Do We Recognize God's Prophecies Being Fulfilled?


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God is not unjust. We do not know all the reasons of why certain things that apper to us as unfair are truly good and God's will.

Oh brother. Sure - it seems that killing innocent people through horrific violence is unjust but it really isn't. I can't explain - other than to say it just a big old mystery.

How convenient.

In an unrelated story, CBS News is reporting that World War II was won by the Germans.

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There is different information out there on the topic of earthquakes increasing. Here is one sight that says they are.

EARTHQUAKE : FREQUENCY : TRENDS : Have earthquakes increased : Record of major earthquakes on earth since middle 19th century, including 20th century and 21st century... and the "End Times" prediction

The point I am making is not completely the concept that earthquakes are increasing though there are quite a few people that believe this. My point is that the Lord has told us through the Scriptures and living Prophets that earthquakes are used for His wrath. Either we believe the scriptures and Prophets or we do not. I choose to believe both. We cannot pick and choose what we are willing to believe when the Lord has clearly stated His position on a matter. He uses earthquakes and other disasters to call men to repentance.

It is our choice to repent or not.

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Oh brother. Sure - it seems that killing innocent people through horrific violence is unjust but it really isn't. I can't explain - other than to say it just a big old mystery.

How convenient.

In an unrelated story, CBS News is reporting that World War II was won by the Germans.

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Scriptures? Do you believe in Prophets? I am quite confused by your responses. It seems very much like an atheist would respond. I would truly like to understand where you are coming from.

I am not one to just throw out it is "all a mystery" but I am one that will state things are the Lord's will even if we do not understand them. I can see clearly why the Lord allow good people to die with the wicked. It is no mystery to me. It seems to be a mystery and issue for you.

My life I have consecrated to the Lord to do with as He pleases, for I know it is His regardless of my submission to His will, but I freely summit to Him.

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There is different information out there on the topic of earthquakes increasing. Here is one sight that says they are.

EARTHQUAKE : FREQUENCY : TRENDS : Have earthquakes increased : Record of major earthquakes on earth since middle 19th century, including 20th century and 21st century... and the "End Times" prediction

The point I am making is not completely the concept that earthquakes are increasing though there are quite a few people that believe this. My point is that the Lord has told us through the Scriptures and living Prophets that earthquakes are used for His wrath. Either we believe the scriptures and Prophets or we do not. I choose to believe both. We cannot pick and choose what we are willing to believe when the Lord has clearly stated His position on a matter. He uses earthquakes and other disasters to call men to repentance.

It is our choice to repent or not.

Here's the problem Rosabella; I'm not a complete idiot. Sure, you can buffalo a few drunks, the feeble-minded and ideologues, but you can't fool normally educated people with the ability to read footnotes.

Did you even read the piece you linked to?

1. The website says: "The trends in nature here, particularly from 1997 support the wider realisation of prophesy about the "End Times", namely that an increase in earthquake activity is a pre-requisite for the "second coming of Jesus Christ" foretold in the bible. It does not indicate how close we are to this event, but suggests it is not too far away."

Obviously it is not a scientific website. It is a religious website driven by ideology and dogma.

2. The website is dishonest. It says that it gets it information from the United States Geological survey, but it misrepresents the data. The USGS actually says that earthquakes are NOT on the increase:

Are Earthquakes Really on the Increase?

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Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Scriptures? Do you believe in Prophets? I am quite confused by your responses. It seems very much like an atheist would respond. I would truly like to understand where you are coming from.

YOU said that facts come from God - I am challenging you to produce some facts about earthquakes that came from God, not man. It is hardly confusing. Do you or do you not have have facts that come from God, not man.

I am not one to just throw out it is "all a mystery" but I am one that will state things are the Lord's will even if we do not understand them. I can see clearly why the Lord allow good people to die with the wicked. It is no mystery to me. It seems to be a mystery and issue for you.

Okay - why, in your opinion, does God, kill pregnant women and babies by causing bricks to fall on their heads... and by the way, if what you say is were true, God is "allowing" good people to die. He is actively KILLING them through brutal pain, suffering and violence.

