Aliens And Demons


What do you make of UFO phenomena?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What do you make of UFO phenomena?

    • There are no alien space craft. The so-called sitings can nearly always be explained naturally.
    • There are aliens, and they are taking care of us. They are benign.
    • There are aliens, and they are dangerous. They've committed experiments on some of us.
    • Any so-called alien manifestations that might come in the future are probably demonic in origin, and are only meant to deceive us.
    • The prisonchaplain is bored, and so posted this "hot" topic about a non-issue. (Same as first answer, but more cynical).

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Originally posted by Setheus+Dec 28 2005, 08:34 PM-->

I just cant get over how funny it is that people think the fruite of knowledge of good and evil was an apple.  No where does it name the fruit as an apple  :lol:

apple, banana, kiwi, tangerine, it all works. :sparklygrin:


@Dec 28 2005, 09:06 PM

Do you mean the Adam and Eve of the Bible - some 6000 years ago - first parents?

Who were all the other human beings that came before them if they were the first?

There WERE no other human beings before Adam and Eve. Again, God created entire worlds, so what makes you think that he wasn't able to make a physical body for our first parents?

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Originally posted by Fiannan@Dec 29 2005, 01:13 AM

Just to throw some more confusion out there -- in the first part of Genesis it is discussed that the sons of God came down and impregnated women on earth.  Just who is this referring to?

Note: I'm replacing Setheus' quotation from Genesis 6 with a larger one (verses 1-5)

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, [2] That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [3] And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. [4] There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

[5] And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

My impressions:

1. I doubt that the "sons of God" were the righteous sons of Seth, because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked.

2. The giants of verse 4 might well have been either the sons of God, or the hybrid offspring. Also note that more modern translations replace "giant" with the word "Nephilim."

It is not impossible to believe that these giants, these Nephilim, these sons of God, were fallen angels, or demons.

3. Verse 5 seems to indicate that something about the happenings in verse 2 (sons of God + daughters of men), and the giants-Nephilim and their offspring in verse 4 were no blessing either.

Setheus says:  NO WHERE does it say anything about "coming down to earth"  It reads "took wives"  And "the sons of God" is referin to the rightious line of Seth, brother of Able.  And the "daughters of men" is refering to the women of the earth.

Frankly, this sounds like a neat solution to an admittedly difficult and unclear passage. We can speculate all we want here, but the only sure answer for now is from 1 Corinthians 13, which says that now we see through a cloudy glass. All will not be clear until Jesus has returned in glory.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Dec 31 2005, 01:40 AM

Setheus says:  NO WHERE does it say anything about "coming down to earth"  It reads "took wives"   And "the sons of God" is referin to the rightious line of Seth, brother of Able.  And the "daughters of men" is refering to the women of the earth.

Frankly, this sounds like a neat solution to an admittedly difficult and unclear passage. We can speculate all we want here, but the only sure answer for now is from 1 Corinthians 13, which says that now we see through a cloudy glass. All will not be clear until Jesus has returned in glory.

Setheus....That's what I thought when I read vs 4 ..glad to know I wasn't the only one who understood that verse the way I did. I understood Seth to be as righteous a man as Able...and was blessed by Adam to receive blessings from God.

And PC I am a firm believer that we can't see everything as clearly as we would want, that all things will be answered when Christ returns to the earth. "....then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Cor.13 ....Sugar said "We don't know. It's going to happen, someone will start it. Just because we don't have the whole truth doesn't mean we should discard the possibility." I echo that statement... we know we don't have the whole truth on somethings....and we will be surprised at things we thought were important.... that really aren't, and maybe somethings we didn't think was important....really were. Who knows? All we can do is be the best we can be, knowing who we are and what we stand for.

Pushka: I agree with you when you said

"I do believe that the human race is naturally arrogant and paranoid when it comes to considering the existence of other life forms. We assume that humans are the superior race and also are wary of any other life forms obtaining our knowledge and technology."

I believe in life other than our own, it doesn't freak me out, I really don't give it much thought... I don't think we are alone in the universe(s). I do think we are an arrogant and paranoid people as a whole.... and Pushka, your comment rang true in my ears. :)

Something I want to address to PC.... you said

1. I doubt that the "sons of God" were the righteous sons of Seth... because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked.

