Global Warming????????


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Every time I asked for conclusive proof I was told that the thinking was done and to just accept that human-caused Global Warming is real. Now it comes out that the scientists lied and covered up contrary evidence of it not being true. I'm still waiting for a reporter from one of the major news networks to corner Al Gore and ask him to explain himself in the face of all this. I'm also still waiting for the clowns in Washington to admit that they have been victims (or is it co-conspirators?) of the scam and that more study needs to happen before spending more money on this shell game.

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If there's global warming, chances are that it could be a natural thing as the planet goes through cycles of warming and cooling. Still, it would be very bad in the long run to use up all of the oil reserves, as once it's gone, it's gone. I'm no tree hugger as I prefer that dead trees are removed, but I don't want to wait for a real disaster to be a wake up call, since it could be too late to change things.

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More and more information that this has been a well funded hoax for the benefit of the green energy companies.

Please don't get me wrong. We should be responsible but not to excess.

Ben Raines

Has it ever even occured to you that maybe just maybe someone else is also funding things?:mellow:

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Has it ever even occured to you that maybe just maybe someone else is also funding things?:mellow:

Yeah; progressives point that out frequently. The apparently demonstrable fact that the progressives' own premier scientists are deliberately fudging their data, though--that's relatively new.

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Has it ever even occured to you that maybe just maybe someone else is also funding things?:mellow:

Hey, be my guest, blow all your money on that scam. Knock yourself out. But don't force me to pay to fix something that you don't understand or can scientifically prove even exists. And especially don't resort to fraud or bad data to try to convince me that your idea is right. This country can't afford the health care scam that's coming down the road, let alone blowing untold trillions of dollars on something that cannot be proven exists.

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Is global warming for real? Yes I think it's a valid concern.

Is it overstated? Yes, that too.

The thing that always puzzles me.

The Democrats say, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

The Republicans hear no global warming, see no global warming and speak no global warming.

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Doesn't sanity lie somewhere between the two viewpoints???

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Interesting point Faded. What if both sides have a bit of truth to them? Just for giggles, consider the possibility that the use of fossil fuels and other stated causes of global warming are accurate. Consider also that we are not seeing nearly the rise in tempatures that are being tauted by the eco-watch. Maybe that means in 50 years when we might possibly be able to greatly reduce our reliance on fossile fuels and reduce the other green house causes, we could actually see some global cooling. Another ice age.

Ok, I don't think so, but I think it's fun to mention.


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Scam. A big money making scam. Every time I hear "green"...I feel like hurling. I am all for the environment...clean air, clean water...I love trees and forests and parks and nature in general. But, the hoax...and it is a hoax, has turned me off to anything that sounds environmentally friendly.

To admit that it is a hoax and a scam would trash a growing segment of the world economy. Maybe that's why the evidence that this is a contrived scam has been largely unsung by the media and concerned scientists. Amazing. If people can be come wealthy off this gigantic hoax...then I am certain this same ingenuity will ultimately correct the downward spiral of the economy.

Edited by bytor2112
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Scam. A big money making scam. Every time I hear "green"...I feel like hurling. I am all for the environment...clean air, clean water...I love trees and forests and parks and nature in general. But, the hoax...and it is a hoax, has turned me off to anything that sounds environmentally friendly.

To admit that it is a hoax and a scam would trash a growing segment of the world economy. Maybe that's why the evidence that this is a contrived scam has been largely unsung by the media and concerned scientists. Amazing. If people can be come wealthy off this gigantic hoax...then I am certain this same ingenuity will ultimately correct the downward spiral of the economy.

There has certainly been a lot of recent violence done to the respectability of Global Warming.

"It's not Global Warming! It's Climate change. Climate. Y'know. It's changing."

"We're not comfortable with this evidence. We'd better hide it so the opposition doesn't find it!"

"Yes, some serious, peer-reviewer journals are slamming our findings. Oh, look! ICE CREAM!"

However, as one who does not know the science of global warming and who has been in the UK where the winter was colder than any in 30 years(And the year before was the coldest in 10 years), I would like to see an independent, peer-reviewed journal take up the mantle of providing the evidence both for and against.

