about many things. The natural disasters, the riots, the terrorism threats the wars, and the economy all have me in a state of blither. :wacko: Everywhere we turn we hear of something terrible it seems whether it be far away or right in our own backyard...

Are you able to just watch the news and then say "pass the potatoes honey" or does this affect you as well?

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 7 2005, 07:18 PM

My will admit my question was a bit confusing. :blink: 


What I was trying to say is that my spirit is very sensitive to that which is scary or evil. With the way the world is going I worry about many things. The natural disasters, the riots, the terrorism threats the wars, and the economy all have me in a state of blither. :wacko: Everywhere we turn we hear of something terrible it seems whether it be far away or right in our own backyard...

Are you able to just watch the news and then say "pass the potatoes honey" or does this affect you as well?

Yes that does effect me.....I have a real hard time dealing with a few things that has happened recently...It doesnt seem to effect my kids as much for they never watch the news, although we were all watching TV Sep. 11th right when the second plane hit, we thought it was a movie or something... That did effect the kids we had alot of discusions with them about it,

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Yeah I know what you mean about Sept.11th, 2001. I was out of town on business with my husband. We were in Chicago and staying at the Swiss Hotel on an upper floor. My husband and I watched the same thing in horror; we were scheduled to fly home later that day. We called our children who were home in Utah they were a senior, a sophomore, and an 8th grader. The group of people we were with quickly secured two buses to get us home which took days to do so. Upon arriving in the Salt Lake Valley I was wet from tears. I will never forget how relieved I was to be with my family after those days without them and the uncertainty I felt..

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Guest Member_Deleted

It is interesting to note that some go out of their way to cast out peace by watching scary movies.

It is interesting to also note that our homes are where we invite these scary things...

The news of what is happening in the world... is disturbing... it brings pain to me to know others are suffering. But as far as being filled with fear ... I am calm... and at peace... because I know that God is in charge of me and mine... and if we suffer death or disability, or hunger, or thirst... whatever... that in the end we will be okay... inside...

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I used to be a CNN junkie (or MSNBC or FoxNews), and that could be very depressing at times. But that was before I had my son. Now, I don't watch the news at home, unless he is sleeping. We actually don't watch TV in the evenings until he is asleep, except for a few of his favorite kids' shows.

I get my news via news websites now, and found that, although it is still a downer sometimes, it is less depressing that way. It is a bit more matter of fact to read text, than to see dead bodies, crying people, etc. It's easier for me to seperate myself from the news that way.

BTW SF, I think I'm a lot like you in the way I take things too personally and get too involved with horrible real-life new stories... especially when horrible things happen to children... I literally have episodes of depression and cry off and on for days thinking about them.

And when the war started and POW's were on the news a lot, I would think about them WAY too often, wondering what they were going through.

I won't even TALK about 9/11!

As for scary stuff, I don't touch it!

So my suggestion to you SF, is to not watch the news. Try it for a week and see if you feel better.

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 7 2005, 08:18 PM

My will admit my question was a bit confusing. :blink: 


What I was trying to say is that my spirit is very sensitive to that which is scary or evil. With the way the world is going I worry about many things. The natural disasters, the riots, the terrorism threats the wars, and the economy all have me in a state of blither. :wacko: Everywhere we turn we hear of something terrible it seems whether it be far away or right in our own backyard...

Are you able to just watch the news and then say "pass the potatoes honey" or does this affect you as well?

SF my friend...I think that there are so many forces working against us trying to keep us from where we are supposed to be in life. That includes putting fear, apprehension, paranoia, etc. into our minds. If the "dark side" has a chance to work on our fears it will. We just can't dwell on the bad things in life, or it will eat us alive inside. We can always find something wrong if we want to see it, or look for it..

I tried to see the best in things and people for the longest time....and life was fun. Then as I listened to other outside forces tell me what was wrong, bad, deceitful, and evil in my life and the world in general..... I was miserable. I don't like's not who I like to be, or what I like to feel. So, I humbled myself to the Lord to help me through.....again.....

God gave us a choice to choose what is good and what is bad for our lives. It's up to us not to listen, or watch or read those things which infiltrate our minds and our spirits. When we learn to click out or off those things which are "hurting" us emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically, we find powerful strength. And with that strength comes peace within.

I don't watch a lot of news, because it's biased as well as depressing, I, like others, read more from other countries to get a more accurate view on things. I don't invite bad things into my home, I don't associate with bad things, and I don't dwell on bad things to mess with my mind. I worry yes, but to a point. If I can't handle it mentally or emotionally, I turn to God for help ......and my good friends who let me vent and rant and fall apart ;)

A little scripture reading, and extra prayers are kind of useful too!

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I deal with fear by understanding. We fear the unknown. If something scares you, learn about it until you realize its nothing to be afraid of. Or, if it is something to be afraid of then you now will know enough about it to remain safe.

Some people are afraid of guns. I've seen people sweat and start to breath a little heavier just seeing a gun out say on a coffie table. But that is because they are ignorant to the reality of guns. A gun will never of its own agency decide to stand up point itself at you and go off. Guns are absolutly harmless when treated properly. But tell that to someone who has either never been around guns or has had a bad experience due to improper conduct.