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Here's the problem Rosabella; I'm not a complete idiot. Sure, you can buffalo a few drunks, the feeble-minded and ideologues, but you can't fool normally educated people with the ability to read footnotes.

Wow some hostility coming out. It feels to me you are after a fight, which I am not interested in.

I am not trying to buffalo anyone here. I just shared a site that discussed it from the opposite perspective. I guess that is not allowed.

My entire point is being ran off into the tangent of whether or not earthquakes are increasing that is not my point. My point is we are told they are a sign of the last days and we have been told they are evidence of the Lord's wrath and used for calling people to repentance. The church leaders have said that earthquakes seem to be increasing. If they feel they are then I will feel they seem to be also. I would rather stand with men of God than men of the world.

I have personally witnessed scientific data played with to appear the way the researcher wants it to appear. Unfortunately not all science is as honest as one would like to think. I am not saying that is the case here. My point is that earthquakes and other disasters are told by the scriptures and Prophets to be a means the Lord uses to call people to repentance. That is my point. Not the increase or decrease of disasters. Though prophets have said they are on the rise that is not the point I am trying to make.

As Elder Cannon said

"One of the most notable features in the news of the day is the frequency with which catastrophies of various kinds are published. The inhabitants of the earth are suffering from judgments of the most terrible character; but they appear to make no impression upon them. The remark is frequently heard, when allusion is made to these events, "Oh, these disasters always have occurred. We hear more of them now because of the telegraph, which collects details from all parts of the earth."

I have to say that what I am seeing on this thread makes me lean to the above statement from Elder Cannon more than the science. It appears man thinks they know more than God.

Yes it is the Lord's will if one is killed in an earthquake pregnant or not. Our lives are His not our own. We are here to decide if we will submit our will to Him or not. As Elder Maxwell so beautifully said:

In conclusion, the submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar. The many other things we “give,” brothers and sisters, are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. However, when you and I finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God’s will, then we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which is truly ours to give!

Consecration thus constitutes the only unconditional surrender which is also a total victory!

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Wow some hostility coming out. It feels to me you are after a fight, which I am not interested in.

That's an odd response. I have no hostility towards you. It seems to me that you don't like people who ask you to substantiate outlandish claims.

I am not trying to buffalo anyone here. I just shared a site that discussed it from the opposite perspective. I guess that is not allowed.

You're not?

Why then did you link to a religious site to make a scientific point?

Why did your religious site dishonestly misrepresent it's source of information?

What do you mean "not allowed?" Do you think that some disagreeing with you means that you are prohibited from having an opinion?

My entire point is being ran off into the tangent of whether or not earthquakes are increasing that is not my point.

There's no point in denying it. Unless you delete your post we can all see what you posted. You said: "I hear many say the earthquakes we see in the world today are not proof of God's judgments but merely we are recording more now or that they are caused by Global warming or even a government secret project called HARRP. Are we not just making excuses not to see the Lord's hand in these things?"

Your point #1: Earthquakes are increasing/

Your point #2: God is causing the earthquakes in fulfillment of of prophecized judgement.

My point is we are told they are a sign of the last days and we have been told they are evidence of the Lord's wrath and used for calling people to repentance. The church leaders have said that earthquakes seem to be increasing. If they feel they are then I will feel they seem to be also. I would rather stand with men of God than men of the world.

Can you explain how killing pregnant women and innocent babies calls them to repentance?

I have personally witnessed scientific data played with to appear the way the researcher wants it to appear. Unfortunately not all science is as honest as one would like to think. I am not saying that is the case here.

If that is not the case here, then why do you bring it up?

Answer: because you wish to imply that the United States Geological Survey is lying but lack the evidence to back it up?

Again: I challenge you to back up your assertion: What has God, not man, said on the subject.

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Are you implying that God is indiscriminately killing good and bad people as part of some judgement by supernaturally causing earthquakes?

Oy Vey!

