Mormon Church Influences Alcohol Debate


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Good for you Godless. My brother who is long inactive had a craft beer show at his place, all and sundry showed up from miles around proudly displaying there various toxins, from what I have been told there were a few sore heads in the morning. I have no problem with people drinking in moderation, it comes down to personal choice however excessive drinkers seem to effect so many others often in very negative ways.

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Yes, drinking is part of the Filipino culture, getting drunk isn't. Yes, ALL of the people I know in the Philippines drink alcohol. No, they don't make a habit of getting drunk. They're Catholics - they drink alcohol at church every Sunday. No, none of them abuse their wives, beat their kids, or kill people with their cars BECAUSE they got drunk.

Drinking wine at Catholic mass hardly gets anybody drunk. A glass of rice wine to toast a fiesta hardly gets anybody drunk. A shot of brandy to warm your insides after a deep-sea dive hardly gets anybody drunk. Red wine sauce to flavor your chicken hardly gets anybody drunk. None of these activities will cause you to beat your wives and kids and kick your dog.

The problem with your perspective, deals_dog, is it is too narrow. Tons of bad laws has been coded because of this narrow-mindedness.

Please don't insult my intelligence. You have no clue what score I got on my IQ test. Even if you know my IQ, it is just not good form to use personal attacks to further your side in a debate.

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I agree with you about the making of Bad laws to remedy a problem. And even if the law is a good law that is put into place, it has still got to be policed and enforced. That is a problem in itself. So what is the answer then. Identify a problem and do nothing? Do you think that we have a problem with alcohol in our respective communities? If the answer is education how do you approach that to make it effective. If you should take sex education for example, from my understanding it has been part of the school curriculum for a while now and the US has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the Western world. So what is going wrong? I am not attacking your argument I am interested in understanding how you are drawing your conclusions.

I also believe that some cultures seem on the surface to handle alcohol better than others. You have mentioned the Philippines for example. Now again for the record I state for the 3rd time not all people who drink are drunkards "Drinking wine at Catholic mass hardly gets anybody drunk. A glass of rice wine to toast a fiesta hardly gets anybody drunk. A shot of brandy to warm your insides after a deep-sea dive hardly gets anybody drunk. Red wine sauce to flavor your chicken hardly gets anybody drunk. None of these activities will cause you to beat your wives and kids and kick your dog." I agree with you (for the third time.) So for the second time "do you believe that we have an alcohol problem. If you don't believe that there is a problem this debate is over between you and I.

I don't know what your IQ is, mine is not that high. However I do not believe that an IQ test is the only way of gauging intelligence (I would say that because mine wasn't that high right?) Please accept my apology regarding my little out burst yesterday you are entirely right in saying that personal attack does not further my side in a debate, sorry please forgive me.

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Please show me where I wanted to do any such thing. I did not address it whatsoever.

I only pointed out that Godless was talking about Europe, and that NZ is not Europe. I made my point, so I'll leave you to it.


My badness. I think, I got confused with the other dude. *Hugs*

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A shot of brandy to warm your insides after a deep-sea dive hardly gets anybody drunk.

Useless trivia: alcohol causes your capillaries to expand, thus distributing heat from the body's core to the extremities. The net effect, though, is to lower your core temperature. Whether you subscribe to the WoW or not: Don't use alcohol to warm up unless you are already out of the cold; otherwise you're just speeding up hypothermia.

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Useless trivia: alcohol causes your capillaries to expand, thus distributing heat from the body's core to the extremities. The net effect, though, is to lower your core temperature. Whether you subscribe to the WoW or not: Don't use alcohol to warm up unless you are already out of the cold; otherwise you're just speeding up hypothermia.

You are correct, JAG. Philippine weather usually stays around 80 degrees all year long. Deep-sea divers use brandy/whisky to lessen the shock between the cold ocean and the warm air when you get out. Pearl divers are usually children - between 10 and 16 year-old even. It's a common thing for these kids that alcohol is no big deal - as in, culturally, they don't go out to get drunk as a teen rebellion type of thing. They know what alcohol can do and what it is for.

