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As I've been looking at myself and my various opinions on life, religion, politics, even marriage, I've come to see I'm a very cynical person with a poor attitude. It's been a long process reaching this conclusion, but I know I need to change myself. I don't find satisfaction with my career and I'm lacking balance right now. Consequently, I've become a person who has a difficult time having faith and hope. I do what I need to do everyday, but I do feel stuck in a rut with a why bother attitude. I'm rude to people at my job and instead of being excited to have new clients I'm finding myself more annoyed.

I suppose this is part of what has brought me to the point of searching religion again. I see a certain amount of hope which comes with faith and I'd like to have it.

The advice or question I have, what do you do to keep a positive attitude? I don't feel depressed, but I do feel a lack of motivation feeling that I've squandered many of life's opportunities. These feelings lead me to put things off and operate at a fraction of my potential. I look at myself now compared to 10 years ago and the difference is remarkable.

How do you change? What motivates you?

Thanks for your responses.

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As I've been looking at myself and my various opinions on life, religion, politics, even marriage, I've come to see I'm a very cynical person with a poor attitude. It's been a long process reaching this conclusion, but I know I need to change myself. I don't find satisfaction with my career and I'm lacking balance right now. Consequently, I've become a person who has a difficult time having faith and hope. I do what I need to do everyday, but I do feel stuck in a rut with a why bother attitude. I'm rude to people at my job and instead of being excited to have new clients I'm finding myself more annoyed.

I suppose this is part of what has brought me to the point of searching religion again. I see a certain amount of hope which comes with faith and I'd like to have it.

The advice or question I have, what do you do to keep a positive attitude? I don't feel depressed, but I do feel a lack of motivation feeling that I've squandered many of life's opportunities. These feelings lead me to put things off and operate at a fraction of my potential. I look at myself now compared to 10 years ago and the difference is remarkable.

How do you change? What motivates you?

Thanks for your responses.

Hey InquisitiveSoul,

There is a saying among latter-day saints, quite possibly originating from one of our passages of scripture, that goes, "Lose yourself in the service of others". Nothing I can think of will uplift your spirits more than giving a helping hand to another of your own free will. Not because anyone told you to, or because it is your duty, but because you want to help.

In our Church, we have many opportunities to serve other people. However, I think that whatever your faith is, or your situation in life, you can serve those around you. Do it impulsively without any desire for earthly rewards, and do it anonymously if you can. It is difficult to not care for or love people you serve, so I think it will help with your attitude.

The scripture I was referring to above, is from the Book of Mormon. In it a King named Benjamin spent his entire life serving the people he ruled over. He even made his own living by his own labor rather than burdening his people with taxes. In an address to his people he said the following:

And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17)

Those are words to live by. When we serve others, we are in the service of God. I think it is a good place to start.

And I also agree with marts1. During those quiet moments when you are not working or serving others, take a moment to ponder the words of the Scriptures. If you believe in the Bible, then pick it up and read the "words of life" and apply them in your own daily life. I also recommend the Book of Mormon. Here is a link to the Online Edition -> Book of Mormon .



Edited by Vanhin
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I find beauty in every sunrise and in every sunset and all the things around me every day. I find it very hard to find a negative thing in any day. We all have challenges around us but I truly believe that it is our attitude that gets us through each day.

This is one of my favorite quotes

"Two men sit behind prison bars, one sees the mud the other the stars." Both find themselves in the same place but it is how they look at that place that matters.

Ben Raines

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For me its seldom I watch the evening news, its too negative for me. I try to watch things that make me feel happy. I like movies that are positive and I enjoy reading Zig Ziglar books. I enjoy reading the scriptures. I try to live my religion to the best of my ability and pray often.

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Guest mirancs8

I too had a bad attitude. While working for a certain company a few years back my attitude got much worse. Everyone I worked with was just cold, evil, and money hungry (imagine my boss make 2mil a year salary plus a 5mil bonus each year!!) I would find myself actually belittle people which was so not me! At this company we only had the best of everything first class air ONLY... sedan NOT a taxi... only the best hotels in the world... on and on and on. I had become short, brash, and just way to blunt to handle.:eek: I remember one day in particular when a friend of mine wanted to wave down a taxi after dinner in the city and I immediately pushed her hand down and said, "WE don't ride taxes at XXX company." I immediately called our Sedan service for a pick up. After 2 years at that company I really didn't like who I had become. So what did I do?

I left the company and started to work on bettering myself. Reading scriptures as well as putting my focus on others rather than myself. I began to be more humble, understanding, and considerate. Those day were dark with little to no prayer, selfishness, anger, boredom, emptiness and lack of spiritual guidance. It's as if I had slipped through the cracks of life! Go figure.:rolleyes:

What helped me the most was reading and learning more about changing my attitude towards life, myself and others. I certainly was no peach to be around those couple of years but I have grown so much and have returned to the old me who once was kind, generous, humble, and considerate. Now I still have plenty of work to do but we are all a work in progress.

Find things that are positive that you enjoy doing. I love being outdoors, sitting at the lake, hiking/walking, taking a long drive, sports, hobbies, and such. It is also very important that you surround yourself with people who are going to pull you up... not bring you down. Remember misery loves company.

I learned through that experience that the environment you put yourself into can strongly influence change in your be it negative or positive.

You've already done the first step and that is acknowledging your issue. That usually is the hardest part to admit it. Now just make positive changes like reading your scriptures each day, find activities that you enjoy, make new friends, and yes go out and start looking for a new job if you feel that will uplift you a bit too.

Good luck to you!

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Thanks for your responses. Life certainly is full of twists and turns. There are 2 charachter flaws I'm working on at the moment, one is my cynical attitude - I always feel like people view me as a jerk because of it. I don't mean to come across as a jerk, but I can see I do.

The 2nd is my habit of redigesting past regrets. I'm really bad about this, especially when I'm going through hard patches in life.

Palerider, I love Zig! He's one of the most upbeat and positive people I've ever seen.

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Keeping a Blessings Journal can help you identify the things that will help you change your attitude. When we start seeing our blessings its amazing how much it changes our attitude.

I also agree with losing yourself in service to others. Its is truly amazing how happy helping others can help you become.

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How do you change?

Change is one of those inevitable things. Perhaps the easiest way to experience change is to sit still, do nothing and let change come to you. Most of us however like affecting the outcome of inevitable change. What you believe is probably the key ingredient as to the ultimate outcome of how change will be perceived. If you have kept learning, moving, having love in your heart, and the knowledge that you have done good for others, then you will feel satisfaction when the final change in your life occurs. For those with specific religious beliefs such as ours, keeping the commandments of the Lord and repenting of our mistakes will add to this realization.

What motivates you?

So many things. Family, friends, faith, a good home cooked meal and much more.

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Try going to the gym. You will make new friends and I find it is one of the only times I am ever at peace. It is a healthy enjoyable thing to do and really releases a lot of stress and pushes out bad, negative feelings. It is a natural high and makes you feel great once you get into a good rythm. It is hard to get started but just do a little bit every day and you will have more positive natural energy than you probably have had in a long time. I used just this one hobby to completely quit cigarettes and heroin for 9 months it was amazing until I broke my hand and fell backwards again losing everything that had held me together. I am currently in the process of starting over again but I have made countless friends and huge strides in life just focusing on this one activity. Give it a shot!

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