I guess it's how you read the passage...a matter of interpretation... Gen 6:4 says....the daughters of men bore children who became mighty of renown. PC..let me ask you this.... I don't remember seeing lineage sprouting from Able... however, I have read the linage of Seth and Cain. And I"m pretty sure you will agree that the linage of Seth overpowers the linage of Cain in the rightousness department. And since those are the only two sons of Adam and Eve that the Bible really says anything about (other than the deceased Able)..... I naturally assume that the sons of Seth were the righteous ones. In Gen. it says that Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image....and called him Seth. To me....this is a good thing.

Refering to "the sons of God" in Ps 82:6 it says " I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." CHILDREN is the key word here...the sons of God = children of God, even the sons of man are still children of God We refer to ourselves as the sons and daughters of God...since in a nutshell...that's who we ALL are. In Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Sons of God....those led by the Spirit of God.... actually I think that says it all.

Then you also said

because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked

Well yeah, the linage of Cain was still out running amuck! The 5th verse says that " GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth" ...not that the sons of Seth were wicked. Oh, and PC...that context of passage was in a different verse the one UNDER the one vs 4 which referred to the "mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

I'm probably about as clear as mud...but it's the best I can do ;)

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I voted with the majority:

There are no alien space craft. The so-called sitings can nearly always be explained naturally.

My opinion is that alien spacecraft are designed by governments to deceive people. Imagine an "alien invasion"...attacking earth in order to unite earthlings under a one world government, thereby defeating the aliens.

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by Lindy+Dec 31 2005, 11:58 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-prisonchaplain@Dec 31 2005, 01:40 AM

Setheus says:  NO WHERE does it say anything about "coming down to earth"  It reads "took wives"   And "the sons of God" is referin to the rightious line of Seth, brother of Able.  And the "daughters of men" is refering to the women of the earth.

Frankly, this sounds like a neat solution to an admittedly difficult and unclear passage. We can speculate all we want here, but the only sure answer for now is from 1 Corinthians 13, which says that now we see through a cloudy glass. All will not be clear until Jesus has returned in glory.

Setheus....That's what I thought when I read vs 4 ..glad to know I wasn't the only one who understood that verse the way I did. I understood Seth to be as righteous a man as Able...and was blessed by Adam to receive blessings from God.

And PC I am a firm believer that we can't see everything as clearly as we would want, that all things will be answered when Christ returns to the earth. "....then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Cor.13 ....Sugar said "We don't know. It's going to happen, someone will start it. Just because we don't have the whole truth doesn't mean we should discard the possibility." I echo that statement... we know we don't have the whole truth on somethings....and we will be surprised at things we thought were important.... that really aren't, and maybe somethings we didn't think was important....really were. Who knows? All we can do is be the best we can be, knowing who we are and what we stand for.

Pushka: I agree with you when you said

"I do believe that the human race is naturally arrogant and paranoid when it comes to considering the existence of other life forms. We assume that humans are the superior race and also are wary of any other life forms obtaining our knowledge and technology."

I believe in life other than our own, it doesn't freak me out, I really don't give it much thought... I don't think we are alone in the universe(s). I do think we are an arrogant and paranoid people as a whole.... and Pushka, your comment rang true in my ears. :)

Something I want to address to PC.... you said

1. I doubt that the "sons of God" were the righteous sons of Seth... because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked.

I guess it's how you read the passage...a matter of interpretation... Gen 6:4 says....the daughters of men bore children who became mighty of renown. PC..let me ask you this.... I don't remember seeing lineage sprouting from Able... however, I have read the linage of Seth and Cain. And I"m pretty sure you will agree that the linage of Seth overpowers the linage of Cain in the rightousness department. And since those are the only two sons of Adam and Eve that the Bible really says anything about (other than the deceased Able)..... I naturally assume that the sons of Seth were the righteous ones. In Gen. it says that Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image....and called him Seth. To me....this is a good thing.

Refering to "the sons of God" in Ps 82:6 it says " I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." CHILDREN is the key word here...the sons of God = children of God, even the sons of man are still children of God We refer to ourselves as the sons and daughters of God...since in a nutshell...that's who we ALL are. In Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Sons of God....those led by the Spirit of God.... actually I think that says it all.

