Garments and "well endowed"


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I am a convert and when I first found out about garments I was totally freaked out. When I found out that I HAD (this is what I was told) wear my bra over my garment I was not to excited about it to say the least. I did not mind the bottoms because they were super comfortable (plus no more panty lines!)but it did take me a while to get use to the tops. I had to get rid of tons of my clothes that I though were garment friendly but were not. I have been wearing garments for two years now and I love them! I typically don't wear them if I am going to the OB/GYN (its kind of awkward when they do the breast exam and the doctor asks you why your bra is over you under shirt) and I am so uncomfortable. For me I was told that you were suppose to wear the garment next to your skin so I have always worn my bra over it. I could not imagine not wearing my garments. When I see my husband in his I am reminded of the beautiful promise of temple marriage and his faithfulness.

I hate the ones with the boob pockets! I prefer the drylux round neck talls. When I went through for my own endowment the lady who fitted me gave me a size 32 when I should of had a 36 size top. The whole session the top kept rolling up and I was almost in tears and telling my husband there was no way I could be this uncomfortable for the rest of my life.

I would recommended buying a few different tops and bottoms and finding what you like the best.

Nikki, I thought I was losing my mind when I began reading this thread. Because I too was taught that the garment should be directly next to your skin. But seems as if many wear their bra under the garment. Your reply assured me that senility has not set in yet! :-)
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Interesting topic! Hope the guys are reading other things...

I don't know what "boob pockets" are? Enlighten me.

...and my OB/GYN has me take off everything (at least from the waist up).

Boob pockets are just the cups that are fitted into several styles of garment tops.

Um, wouldn't it be difficult to have an OB/GYN exam if you only remove your clothing from the waist up? I thought they were uncomfortable before.

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Boob pockets are just the cups that are fitted into several styles of garment tops.

Um, wouldn't it be difficult to have an OB/GYN exam if you only remove your clothing from the waist up? I thought they were uncomfortable before.

Well, the thread began talking about breast exams so that is what I was referring to specifically. Guess I wasn't too clear.

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Well, the thread began talking about breast exams so that is what I was referring to specifically. Guess I wasn't too clear.

The beginning of the thread had to do with a large bust. It mentioned nothing about breast exams:

I am about to get endowed and I need advice on what garment tops I should try. I am 5'2" and wear a 34F/32G size bra. I asked close friends who were also well endowed and Endowed and they found that the cotton "full cup" worked best. My friend let me try on hers (which should have been my size, small full cup) and it did not fit me. The only size I found that was comfortable in the chest region was a large, which was entirely too big everywhere else.

Does anyone have any advice on what fabric/style works the best?

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Okay I guess I am confusing everyone. When I go to the OB/GYN I only take off my bottoms. I have never been fully nude in the office. Typically the dr will just pull my bra up to do my exam. They only give me a sheet to cover up with and not a gown as someone else mentioned. When I go for my yearly I no longer wear my garments because I know that I am going to have a breast exam. I am sure that every office does it different. I am only twenty five so I don't know if as you get older the breast exam becomes more in depth or what but this is how my doctor does it. Sorry for the confusion!

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since the topic is already totally derailed..... when i've gone to those visits i was always asked to take everything off and all i got was a sheet to cover with. and quite frankly i would rather do that than have my doc pulling at my bra..... that just seems awkward. i wear my garments when i go cause, well it wouldn't make a difference.

i went to the dermatologist to have a mole on my shoulder removed and the nurse asked me to take my shirt off and she was getting a sheet for me to cover with. when i took my shirt off she says "oh you are wearing an undershirt, you don't need this" and put the sheet back. lol so there i sat in my garment top and bra while the doc worked on me. i kinda wondered if she had realized it were religious if she would have responded differently. either way i don't think it bothered anyone in the room at all, didn't bother me.

i've never had a doc ask about my garments.

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I don't worry about doctors seeing my garments since I'm in Utah... I figure if they're not LDS, they're used to seeing them, or they are LDS, they might be wearing them themselves!

Consider yourself lucky. There have been several times I have been out with the missionaries and a investigators will ask us ab out our "holy underwear"! It use to make me blush but I am getting use to it. I just let the missionaries give them a brief overview and then they try to move on. I personally consider it rude to ask someone who is a complete stranger what kind of underwear they wear but that is just me.

The other day I had on some sweat pants and a tee shirt and my shirt had ridden up a bit without me knowing and brother (who is not a member and has no clue about garments) said "Man you got some major granny panties going on!" I think my family (none of which are members) would be freaked out about garments. I hope I never have to tell them but I am sure they will find out eventually.

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you are correct nikkie, it is very rude to ask strangers about their undies. if you were to do that to them they would think you were a perv. when i've had someone i knew was being antagonistic with the question i typically do turn it around by asking questions about their underwear. if it's someone that really is just misinformed and curious i have no problem discussing it. if it were my brother.... that would just lead to some pretty good teasing both directions. but we are close and it would all be in good fun. i was raised lds so all my family already knows, even the ones that are no longer active.

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  • 3 months later...

First off, I am male and I hope my post is appropriate (if not, please overlook my error). Second, in no way do I want to make the OP or other women feel shameful or embarrassed about their bodies.

Please keep in mind that the endowment in the Temple if a gift. Using the word “well endowed” regarding to female breast size (or the private anatomy of men) in my mind is not appropriate. When using “well-endowed” regarding to sexual body parts – it seems to suggest this is also a gift from God and I think there are many women with smaller breasts that struggle with this (and to be fair to men, but not detailed, the same on the male side).