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I agree with you about the making of Bad laws to remedy a problem. And even if the law is a good law that is put into place, it has still got to be policed and enforced. That is a problem in itself. So what is the answer then. Identify a problem and do nothing? Do you think that we have a problem with alcohol in our respective communities? If the answer is education how do you approach that to make it effective. If you should take sex education for example, from my understanding it has been part of the school curriculum for a while now and the US has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the Western world. So what is going wrong? I am not attacking your argument I am interested in understanding how you are drawing your conclusions.

I also believe that some cultures seem on the surface to handle alcohol better than others. You have mentioned the Philippines for example. Now again for the record I state for the 3rd time not all people who drink are drunkards "Drinking wine at Catholic mass hardly gets anybody drunk. A glass of rice wine to toast a fiesta hardly gets anybody drunk. A shot of brandy to warm your insides after a deep-sea dive hardly gets anybody drunk. Red wine sauce to flavor your chicken hardly gets anybody drunk. None of these activities will cause you to beat your wives and kids and kick your dog." I agree with you (for the third time.) So for the second time "do you believe that we have an alcohol problem. If you don't believe that there is a problem this debate is over between you and I.

I don't know what your IQ is, mine is not that high. However I do not believe that an IQ test is the only way of gauging intelligence (I would say that because mine wasn't that high right?) Please accept my apology regarding my little out burst yesterday you are entirely right in saying that personal attack does not further my side in a debate, sorry please forgive me.

We're cool. :bearhug:

Alcohol is a tough topic even for non-LDS folks, so it is understandable that it gets intense.

Yes, I do believe alcoholism (not necessarily alcohol) is a problem worldwide. The tough part is finding appropriate solutions.

I put alcohol in the same shelf as, say pain killers. It has its good uses, therefore, you can't go on a no-tolerance-type get-rid-of-it drive. The mis-use of it is what hurts people. Therefore, I believe that any solution should be focused on the mis-use of alcohol and not necessarily the availability of it.

My take on it always sided towards the culture. Any solution will have to cause a culture change that validates the good uses of alcohol and shuns the mis-use of it.

Culture changes through education. If you notice, worldwide, advertisements for alcoholic beverages usually shows comraderie, friendship, fun times, or scantily dressed women. This is the image we need to fight because I consider these advertisements as product mis-representation.

Education needs to be centered on the effects of alcohol indulgence that causes misery, loss of friendship, broken relationships, and painful times. It needs to be validated by political leadership as well. Political support of sports programs, for example, would help towards fighting alcoholism, because alcohol and sports do not go together.

A good example of a successful campaign is the "green" movement that is happening today. It took a while, but the themes of "conservation" and "taking care of the planet" is slowly entering the American culture. It has become prevalent that "green commerce" has become marketable. You can see "green" options of household products on the market these days. It is so successful that cloth diapers are back in the market. And they're getting just as convenient as the non-earth-friendly disposable types. You know you have a successful campaign if you can win over a harrassed mother of a newborn baby to take the time to learn about cloth diapering. This came about because of years of education and propaganda.

There is also the anti-tobacco campaign that is quite successful using education and propaganda. It is so successful that in Florida, a law got passed by a landslide majority vote that all restaurants are now no-smoking areas.

Sex education in American schools is not effective because it sends mixed messages - teens are taught that sex is okay as long as you use a condom. This does not prevent teen pregnancies because teens cannot be trusted to control their libidos in the absence of a condom. The American culture also validates the "I want it, so I must have it now, and it should be okay" mindset. Therefore, sexual pleasure is something that the culture validates as a good thing regardless of circumstance. So, this is a failed education attempt.

Of course, I don't have all the answers. But, I do have experiences that show how banning something is not the answer to these type of things.

Edited by anatess
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