Then you also said

because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked

Well yeah, the linage of Cain was still out running amuck! The 5th verse says that " GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth" ...not that the sons of Seth were wicked. Oh, and PC...that context of passage was in a different verse the one UNDER the one vs 4 which referred to the "mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

I'm probably about as clear as mud...but it's the best I can do ;)

SETHEUS HAS SONS???!!!!? :wow:
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Originally posted by sugarbay@Dec 31 2005, 03:10 PM

SETHEUS HAS SONS???!!!!? :wow:

OHHHH my poor didn't know? He had daughters too! ROFL

Seth is more of a righteous man than many think..... Enoch and Noah are from his linage. NOW you know! ;)

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You people whom assume that 'GOD' or 'GODS' are from the Earth are full of crap. My belief is based on photographs and hard scientific data over at For seventeen years they have compiled images slowly released to the public domain by Mikey Malin of Malin Space Science Systems. (Hint: He owns the cameras on those Mars probes) Take another watch of 2001:A Space Oddessey. Pay attention to the sequence where the in the know crowd up there is having a meeting to concoct a false story about them being up there for so long. (Virus) Remember that in 1959, this is for real folks, the Brookings Institution was commissioned to report to Congress on varying topics, and one of these topics was how a discovery of ANCIENT ET ARTIFACTS on 'THE MOON, VENUS, MARS, etc, would affect the then current notions of religion, Science, Government, and possible societal breakdown. IN other words, WE CANT BE TRUSTED WITH SUCH INFORMATION. Well, believe me folks, there is that same mindset today. But it doesnt scare me about us civilians knowing anything, but rather, The people who do know the evidence, have some of it in their possesion, and want to use it for pure power and selfish reasons. That my friends, is what concerns me. With the knowledge I have concerning these ancient relics upon Mars, our Moon, and Iapetus, amongst possible other Planets and Moons of this Solar system, this is no big deal to me. Its second nature and makes complete logical sense to me, that what we call 'God' 'Heavenly Father' is actually a transmutated being, able to manipulate higher spatial dimensions and physics, able to alter consciousness itself. This being is a member of a related species of beings, probably scientists, rather than 'Magicians' who were able to travel from Galaxy to Galaxy, seeding planets. This notion that Genesis of the Bible is pronouncing God as some kind of instant magical Genie, is ridiculous. Adam and Eve were the first recorded instance of intelligent humans on Earth, however there are relics dating to pre cambrian epoch that show intelligent design before Adam and Eve. REmember that Bibles and Korans and written records are not written by the Gods, but by Humans.

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Originally posted by Lindy@Dec 31 2005, 10:58 AM

Something I want to address to PC.... you said

1. I doubt that the "sons of God" were the righteous sons of Seth... because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked.

I guess it's how you read the passage...a matter of interpretation... Gen 6:4 says....the daughters of men bore children who became mighty of renown. PC..let me ask you this.... I don't remember seeing lineage sprouting from Able... however, I have read the linage of Seth and Cain. And I"m pretty sure you will agree that the linage of Seth overpowers the linage of Cain in the rightousness department.

I'm afraid I do not agree. We know nothing about the righteousness of either Cain's or Seth's lineage, except that Cain's descendents became productive members of society. Enoch built a city (v. 17). Adah was a cattleman (v. 20). Jubal played instruments (v. 21). Tubal-Cain was a metalworker. There's little here to indicate that Cain's son become wicked, while Seth's became righteous. Furthermore, the context of Genesis 6 is that God was angry at mankind in general, that part of this anger is what was going on with the sons of God and the daughters of Men, and the resultant offspring, called giants or Nephilim. The contrasting man of righteousness is only Noah and his family--not the family line of Seth in general.

And since those are the only two sons of Adam and Eve that the Bible really says anything about (other than the deceased Able)..... I naturally assume that the sons of Seth were the righteous ones. In Gen. it says that Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image....and called him Seth.  To me....this is a good thing.

There are no righteous ones in verses 1-5. God is angry here. In verse 6, Noah is declared the righteous one. Everyone else but his family is to be destroyed--sons of Cain and Abel both!

