Remembering President Hinckley


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On the 27th of this month, it will be the 2 year anniversary of the passing of President Hinckley. I don't know about anyone else, but I miss him. But I remember him for so many things.

1. His knowledge

2. His wisdom

3. His media savvy

4. His tremendous work towards the building of temples. If I recall correctly when he was first called to the First Presidency there were something like 18 working temples. When he passed away there were 124. That is truly amazing.

5. His love for everyone

And most of all his humor and wit.

What are some of your fondest memories or quotes or stories of him?

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I remember seeing him in (I think) the Marriott Center, and as he walked in he'd wave to a certain part of the building and everyone would wave back. After doing this in a couple directions he nudged his wife and whispered conspiratorially; you knew he was saying "hey, watch this!". He then waved in a new direction, everyone in that direction waved back, and he looked at Marjorie again with a rather triumphant look on his face.

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I remember when the group that was reenacting the entering of the Salt Lake Valley ended their journey, President Hinckley met them up at This is the Place monument. He slowly looked around the group and kind of shook his head and said: "You all look like you've walked a thousand miles or something."

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On the 27th of this month, it will be the 2 year anniversary of the passing of President Hinckley. I don't know about anyone else, but I miss him. But I remember him for so many things.

1. His knowledge

2. His wisdom

3. His media savvy

4. His tremendous work towards the building of temples. If I recall correctly when he was first called to the First Presidency there were something like 18 working temples. When he passed away there were 124. That is truly amazing.

5. His love for everyone

And most of all his humor and wit.

What are some of your fondest memories or quotes or stories of him?

I remember when he walked over to henry eyring and "knighted" him on the head with his cane after eyring was sustained as the newest second counselor; it was hilarious! the entire 21,000 people laughed.:)

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I remember when he walked over to henry eyring and "knighted" him on the head with his cane after eyring was sustained as the newest second counselor; it was hilarious! the entire 21,000 people laughed.:)


That's what I loved about President Hinckley he made having a sense of humour OK.

Here in Australia it was late afternoon on Monday 28th January that he left us (being 7pm Sunday 27 USA time). I remember writing in my journal at the time "I love his sense of humour it was so refreshing to see him laugh and to have others laugh because of him."

I am glad he's with his beloved wife and not needing a cane even if that means no more knighting. :)

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You can't remember President Hinckley without remembering his lovely wife Marjorie who also had a sense of humor. When asked once what it was like to be the wife of a Prophet she replied: "How did a nice girl like me get into a mess like this?"

They were so perfect together.

Edited by pam
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His kindness. I was often struck by how kind he was in his talks where he urged the Saints to extend their friendship to non-Mormons, not to proselytize, but because he recognized everyone has worth, whether LDS or not. His concerted efforts to urge the Saints to "love thy neighbor" were not just lip service, and I was often deeply touched, because I knew he meant it.

When he passed, I cried more than my LDS mom did! I still miss him.


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Need4peace, thanks for posting that photo -- it's very fun.

I remember when he first started using his cane. He commented about it during General Conference, assuring the Church membership that he didn't really "need" it and that he wasn't in poor health. He informed us that he was simply trying to keep up with the other prophets -- Brigham Young and John Taylor used canes, after all.

I'll write more later. I have a personal experience I'd like to share.

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I remember watching his 95th Birthday celebration from the Conference Center, and him saying (if I remember correctly) "I'd like to thank all the doctors, pills, and perscriptions that have made me a pillar of this church!" :lol:

And I remember I didn't really choke up watching his funeral until they showed the procession through Salt Lake leading to the grave yard, and all the people waving white handkerchiefs... and canes!

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I remember how I found out.

Dinner with a Member.

Them: *joking around, being friendly*

Me + Companion: *Being friendly back*

Husband: *tells joke*

Me + Companion: *laughs*

Husband: *Get's up to take a phone call, then comes back* BTW, you have a new prophet.

Me + Companion: *blank look and crickets chirping* What?

Husband: Yep.

Me + Companion: You're serious?

Husband: He's dead.

I think it took us 5 minutes until we were adequately convinced he wasn't trying to pull something on us.

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