Some people fear the Devil. Why? If you learn the plan of salvation, learn the teachings of Christ and actually do your best to live by it then you will see how weak the enemy actually is. The Devil is only scary in he dark. So let your "little light" shine.

You dont have to fight the powers of darkness. The key is to just not donate any ammo to its cause.

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SF, now that you have clarified what you mean by fear. I thought we were talking scary movies here.

I have no fear of what is going on in the world. If you are prepared you shall not fear. There are things going on right in our own towns that would make us shudder if all we did was sit around and worry about things we have no control over.

With a solid belief and understanding of the Plan of Salvation I am ready for when the time comes to move on to the next step. I will not hasten the day but am ready for it when it comes.

Be prepared and there is nothing to fear. True of spiritual things and temporal things as well.

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Guest ToasterOfen

I think there is such thing as a "healthy dose of fear". I think it is "healthy" to have fear of some things. (My words are failing me...) Fear can be the difference in life and death situations...fear can work towards your advantage.

I am fearful of my children getting hit by a car, therefore it makes me more vigilant when we are in the front yard or walking in a parking lot. I am fearful that my children could be abducted, so I am vigilant about where they are, who they are with, etc. I am fearful of my children drowning, so they recieve swimming lessons and are NEVER left alone around water. I am also fearful of my children being thrown from the car in an accident, so they are buckled up every single time we get in a vehicle.

Now, I did say a "healthy dose of fear" which corralates to being concerned, vigilant, cautious...Fear in its unhealthy state would mean becoming obsessive and anxious about everything, worrying incessantly about things and people we have no control over. That is why I agree with limiting the watching of the news. (When Hurricane Katrina hit, all I could do was watch, worry, and fear. I had to turn it off. However, I was able to turn the unhealthy fear I had, into a healthy, be-prepared fear that encouraged me to get our family prepared for something like that happening to us.)

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With a solid belief and understanding of the Plan of Salvation I am ready for when the time comes to move on to the next step.  I will not hasten the day but am ready for it when it comes.

Be prepared and there is nothing to fear.  True of spiritual things and temporal things as well.

"healthy dose of fear" which corralates to being concerned, vigilant, cautious......a healthy, be-prepared fear.

If you learn the plan of salvation, learn the teachings of Christ and actually do your best to live by it then you will see how weak the enemy actually is. The Devil is only scary in he dark. So let your "little light" shine.

WOW is all I can say.......WOW

SF I don't think that you can find any more words more powerful than those quoted above.....WOW

Belief, Learning, Understanding and Being Prepared.... I think you have your answer right there for you!

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I agree that some fear is healthy, and makes us take necessary precautions to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

I also agree with Setheus about trying to understand what it is you fear.

However, the thing I fear most is evil people. When I see on the news what some people are capable of doing, it scares the heck out of me, and makes me want to lock my child up and never let him go anywhere.

You can have all the faith in the world, and you can still be a victim of crime (even living in a very safe area).

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Guest Member_Deleted

You can have all the faith in the world, and you can still be a victim of crime (even living in a very safe area).

I agree. I guess it isn't really safety we can count on... but peace that surpasseth all understanding.. :unsure:

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Thanks for the GREAT Replies!

I think that maybe the trauma from the past couple of years is finally catching up with me.. Well that and the fact of an approaching mid-life crisis. :wow: Many things are crowding my mind and your words have helped me to put a lot of them into perspective, thank you. :)

I also like the thoughts that came to me from the attitude thread. Our self-talk (we all do this) has a lot to do with the way we are able to conduct our lives. I am going to work on my self-talk eh who know, I might once again become a motivational speaker!. :lol:

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 9 2005, 09:23 AM

Thanks for the GREAT Replies!   


I think that maybe the trauma from the past couple of years is finally  catching up with me.. Well  that and the fact of an approaching  mid-life crisis. :wow: Many things are crowding my mind and your words have helped me to put a lot of them into perspective, thank you.    :) 


I also like the thoughts that came to me from the attitude thread. Our self-talk (we all do this) has a lot to do with the way we are able to conduct our lives. I am going to work on my self-talk eh who know, I might once again become a motivational speaker!. :lol:

LOL Once again? were you already once a motivational speaker?? how cool is that? Roll on!!

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I'm not afraid of fiction...films, books, games...but reality does scare me. I agree with the posts by ToasterOften and Setheus, regarding being cautious in order to protect ourselves against that which we fear, and about learning about what we fear, so as to overcome the fear.

As for the events in the world...It really saddens me when I see/hear about what is happening to people and places, I think the best we can do is to offer whatever help we can in a given situation, be that financial, spiritual, practical or whatever...It angers me that there is much happening in the world which could be prevented/put to right if our World Leaders could talk more and be more reasonable with one another, instead of having to start wars...a pipedream perhaps, whatever the case, if you think you can alter a bad situation..politically even, then go out and do your bit...try to rid the world of a little bit of the insanity!

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