Refering to "the sons of God" in Ps 82:6 it says " I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." CHILDREN is the key word here...the sons of God = children of God, even the sons of man are still children of God  We refer to ourselves as the sons and daughters of God...since in a nutshell...that's who we ALL are. In Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Sons of God....those led by the Spirit of God.... actually I think that says it all.

The sons of God in Genesis 6 are destroyed by God. They do not respond to the message prophet Noah brings. Nor do the giants, or Nephilim. Only Noah and his family are saved. Again, no one in verses 1-5 is pleasing God. The context is clear--God is disappointed. In this context, it seems more plausible to me that these "sons of God" were demons--servants of the "god of this world," Satan. That Satan's depravity was so complete he even allowed his minions to come unto the daughters of men. This evil--what one poster called chaos--is part of what drove God to create the Flood.

Then you also said

because the context of this passage is that God was angry, that men were wicked

Well yeah, the linage of Cain was still out running amuck! The 5th verse says that " GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth" ...not that the sons of Seth were wicked. Oh, and PC...that context of passage was in a different verse the one UNDER the one vs 4 which referred to the "mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Once again, there is nothing to indicate that the sons of Cain had become wickedness, nor is there any mention in Scripture that Seth's lineage was overall righteous. God was angry with all humanity, and only Noah's family survives the flood, by obeying God's prophetic word.

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I find it interesting :hmmm: that eight out of eleven voters chose answer that mean either aliens have not been hanging around earth, or any such manifestations may be demonic. Only three voters suggested that aliens are showing themselves. On the other hand, most of the actual posts seem to defend the notion of aliens. Any thoughts as to what is going on here? :dontknow:

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Originally posted by GRR8@Jan 1 2006, 08:19 PM

You people whom assume that 'GOD' or 'GODS' are from the Earth are full of crap. My belief is based on photographs and hard scientific data over at  For seventeen years they have compiled images slowly released to the public domain by Mikey Malin of Malin Space Science Systems. (Hint: He owns the cameras on those Mars probes) Take another watch of 2001:A Space Oddessey.  Pay attention to the sequence where the in the know crowd up there is having a meeting to concoct a false story about them being up there for so long. (Virus) Remember that in 1959, this is for real folks, the Brookings Institution was commissioned to report to Congress on varying topics, and one of these topics was how a discovery of ANCIENT ET ARTIFACTS on 'THE MOON, VENUS, MARS, etc, would affect the then current notions of religion, Science, Government, and possible societal breakdown. IN other words, WE CANT BE TRUSTED WITH SUCH INFORMATION.  Well, believe me folks, there is that same mindset today. But it doesnt scare me about us civilians knowing anything, but rather, The people who do know the evidence, have some of it in their possesion, and want to use it for pure power and selfish reasons. That my friends, is what concerns me. With the knowledge I have concerning these ancient relics upon Mars, our Moon, and Iapetus, amongst possible other Planets and Moons of this Solar system, this is no big deal to me. Its second nature and makes complete logical sense to me, that what we call 'God' 'Heavenly Father' is  actually a transmutated being, able to manipulate  higher spatial dimensions and physics, able to alter consciousness itself. This being is a member of a related species of beings, probably scientists, rather than 'Magicians' who were able to travel from Galaxy to Galaxy, seeding planets. This notion that Genesis of the Bible is pronouncing God as some kind of instant magical Genie, is ridiculous. Adam and Eve were the first recorded instance of intelligent humans on Earth, however there are relics dating to pre cambrian epoch that show intelligent design before Adam and Eve. REmember that Bibles and Korans and written records are not written by the Gods, but by Humans.

Let me get this straight... someone who believes that one of the moons of Saturn is not really a moon but rather a spooky space ship is lecturing us on science and religion?

Okay Bufford, Careful ya don't stay out in the corn field late at night lest the aliens kidnap and probe you again - ya hear.

