Nonmember Newbie :D


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As the title says. Not a member but exploring my options. Thought I'd drop by here and say hiya! :lol: My name is... not important but you can call me Trixie, hahah :P after my cat Bellatrix. I'm a 20 something y/o art student currently residing in Va Beach. Enough about me, nice to meet you all!

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Hi Trixie.. very nice cat you have got! We used to have an abyssiner... he was so good... we ahd to give him away as we travell a lot to Finland and to keep him ajour with shots had cost more than our travelling... :( We miss him so... Welcome and enjoy!

And to my work:

So officially:

Welcome to You will find here an ecclectic mix of LDS and some non-members. While the site is dedicated to the Gospel, and to promoting the Church to a world that often does not understand us, we also make room for conversations about current events, and about social and cultural practices within the Church. If your main desire is to learn about the Church, consider starting with the "Learn About Mormonism" forums. For more advanced teachings, that will often include a variety of perspectives, some non-LDS, consider the Gospel section of forums.

While you are welcome to all main sections, be aware this site makes room for a variety of opinions and personalities. Some posters can be passionate about their views, and occasionally more so about them than about the souls of visitors. If you find something particularly offensive, feel free to make a report by clicking the appropriate tab.

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