I've been wondering about Revelations etc.


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The thoughts of the second Coming have been foremost in my mind lately and I'm really enjoying studying alot of Revelations and the Book of Mormon.

I just wondered what other peoples thoughts were on the 'silence in heaven for about half an hour' really means.

I'm imagining the Church to be is dire straits as will be the rest of the world and this appears to mean there will be no Revelations given at this time and no direction coming from Heavenly Father or the Saviour.

If that is what is going to happen, then will the Holy Spirit also be silent during this time?

(sorry if you answer and I dont get back to you but I'm in the UK so i'm off to bed now.

I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on the matter.



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Hi TootsieBlue.

"Silence in heaven" not "Silence from heaven." For the Holy Ghost has not withdrawn from the Elect which are still on the earth. This silence is also a pause before the angels begins the harvest.

Peace be unto you


The thoughts of the second Coming have been foremost in my mind lately and I'm really enjoying studying alot of Revelations and the Book of Mormon.

I just wondered what other peoples thoughts were on the 'silence in heaven for about half an hour' really means.

I'm imagining the Church to be is dire straits as will be the rest of the world and this appears to mean there will be no Revelations given at this time and no direction coming from Heavenly Father or the Saviour.

If that is what is going to happen, then will the Holy Spirit also be silent during this time?

(sorry if you answer and I dont get back to you but I'm in the UK so i'm off to bed now.

I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on the matter.



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I cant remember right now what gave me that impression. I'll have to go back and check.

thanks for helping Pam

It's in a dream a woman had some years ago. She was very popular (and still is over at AVOW) but her statements about the future have proven wrong. Maybe some of it was true, and some wrong. I don't know.

I've learned to stop listening to alarmists, for the most part.


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The thoughts of the second Coming have been foremost in my mind lately and I'm really enjoying studying alot of Revelations and the Book of Mormon.

I just wondered what other peoples thoughts were on the 'silence in heaven for about half an hour' really means.

I'm imagining the Church to be is dire straits as will be the rest of the world and this appears to mean there will be no Revelations given at this time and no direction coming from Heavenly Father or the Saviour.

If that is what is going to happen, then will the Holy Spirit also be silent during this time?

(sorry if you answer and I dont get back to you but I'm in the UK so i'm off to bed now.

I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on the matter.



Tootsie: Thank you for being patient with my humor. In general I believe that often we over analyze and read too much into some scripture. The Book of Revelation is written entirely in an ancient symbolical poetic from. Often, in ancient times, important things were revealed concerning political events that would come to pass. These were made known because of their relationship to the L-rd’s kingdom and for righteous purposes. In most cases such revelations could not be understood unless explained by a Seer – and example are the dreams of Pharaoh as translated by the Seer Joseph.

As we view such ancient revelations in historical context we can clearly see that the world cannot understand them. Even the covenant saints have difficulty clearly understanding them until after they have occurred. We see this same format in the teachings of Jesus – which brought the question from the disciples as to why Jesus taught in parables.

As to the half hour of silence in heaven – it is my personal thought that we are looking at a problem in translation and interpretation – thus my effort at humor. Because The Book of Revelation comes from an ancient text and language we try to understand it with modern concepts and landscape. Even with modern languages a direct translation of symbolic communication will have little resemblance to the original thought.

This may all sound like a lot of nothing – which it is. I have studied the Book of Revelation and have come to understand some things – a little. I have read many commentaries on the Book of Revelation and have come to the conclusion that I know more than what is given in the commentaries but I have very little confidence in what I know. I personally believe that reading the symbolism in Genesis concerning the creation and fall and then looking for the same symbols in the Book of Revelation is very helpful. I believe that the placement of Genesis and Revelation in the Bible was inspired beyond the understanding of the scholars that did it and form an ancient Chiastic structure.

The Traveler

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In his Doctrinal New Testament Commentary vol III, Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggests that the 1/2 hour of silence in God's time (1000 years = 1 day) would equal 21 man years.

Personally, I think it may already have happened. And here's why I think it. The BoM (3 Nephi) gives a silence in heaven at the sign of Christ's birth. It stops everything. Decades later comes the Coming of Christ in glory to the Nephites (which will be exactly what we will see in our day).

I think that the 9/11 terrorist attack was a sign equating to the silence for 1/2 hour. It shocked the entire world, and still affects the entire world as its affects spread globally. The modern day Gadiantons are just as powerful as the ones in Helaman/3 Nephi.

I believe we are just decades away from the 2nd Coming. I see many signs coming to pass right now, fulfilling events in the Bible, Book of Mormon and D&C. Just check out this article on my webpage regarding the Prophecy on War (D&C 87) for one example.

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I wouldn't say crumble..but it is in trouble. For example..Our divorce rate is the same as Christians [not counting temple marriages here] Which means worldly philosophies have invaded our church. There are a couple of prophecies in D&C ..ascribing as to why we are having these problems etc.

The majority of the churches of God established on the earth have fallen out of the way by the 4th generation. It is kinda depressing. if you want we can continue this by Email.

Silence in the heaven.

The Elect are still on the earth so is the Comforter and men who seek the Spirit...they are called "wayfaring men" by Isaiah..the more modern term is "Spiritual Seeker" and these shall find according to their faith.

God is not silent as long as a blade of grass grows in the earth, as long as the wind blows, as long as there are clouds and the sun and the moon rise as long as the earth lives so is God near us. It is men who put themselves in position as to not hear Him. The Spirit of God is life and it is in all things even us.

Peace be unto you


haha very funny traveler!

Thanks for your answer bert. Can you tell me why you think that?

Also, will our church crumble before this happens?

thanks Tootsie

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TootiseBlue..There will be a church on the earth when Christ comes. The form and the numbers will depend on us. And the Lord will send one mighty and strong to put order back into his house.

Peace be unto you


haha very funny traveler!

Thanks for your answer bert. Can you tell me why you think that?

Also, will our church crumble before this happens?

thanks Tootsie

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