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by Lindy+Dec 31 2005, 07:27 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-sugarbay@Dec 31 2005, 03:10 PM

SETHEUS HAS SONS???!!!!? :wow:

OHHHH my poor didn't know? He had daughters too! ROFL

Seth is more of a righteous man than many think..... Enoch and Noah are from his linage. NOW you know! ;)

You know, I thought he sounded older than he claims to be! LMBO! (I wish!) :wow:
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Originally posted by Snow+Jan 2 2006, 12:54 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-GRR8@Jan 1 2006, 08:19 PM

You people whom assume that 'GOD' or 'GODS' are from the Earth are full of crap. My belief is based on photographs and hard scientific data over at  For seventeen years they have compiled images slowly released to the public domain by Mikey Malin of Malin Space Science Systems. (Hint: He owns the cameras on those Mars probes) Take another watch of 2001:A Space Oddessey.  Pay attention to the sequence where the in the know crowd up there is having a meeting to concoct a false story about them being up there for so long. (Virus) Remember that in 1959, this is for real folks, the Brookings Institution was commissioned to report to Congress on varying topics, and one of these topics was how a discovery of ANCIENT ET ARTIFACTS on 'THE MOON, VENUS, MARS, etc, would affect the then current notions of religion, Science, Government, and possible societal breakdown. IN other words, WE CANT BE TRUSTED WITH SUCH INFORMATION.  Well, believe me folks, there is that same mindset today. But it doesnt scare me about us civilians knowing anything, but rather, The people who do know the evidence, have some of it in their possesion, and want to use it for pure power and selfish reasons. That my friends, is what concerns me. With the knowledge I have concerning these ancient relics upon Mars, our Moon, and Iapetus, amongst possible other Planets and Moons of this Solar system, this is no big deal to me. Its second nature and makes complete logical sense to me, that what we call 'God' 'Heavenly Father' is  actually a transmutated being, able to manipulate  higher spatial dimensions and physics, able to alter consciousness itself. This being is a member of a related species of beings, probably scientists, rather than 'Magicians' who were able to travel from Galaxy to Galaxy, seeding planets. This notion that Genesis of the Bible is pronouncing God as some kind of instant magical Genie, is ridiculous. Adam and Eve were the first recorded instance of intelligent humans on Earth, however there are relics dating to pre cambrian epoch that show intelligent design before Adam and Eve. REmember that Bibles and Korans and written records are not written by the Gods, but by Humans.

Let me get this straight... someone who believes that one of the moons of Saturn is not really a moon but rather a spooky space ship is lecturing us on science and religion?

Okay Bufford, Careful ya don't stay out in the corn field late at night lest the aliens kidnap and probe you again - ya hear.

Hey guy, I wouldnt be callin anyone "Bufford" who uses a stupid ###### nerd from one of the most ridiculous movies ever made, 'Napolean Dynamite' as his avatar on here. Secondly, you dont have it 'straight'. Ive said before that the Moon Iapetus is a Moon that was MODIFIED to be used as a transport colony to witness the most HYPERDIMENSIONALLY SIGNIFICANT PLANET in our solar system. There you go. You got it straight now?
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Originally posted by GRR8@Jan 2 2006, 11:20 AM

Hey guy, I wouldnt be callin anyone "Bufford" who uses a stupid ###### nerd from one of the most ridiculous movies ever made, 'Napolean Dynamite' as his avatar on here. Secondly, you dont have it 'straight'. Ive said before that the Moon Iapetus is a Moon that was MODIFIED to be used as a transport colony to witness the most HYPERDIMENSIONALLY SIGNIFICANT PLANET in our solar system. There you go. You got it straight now?

Easy there Goober. I stand corrected. You are not the type of guy who believes that the moon is a spaceship, rather you are the type of guy who believes that a moon of Saturn is a modified transport colony witnessing the most hyperdimensionally significant planet in the quandrant.

Now, if I could only reroute the hyperflux plamsa regulator to harmonize the dilithium crystal output, then all would be good and right in the world.

Don't let those aliens probe you anymore Goober, trust me.

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Originally posted by Snow+Jan 2 2006, 06:18 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-GRR8@Jan 2 2006, 11:20 AM

Hey guy, I wouldnt be callin anyone "Bufford" who uses a stupid ###### nerd from one of the most ridiculous movies ever made, 'Napolean Dynamite' as his avatar on here. Secondly, you dont have it 'straight'. Ive said before that the Moon Iapetus is a Moon that was MODIFIED to be used as a transport colony to witness the most HYPERDIMENSIONALLY SIGNIFICANT PLANET in our solar system. There you go. You got it straight now?