I'm not comfortable with arguments like 'Follow the money' because simply because people make money off a tragedy doesn't make it false. People made money off of WW II, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Black Plague. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

But I just want someone with the courage and independence to act as mediator to stand up and review both sides and publish the findings of both sides free from political bias. Science should not be politically biased. Gravity doesn't love communism and Electromagnetism is not the sole purview of capitalists.

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Look, to be honest I don't know if Global Warming is true or not. I highly suspect it's not true, however I'm not yet willing to wage my life on that assertion. You have an army of accredited scientists on the far left and far right that both say opposing things. It would be nice to have a scientist that was not persuaded by money or power to study this thing out and give us the real run down of it all.

I do know this. By the revelations given to us in the BOM and Bible, I understand that in the last days the world is described as a very polluted place. Our responsibilities in this are obvious. If God suggested to us through scripture that the earth was polluted in our day in time, then on a personal level I need to take that seriously and own up to my part in this whole mess.

But when all is said and done, I'm not going to be ignorant enough to conclude that the pollution levels have superseded things to the level of global warming.

I'll tell you what I'm more worried about, above and beyond global warming. Their are actually some bigger fish in the sea to swim away from so to speak. I've worked in Environmental Hazmat for years and have been on the front lines of this whole pollution mess. I've seen ecological damages that you could never imagine, messes that those "green peace" folks would never get down into and clean up like Hazmat people have to...Anyways, I'm more worried about things like wide spread famine due to ecological damages to our agriculture land. Why you may ask? Because in my opinion, it's more eminent and scientists on both sides of the political arena agree that it's happening NOW.

I'll give you an example. When a chemical spill has occurred on a portion of land an Environmental Site Assessor will come out to investigate and do a land evaluation. Some of the first clues that he or she will look for (as evidence of ecological damage to the land) is the loss of bees and loss of bird life. The absence of these two species tells the Assessor that something VERY bad has happened to that piece of real estate. It tells them that the damages are so substantial that birds and bees cannot exist there anymore. The reason I am so worried about such a scenario RIGHT NOW is because the bird migration patterns WORLD WIDE have been changing on a drastic level. Their are some species of bird that have all but disappeared. Scientist are at a loss as to exactly why, although pollution is definitely the prime suspect.

And when it comes to Bees, they have totally disappeared in China now...due to over pollution. The farmers in China now have to "hand pollinate" their crops or risk a country wide famine.

( Do you understand the extreme process that goes into hand pollination of individual crops? Trust me, American farmers nor the immigrants they hire are ready for such an insane thing)

If the bees disappear in our country due to over pollution and ecological damage of our farm lands, then we are all at risk for a Country wide famine. And last I heard the bee population in our Country is disappearing at an alarming rate. I'm confused as to why all these liberal Environmentalist groups don't get on their bull horns about this issue??? Please, do your homework on this one and decide for yourselves...

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First, the only time I like to hear the word 'green' anymore is when it is a reference to a certain type of paper I put in my wallet. Since the newer meaning of the word 'green' doesn't do that, I don't like it.

Second, here is my perspective. I am in Idaho which is freaking cold. I am from Oklahoma which hasn't ever been too bad in my experience, but I talked to my Mom a while back and they still had snow that they had a month previous. This doesn't happen in Oklahoma. And then there is Funkytown over in England saying that it is the coldest in 30 years. So I look at it and say 'Wow. 3 totally different locations separated by thousands of miles sitting in the nations lauded as having the biggest CO2 footprint... and its freezing. Hmmmm...'

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I'm absolutely in support of taking good care of this planet. The Lord gave us dominon over it, and responsibility for it, so ultimately we will answer for how we've treated it.

At the same time, however, learning about all the fraud that has been going on about 'green' initiatives and so makes me want to go out and buy a Kenworth semi, use it for local know, to and from work, about a ten minute drive (be sure and warm it up first...only an hour or so for that...), and run down all the ridiculous little prius, and smart-for-two (coffin-for-two is more accurate) cars until I have to pull off the road and pick them out of my grill.

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