Undercover Boss


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I thought the show was funny, it was obviously either scripted or at least planned out. This is one reason why I hate “reality” shows, they claim to be ‘real’ but their not. Here are some things I think that made the show unbelievable:

All the people that the boss met in his company ‘so happened’ to have some special circumstance.

The boss played the stereotypical role of the clueless boss, not realizing how his policies affected the employees.

His lack of any form of verbal chastisement of the manager of the employee that was doing the work of 4 people, when the manager not only knew of her living arrangement (living with parents, being forced to sell house for money), but ALSO had a solution! (if I was the boss, this manager would have been fired!)

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I thought it was good, I think it should happen in more corporations. I think there are many CEOs of corporations that really have no clue about what happens in the lower levels of their company. I have seen good evidence of this in many of the corporate jobs I have worked. And though it is a reality TV show, I do believe that they did this without it really being as scripted as you think.

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His lack of any form of verbal chastisement of the manager of the employee that was doing the work of 4 people, when the manager not only knew of her living arrangement (living with parents, being forced to sell house for money), but ALSO had a solution! (if I was the boss, this manager would have been fired!)

You could be right. But we only saw 60 minutes of edited film. We have no idea what could have or did happen actually behind the scenes.

But I'm looking forward to seeing the next version with Hooters and the "reindeer games."

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apparently when he was on oprah he said one thing he didn't realize was how much food we waste, and was wondering why we're not donating it to a food bank or something

DUH. that's something we've been saying for years!

also, the thing that makes me think it's real is...

every month we get a "message from joe" on our computer at work with his picture on it. for the last month or 2, it's been a "message from....some other guy". i found it a bit odd, until i heard about "undercover boss" and it made sense to me that they probably took his picture down so people didn't recognize him right off the bat.

i've met him once before, he's a fairly ordinary looking guy. i'm looking forward to seeing it. feb 21st ;)

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I feel that everyone in business boardrooms should have a requirement to work ‘undercover’ in the company that they work. As Undercover Boss proves, none of the CEO’s that they showed had worked a ‘blue collar’ job in over a decade, and that is most likely the case of everyone in the boardroom. There is what is called ‘mystery (or secret) shoppers’, that is when companies pay people to shop at their stores, restaurant, etc… and that ‘mystery shopper’ will write down what kind of experience he/she had, but until you work at that store/restaurant, you truly won’t know what is going on. The episodes of Hooters and 7-11, are proof of this, as both episodes had the CEO personally calling headquarters to fix something that he saw that was wrong.

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I love it. Having worked both at the ground level and at the corporate level of the same company, I know both how important it is to keep in touch and how policies get implemented that sound good in the boardroom and fail in reality.

As for how every person has a special circumstance. Everyone one of us does and CEOs don't get to the top without having the skills to draw that information out of people. It's a quality that helps the get to the top.

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I found the interesting thing about the 7eleven episode that about 5 or 6 years ago, all the high up in corporate were required to do 2 weeks of ISE (in store experience). The difference was, it seems, the stores they went in during ISE knew who they were....and ya gotta make things look good for the 'big guys'. I liked the idea of him going in unknown. Still waiting to see changes though....as it took 2 days to get an 'emergency' problem fixed this weekend ;)

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