Aliens And Demons


What do you make of UFO phenomena?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What do you make of UFO phenomena?

    • There are no alien space craft. The so-called sitings can nearly always be explained naturally.
    • There are aliens, and they are taking care of us. They are benign.
    • There are aliens, and they are dangerous. They've committed experiments on some of us.
    • Any so-called alien manifestations that might come in the future are probably demonic in origin, and are only meant to deceive us.
    • The prisonchaplain is bored, and so posted this "hot" topic about a non-issue. (Same as first answer, but more cynical).

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My theory on the existence of aliens (based on no Scripture whatsoever):

1. The nearest star is over four light years away.

2. Any beings that have the ability to get to here from wherever they might come from are so technologically advanced, that we have no hope of defending ourselves against them. We are toast! They can force their will on us.

3. So, if aliens decide to manifest themselves to us, they are probably demonic in origin, and are here to deceive--not enlighten.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Dec 27 2005, 10:52 PM

My theory on the existence of aliens (based on no Scripture whatsoever):

1.  The nearest star is over four light years away.

2.  Any beings that have the ability to get to here from wherever they might come from are so technologically advanced, that we have no hope of defending ourselves against them.  We are toast!  They can force their will on us.

3.  So, if aliens decide to manifest themselves to us, they are probably demonic in origin, and are here to deceive--not enlighten.

Dude, if you really are interested in real science and ET,( Earth was seeded by our progenitors) then forget about all this Crap and go to There you will find evidence of our solar system being inhabited by our progenitors. by the way, humanity is an et, and our Gods seeded planets all over this neck of the Universe. WE ARE ET.
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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by GRR8+Dec 27 2005, 10:01 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-prisonchaplain@Dec 27 2005, 10:52 PM

My theory on the existence of aliens (based on no Scripture whatsoever):

1.  The nearest star is over four light years away.

2.  Any beings that have the ability to get to here from wherever they might come from are so technologically advanced, that we have no hope of defending ourselves against them.  We are toast!  They can force their will on us.

3.  So, if aliens decide to manifest themselves to us, they are probably demonic in origin, and are here to deceive--not enlighten.

Dude, if you really are interested in real science and ET,( Earth was seeded by our progenitors) then forget about all this Crap and go to There you will find evidence of our solar system being inhabited by our progenitors. by the way, humanity is an et, and our Gods seeded planets all over this neck of the Universe. WE ARE ET.

I thoroughly enjoyed your post. Explains a lot of things satisfactorily to me. Naivete is charming in the very young or those who seriously do not have clue. Arrogance combined with ignorance is slightly more amusing. Father has said that he has created many worlds, so why wold this be so far-fetched? The light year issue: aliens travelling from distant galaxies (this is closer and within the realm of feasibility) never did sit well with me amd being in a group of people who SAW a "UFO" I cannot dismiss them as swamp gas (oh please) or light reflected off of Venus to the lid of the neighbor's trash can onto the window of the bank and through a dreamcatcher down the street into a water glass on thier counter and out the window to bouce off of the nearest reflective surface and appear as a moving object in broad daylight. Seems to me there have been enough sightings, including those by pilots, military, etc. for enough years that we can't dismiss them as so much Orwellian hysteria. The "wall" in the photos is clearly not artifact (on the film)and it does look like intelligent design whether it be by friendly or non-friendly beings. Please, let's not get all "My Favortie Martian" and make inane comments about something that is entirely possible. Ignorance is not becoming. Makes one wonder why Father allowed(?) us to see this? This Charlie guy is someone I think would be fun to sit and have dinner with and talk until dawn about this very subject. In the Pof GP the Lord talks about THIS planet.Why make a differentiation is there is not more than one that is inhabited. Of course there had been life, perhaps still is, in this solar system. Or maybe we all came out of a giant Cracker Jackbox. We don't understand everything and just because we don't understand it doesn't summarily make it nonsense. THAT is naive. B)
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I have actually put some thought into this subject before. Here are some of my thoughts. I do believe life elsewhere in the universe is probable. And I do believe that if there are other forms of intelegent life, they must be the children of God....or maybe His brother?

Now, about these aliens visiting us and abducting us etc etc....How does this fall into the plan of salvation? Or does it fall into the law of eternal progression?

I mean when you were in school taking a test absolutly no one was allowed to bother you while you took the test. Right? So if these beings are real, and are children of God but at a more advanced stage of eternal progression, why would they be allowed to come pester us? And I dont think they'd need to "explore or learn about us" after all if they are children of God further along in their progression they'd need no new information from us.

I do think there is other life out there. But I think it is far far far away from us, because this earth was created to prove man. We're over here preforming an serious task. So for all those "sightings" and "abductions" I think its either, made up stories, optical illusion, govt. technology, or the use of drugs or someone has been convinced enough its real to the point they believe it.

