Going for repentance...


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So I am pretty much scared out of my mind right now. I have to go and speak with my bishop about an addiction that has taken over my life. We are good friends, and I am so afraid that he will be angry or disgusted. I am praying for courage, and I think that I pretty well know what I will say, but it is still so hard. I want this off of my plate, but at the same time I don't want him to look a me any differently. What should I do, and what type of repentace process should I expect?

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Really you are going to your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Bishiop is just the one selected to, in a way, stand in there place. Don't look at it as going to some Bishiop that is a good friend, look at it as you want to do whats right because Heavenly Father wants you to. Don't look at like some bishiop is going to judge, look at it as your Heavenly Father trying to help.

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Do you think your Bishop is sinless? The likelyhood is he's been there and done that; the only difference is he's repented and learned not to do it anymore.

I've had good Bishops and bad Bishops. One told me that singing marching songs that were about killing enemy soldiers was suffecient grounds for excommunication... Its the Army; you're supposed to be a stone killer, and part of the indoctrination of the warrior is to replace humane feelings with utter contempt for the life of your enemy.

After I was out I confessed to another Bishop some sexual sins I was guilty of; no recriminations, no fire-and-brimstone lecture. He could tell that I was truly sorry for what I'd done and that I honestly wanted forgiveness. The whole "broken heart and contrite spirit" thing.

I recall many of the Prophets speaking of the sweetest of all occurances; when the "Prodigal Son" returns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, your bishop will apprechaite you more for coming in. I have had to go to the bishop not too long ago and honestly I realized they aren't there to judge us, they are ther to help us. Go read " I'm not perfect can I still go to the celestial kindom" and also read "Forgiving ourselve" I highly recommend you to go to the 12 step program the church puts out even if the bishop doesn't mention it. Go to Lds.org and click on family services and you will find it. Just remember you are not a bad guy for having an addiction or weakness. Relapse will find itself, but you are stronger and Godloves you. You are doing the right thing. Satan will try EVERYTHING Rght now to hurt you,. just surround yourself with good people and learn to turn things off when temptation arises. good luck. Hang in there. your not alone

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So I am pretty much scared out of my mind right now. I have to go and speak with my bishop about an addiction that has taken over my life. We are good friends, and I am so afraid that he will be angry or disgusted. I am praying for courage, and I think that I pretty well know what I will say, but it is still so hard. I want this off of my plate, but at the same time I don't want him to look a me any differently. What should I do, and what type of repentace process should I expect?

Why? I have sat in a judgment seat and heard everything from minor to major issues. Yes! I mean stuff that most bishops would bulk at...and this was on a weekly basis. Having that mantel, the Spirit is much different when we listen to both the member and the Spirit on what to do for each case. Each case is different and the Spirit answers differently when it provides instruction on what to do. Even being the same sin, the Spirit may guide the Stake President, a Bishop, or Branch President with instruction that is not always the same. It is based on your sincerity and sorrow over what was committed, you desire to repent, and the Lord’s own approval to receive that sin. As a judge in Israel, acknowledging the atonement by scriptures is only part of the process but to experience for oneself, opens one eye of the reasoning behind the gospel of Jesus Christ and love of the Godhead for each of those children who strive to make amend to their past doings. Your are credited to take action first vice the Bishop/Branch President to ask you. That is the first step back to the path that leads to the tree of life.

I countless stories how the Lord treats each case. But what was unusual how Lord individually treat each person. It is amazing to feel of that powerful presence of the Lord and the Holy Ghost.

Serving in that position, what angers me more than anything, is the failure to repent after given a person is given this precious gospel. Whether it is done before GOD or done before the council of the church. What is the greater sin for any Latter-day Saint whjo has the gospel? Is not the sin itself but the failure to act in repenting.

You will need to fast and seek comfort by prayer [drawn out as if you were Enos in the Book of Mormon] with the Master prior to entering into the office. You want to invite that Spirit for the Bishop to act on. Then, allow the ‘will’ of the Master be manifested to both of you on how to proceed.

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