In many ways this post is hilarious, but there is this sad implicit message in this post that bigger is better. Women who are larger on top (and the same with men in another area) did not get some type of gift or endowment.

Again, if I am inappropriate within LDS standards, please overlook my error.

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Most of the women on this thread who have claimed to be well-endowed aren't bragging about it. If anything, they're complaining about the inconvenience of it. Not everyone subscribes to the philosophy that bigger is better.

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I think you are right for the most part. And again, I hope I am not embarrasing anyone nor trivializing a real issue for those women who are larger on top. And I may be looking into this too seriously, however, why is the term "well-endowed" used to describe women who are larger on top or men who are larger down below. An endowement is a gift. Why is this term used so much in both LDS and everyday culture to describe those who are larger in these sexual areas? Pwerhaps its just a pet peeve on my part, but I hear this term often and do not like it. Is it just me, or do others hear this term somewhat often in day to day life.

And on a fun note with a littel seriousness-- so I do not sound too serious -- and follwing Marginoferros thoughts, perhaps someone should start a post in the priesthood (men's) section on garments and men who are a little larger in this areas!!!!:o (but notice, I did not use the word/phase men who are well-endowed!!!!;) LOL -- garments can affect men in this area too:eek:

Again, I hope my post is appropriate.

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I too am a bit top heavy, I like the mesh tops because they breathe better. I wear a full cup garment. I always wear my bra over but have seriously considered changing it to under. For some reason I feel like doing that would mean I was doing something wrong lol. At the same time I cheat with the Garment bottoms. I am 5'9 almost 5'10 and I buy petite bottoms so they will go a little higher on the leg.

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The expression well endowed is not exclusive to the LDS culture. It is a common phrase in American society. As men often consider themselves God's gift to women, using the term for a man with large genitals is not an inappropriate use of the word. :D

In the LDS culture, endowment refers specifically to temple ceremonies. However, the word did not originate with us, nor will it end with us. I think you're reading far too much into it.

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The words we use have real meaning and I think not enough members or nonmembers think about what their words really mean. When I first joined the church – over twenty years ago – I was told that the General Authorities (GA) did not want members to call the church the Mormon church; rather the focus was LDS with an acute focus on the centerpiece: Jesus Christ. Recently, some GA's have outlined that we should not call hymns songs; rather we should call them hymns. The words we use really do create meanings.

Bruce R. McKonie states in Mormon Doctrine that endowment or being endowed refers to special blessings. The Webster dictionary defines an endowment as a gift of nature. So when we stated a man is well endowed, in fact, we are stating that a man being larger in a private place really is a special blessing or a gift to women. This really does reinforce the bigger is better myth; however, I am sure most members or non members do not think carefully regarding what their words actually mean.

So, I think well-endowed, whether referring to breasts or penises is inappropriate. Why not just state something like genitals? How do you see well-endowed as appropriate?

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i don't think saying a man is "well endowed" is suggesting he is god's gift to women or that bigger is better. it was stated that an endowment is a gift of nature. being large is something that comes from nature. doesn't mean it's a gift to anyone other than the person who has received "the gift". from the ppl i've talked to it's men who are more obsessed with those parts anyway. so i imagine it was more commonly used by men to brag to other men.

i don't know the origins of the phrase but i imagine it's a phrase that was started when proper ppl did not use words like breast or penis. to discuss such parts was crude and vulgar. but natural man has never changed. they will find a way to discuss it. thus the creation of a more "appropriate" phrase to say what they want to say without saying it. i imagine it was a term coined by men (thus it only referring to the penis and breasts - where it seems society will tell us most men focus). it is a very appropriate term given that endowed means a gift of nature, and those are parts nature decides how they will be (and it's the natural man that is focused on them). so someone who got a lot of said gift would be well endowed.

i don't think it's wrong to use the term. the word often references many material possessions or focused specifically on money. neither seem to be what the temple is about.

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Please keep in mind that the endowment in the Temple if a gift. Using the word “well endowed” regarding to female breast size (or the private anatomy of men) in my mind is not appropriate. When using “well-endowed” regarding to sexual body parts – it seems to suggest this is also a gift from God and I think there are many women with smaller breasts that struggle with this (and to be fair to men, but not detailed, the same on the male side).

In many ways this post is hilarious, but there is this sad implicit message in this post that bigger is better. Women who are larger on top (and the same with men in another area) did not get some type of gift or endowment.


Firstly my body and all that, that entails is a gift from God and in some areas he endowed me better than others, why shouldn't someone with larger body parts celebrate them just like if you have smaller parts celebrate them too lol Its no different to good things come in little packages:)

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If you have really large breasts maybe you should also consider getting the LONG/tall kind so if your bust takes up a lot of space on the top that it wont be too short to tuck in. That would be seriously soooo annoying.

Just a thought.

Another question is which top is best for breastfeeding? I am at a loss of what to do. Its already totally frustrating to nurse but then have to deal with the whole garment issue on top of nursing bras!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope someone will chime in.

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Let's not quibble about the origins of the phrase. I'm pretty sure that it's a universal given that when someone talks about a 'well-endowed' woman, they are talking about her having large breasts. Now that the definition portion of the discussion is settled, please keep this on-topic. And in good taste.

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Let's not quibble about the origins of the phrase. I'm pretty sure that it's a universal given that when someone talks about a 'well-endowed' woman, they are talking about her having large breasts. Now that the definition portion of the discussion is settled, please keep this on-topic. And in good taste.

No one was arguing the origin of the phrase, just whether or not it was appropriate to use. I'm still going with "I don't care enough to care about it."

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