And about the govt. technology. A lot of you have no idea what kind of toys Uncle Sam's kids get for christmas each year. Some of the stuff I've been allowed to see or inadvertantly seen has made me question if man alone could have developed such things....then I remember that man has not even tapped his potential.

UFO's Alien abductions....fake.

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I notice there isn't a 'Dont know/Not sure' option in the poll.

I belong to that group of people, having not had any experiences of sightings of UFO's or having been abducted or anything.

I think it is possible and probable that there are other life forms around. I don't know if any of them have chosen to visit us, in any form, either to learn from or to teach us, perhaps some have visited us in human form? the great 'scientists/philosophers' etc. nobody can prove that they have or they haven't unless they have information/proof that they are keeping away from us.

I do believe that the human race is naturally arrogant and paranoid when it comes to considering the existence of other life forms. We assume that humans are the superior race and also are wary of any other life forms obtaining our knowledge and technology.

I would hope that, if an alien did visit earth, it was under disguise as another human being as I fear that it would, if it appeared as the so-called scifi films aliens appear, it would be treated as badly as some animals in zoos...locked away, poked at and prodded and experimented upon.

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by Fiannan@Dec 28 2005, 04:54 PM

Freaking Teletubies, always knew when they grew up they would be abducting humans and doing strange experiments.  Wonder what probe Tinky Winky would be using? :lol:

You are a hoot. Funny stuff. lol


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I thoroughly enjoyed your post. Explains a lot of things satisfactorily to me.  Naivete is charming in the very young or those who seriously do not have clue.  Arrogance combined with ignorance is slightly more amusing.  Father has said that he has created many worlds, so why wold this be so far-fetched?  The light year issue: aliens travelling from distant galaxies (this is closer and within the realm of feasibility) never did sit well with me amd being in a group of people who SAW a "UFO"  I cannot dismiss them as swamp gas (oh please) or light reflected off of Venus to the lid of the neighbor's trash can onto the window of the bank and through a dreamcatcher down the street into a water glass on thier counter and out the window to bouce off of the nearest reflective surface and appear as a moving object in  broad daylight. Seems to me there have been enough sightings, including those by pilots, military, etc. for enough years that we can't dismiss them as so much Orwellian hysteria. The "wall" in the photos is clearly not artifact (on the film)and it does look like intelligent design whether it be by friendly or non-friendly beings.  Please, let's not get all "My Favortie Martian" and make inane comments about something that is entirely possible.  Ignorance is not becoming.  Makes one wonder why Father allowed(?) us to see this? This Charlie guy is someone I think would be fun to sit and have dinner with and talk until dawn about this very subject. In the Pof GP the Lord talks about THIS planet.Why make a differentiation is there is not more than one that is inhabited. Of course there had been life, perhaps still is, in this solar system.  Or maybe we all came out of a giant Cracker Jackbox.  We don't understand everything and just because we don't understand it doesn't summarily make it nonsense.  THAT is naive. B)

Okay, let me just clarify something here. We did not come out of a crackerjack box and we were not "seeded" by some alien species off of Star Trek. We were created by God. And he put our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, and then the whole apple thing, and then mankind became mortal, which is where we are today.

But on to the whole other world thing-- I don't know about little green men flying around and sticking probes in peoples' you know wheres, but I can tell you there are certainly other worlds with humans on them. From Moses 1:33 we know that there are "worlds without number", and the chances of only one of them having any animals or humans on it is laughable. Besides, if you were a God and capable of creating an arsenal of complete PLANETS, why should you have to place life on only one of them? We don't know how many spirit children God has, and so for all we know, God could be managing hundreds of thousands of worlds with humans on them.

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Originally posted by Setheus@Dec 28 2005, 09:05 AM

So if these beings are real, and are children of God but at a more advanced stage of eternal progression, why would they be allowed to come pester us?

The same reason that Hilter was allowed to murder the Jews, Britney Spears is allowed to make CDs and the French are allowed to be French....

...that for the most part, God stays out of it all.

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Originally posted by puterguy01@Dec 28 2005, 05:23 PM

come out of a crackerjack box and we were not "seeded" by some alien species off of Star Trek.  We were created by God.  And he put our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, and then the whole apple thing, and then mankind became mortal, which is where we are today.

Do you mean the Adam and Eve of the Bible - some 6000 years ago - first parents?

Who were all the other human beings that came before them if they were the first?

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Originally posted by puterguy01@Dec 28 2005, 07:23 PM

Okay, let me just clarify something here.  We did not come out of a crackerjack box and we were not "seeded" by some alien species off of Star Trek.  We were created by God.  And he put our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, and then the whole apple thing, and then mankind became mortal, which is where we are today.

Yeah, cause that's way more reasonable! :rolleyes:

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...And he put our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, and then the whole apple thing,...