Easy there Goober. I stand corrected. You are not the type of guy who believes that the moon is a spaceship, rather you are the type of guy who believes that a moon of Saturn is a modified transport colony witnessing the most hyperdimensionally significant planet in the quandrant.

Now, if I could only reroute the hyperflux plamsa regulator to harmonize the dilithium crystal output, then all would be good and right in the world.

Don't let those aliens probe you anymore Goober, trust me.

I use evidence to support what I have presented here. You dont

*Edited for vulgar content. Member warned*

Setheus was here X

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Here's something I have seen five times that has me curious, and perhaps some of you have seen it also: I will be standing out under the night sky, when suddenly the sky will light up. I will look up and see what appears to be a huge spotlight that folds back and goes dim; after which, it looks like just another star; however it then begins to move slowly. As it moves it gets dimmer and dimmer until it's no longer visible.

It may be a government experiment but whatever the case, it appears to be some sort of surveillance device.

One thought I had on it is that perhaps there are other civilizations out there, however, according to my beliefs, if they were allowed to have such technology, they would have be close enough to God that they would follow certain rules and not interfere with other worlds. Therfore, they would be here observing the events taking place in the last days of this world.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Jan 1 2006, 10:17 PM

I'm afraid I do not agree.  We know nothing about the righteousness of either Cain's or Seth's lineage, except that Cain's descendents became productive members of society.  Enoch built a city (v. 17).  Adah was a cattleman (v. 20).  Jubal played instruments (v. 21).  Tubal-Cain was a metalworker.  There's little here to indicate that Cain's son become wicked, while Seth's became righteous.  Furthermore, the context of Genesis 6 is that God was angry at mankind in general, that part of this anger is what was going on with the sons of God and the daughters of Men, and the resultant offspring, called giants or Nephilim.  The contrasting man of righteousness is only Noah and his family--not the family line of Seth in general.[

PC- That is what is so great about learning to agree to disagree about things. We can both look at the same thing and read it differently.

I will still stand behind the linage of Seth being the righteous one, as you can stand behind defending the linage of Cain as being productive. Noah came from the lineage of did Enoch...the Enoch who found favor in the sight of God.....not Cain's Enoch.

The truth as I see it.... the truth as I understand it to be. :)

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My view on aliens:

I think they are real. I mean, we got proof. (Roswell, New Mexico) :dontknow:

I don't believe they are evil. I'm not saying that they are harmless because every species has to defend themselves one way or another. But I think they have good intentions.I don't think they were trying to invade our planet and take over the world when they came crashing down in Roswell. WE'RE the one's who conducted experiments on them. You didn't see any aliens trying to cut us humans open, did ya? Who knows? Maybe their coming to earth was an attempt to further progression in space travel. Just like us humans send our men out in rockets, the aliens could've sent their men out in spaceships to explore. Many people dont believe in aliens because they ain't buying the whole green skin, buggy eyes, sci-fi stuff, but it says in the scriptures that God has created many worlds. Who says the beings on them all had to look alike? -wait hold on lol- it did say that we were created in his own image... :hmmm: But are there not other Gods with other worlds? Maybe they look like aliens and they created aliens in THEIR own image.. But I don't want to get into that more than one God thing cause its confusing so anyways :backtotopic: Do I believe in aliens? Yes. But it will forever remain a mystery to me..

P.S. Aliens rock!!!! :notworthy:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Unorthodox

I thought I would participate in these polls I have been missing over the last few months.

I voted for #1...I don't think there are alien spacecrafts around the Earth...but I do believe there is life out there in the Universe somewhere else...

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God is out there somewhere, and He is alive, but not on earth. Therefore, by definition, He, and anybody with Him, is extraterrestrial! We also know He created other worlds. Whether or not they have spacecraft is open to speculation. We have spacecraft, so why wouldn't someone else?!

Do they visit the earth? Angels have, and they are extraterrestrials. :P Spacecraft? Dunno.

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