I just cant get over how funny it is that people think the fruite of knowledge of good and evil was an apple. No where does it name the fruit as an apple :lol:

AHHHHHHH seth haven't you seen the beginning to desperate house's shows it LOL J/K :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by Fiannan@Dec 29 2005, 01:13 AM

Just to throw some more confusion out there -- in the first part of Genesis it is discussed that the sons of God came down and impregnated women on earth.  Just who is this referring to?

Gen: 6

1 AND it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

NO WHERE does it say anything about "coming down to earth" It reads "took wives" And "the sons of God" is referin to the rightious line of Seth, brother of Able. And the "daughters of men" is refering to the women of the earth.

You're Catholic arent you?

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Originally posted by Snow+Dec 28 2005, 08:04 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Setheus@Dec 28 2005, 09:05 AM

So if these beings are real, and are children of God but at a more advanced stage of eternal progression, why would they be allowed to come pester us?

The same reason that Hilter was allowed to murder the Jews, Britney Spears is allowed to make CDs and the French are allowed to be French....

...that for the most part, God stays out of it all.

Yes, but Hitler, and Spears , and even the dirty French are heirs of this "estate" that we all gained by "keeping our first estate" Thus their agency is entitled to effect us.....those not part of this plan shouldnt be able to effect us.

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Setheus, I have heard your explainations for that scripture before but it still doesn't make sense -- would not the daughters of man be daughters of God as well as their male copunterparts?

I make no claims here but if there are other people's in our neck of the galaxy, and they are humans (created in the image of God just like us) could this not refer to a mixing Not of Seth's sons and Cain's daughters but of people not part of the liniage set up to inhabit earth?

No I am not Catholic by the way -- LDS.

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think about who is writing this scripture.....Men who thought themself much higher than women....and women in a context of breeding no less. They still make women walk behind them in the Middle East. sons of God and daughters of men isnt confusing. And after all even Jesus Christ is known as "the Son of Man"

What I say makes total sense....more than demons/angels swooping down knocking up all the women. Gods house is a house of order....what you sugest is chaos.

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Originally posted by Jason@Dec 29 2005, 08:36 AM


You should give a study of the Jewish perspectives on the First chapters of Genesis.  Especially the Zohar.  They have a different view from you, and they're more likely right since they wrote the dang thing.

Well, considering that the Jews couldnt even see that Jesus was the Messiah and Lamb of God, how credible is there perspective?

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by Setheus+Dec 29 2005, 11:31 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Jason@Dec 29 2005, 08:36 AM


You should give a study of the Jewish perspectives on the First chapters of Genesis.  Especially the Zohar.  They have a different view from you, and they're more likely right since they wrote the dang thing.

Well, considering that the Jews couldnt even see that Jesus was the Messiah and Lamb of God, how credible is there perspective?

This is not in the realm of impossibility due to free agency. As we discussed last night briefly in chat, the fact that evil will creep in and result in more war after the Millenial reign of our Savior does suggest that it is posible to fall in the best of circumstance. Look at the early history of the Church! Our personalities are eternal. A resurrected being may have the capabilitiy to do just what is being discussed. Man is as God once was ivites speculation as to the capabilities of procreation between mortals and immortals. Isn't the Savior himself the offspring of this? Don't forget that wherever Father sets up his plan of happiness, along comes the adversary and sets up his tar-paper shack next door . There must needs be opposition in ALL things. We will mingle with ressurected beings during the Millenium and who's to say what the deal will be then. The earth will be filled with knowledge and perhaps some of them will be the ones to re-introduce evil into this society of peace. We don't know. It's going to happen, someone will start it. Just because we don't have the whole truth doesn't mean we should discard the possibility. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as it were. Your own uncle, Hugh Nibley,wrote a book on this very subject, Setheus, text taken from scrolls found recording this very thing. Is it really so far-fetched? However, if we are truly entrenched in the gospel and follow the precepts and tenets of it, ABIDE by the covenants WE MAKE in the temple and at baptism, follow the prophets, we have a better chance of making it through here AND the Millenium. without falling prey to the wiles of the adversary. Hold fast to the rod.Granted this isn't "knowledge" that we need for our existence here. There are manythings that going behind the scenes that if we knew about them we might be halted in our tracks. Jesus gave us a simple plan to follow to get through this mine field of mortality. I believe this topic is a valid one even though it doesn't change the fact that we have the knowledge we need here to get home. Let us not partake of that old narcotic naivte, but let us also just live the gospel and all the rest will take care of itself. Our creators have it under control. There is always war happening somewhere. Even in different dimensions, I imagine.

Put on the whole armor of God is the suggestion. If we but do that, let the Watchers and Giants have their fun, we are armed and ready.

P.S. Don't also forget that Jesus was a Jew and abided by Jeaish law and studied Jewish law although he came to FULFILL the law. He read and studied all the scripture available then. This is not a new IDEA but ancient in the scriptues. Baby/bathwater/not good. B)

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