1. Do you seriously believe in a God that is so unjust that he kills innocent people because he is mad at other people? I hope not. The Christian God is supposed to be good, not evil.

2. I doubt that anyone is so ignorant that they think earthquakes are caused by global warming.

3. There is no increase in the incidence of earthquakes (according to the United States Geological Survey) so the whole point is wrong.

1. Plenty of scriptural examples of the first one.

3. There is some increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes ie the ones the News would be interested in:)

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...My point is we are told they are a sign of the last days and we have been told they are evidence of the Lord's wrath and used for calling people to repentance...

Are you saying then that you think that people need to repent? If so, does that mean you believe people are not already repenting; that people, even in the LDS church are not listening to their leaders?


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Are you saying then that you think that people need to repent? If so, does that mean you believe people are not already repenting; that people, even in the LDS church are not listening to their leaders?


Yes people need to repent even in the Church. Every conference says just that. It asks us to become better and turn to God more. ALL of us. To become a Zion people we have a long way to go.

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Are you saying then that you think that people need to repent? If so, does that mean you believe people are not already repenting; that people, even in the LDS church are not listening to their leaders?


Everyone still living in mortality has need of the Atonement; therefore everyone living in mortality still needs to repent.

Just last week my Stake President shared a story in which a visiting apostle commanded a group of Stake Presidents gathering for a leadership meeting to repent. The man telling me this story is, in my mortal opinion, one of the best men I've ever met and a man who radiates charity and love for the Lord.

If a man like this needs repentance- if men like Paul the apostle and Nephi the seer needed to repent- do you suppose any of us can escape the need? The LORD calls His apostles to repentance frequently, I believe.

Repenting is not just a cleansing from sin, it is the turning to CHRIST and becoming more like HIM.

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Do you have a reference for this? It's my understanding the Church continues to grow, but at a very low rate.


I don't have a specific cite, but several years ago in TIME magazine in an article about the Church, the author made this point.


With all the other signs of the times who has the patience to argue about them???:eek:

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Discussing these things with Snow will prove unfruitful and will frustrate you to no end. I advise leaving the discussion where it is.

You're dead wrong about that. This sort of discussion causes intelligent people to reflect on the absurdity of certain dogmatic and irrational views and helps those who haven't thought through it to come to a rational conclusion.

The thoughtful poster will recall that after 911 Jerry Fawell and Pat Robertson made international fools of themselves when they implied that God was complicate in the terrorism because of feminism and homosexuality in the United States. They were uniformly condemned on this site for their absurd views. And yet, here we have a poster who is trying to foist upon the community the notion that God brutally slays innocent people to call other sinful people to repentance... and does so through the promulgation of false claims (ie increasing earthquakes).

Do you recall in this past general Conference when President Monson said that God had killed 92,000 Haitians because He was upset with Venezuela President Hugo Chavez?


How about Fall Conference several years ago when President Hinkley said that Hurricane Katrina and it's casualties was God's way of getting Christians to pay their tithing.

Know why you don't recall that? Cuz it never happened. Modern Church authorities don't say such things. They get it. Unfortunately for our image, some Mormons still don't get it.

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I don't have a specific cite, but several years ago in TIME magazine in an article about the Church, the author made this point.


With all the other signs of the times who has the patience to argue about them???:eek:

Well... no.

The author of the Time Magazine, June 24, 2001 article made no such point. What the author said was that Rodney Stark said that in about 83 years Mormon membership could or should reach 260 million... which is a very small fraction of the 1.57 billion adherents of Islam. Moreover, since Islam is growing at a faster rate than the LDS Church, the disparity will only increase with time... given the growth rate you referenced.

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You're dead wrong about that. This sort of discussion causes intelligent people to reflect on the absurdity of certain dogmatic and irrational views and helps those who haven't thought through it to come to a rational conclusion.

The thoughtful poster will recall that after 911 Jerry Fawell and Pat Robertson made international fools of themselves when they implied that God was complicate in the terrorism because of feminism and homosexuality in the United States. They were uniformly condemned on this site for their absurd views. And yet, here we have a poster who is trying to foist upon the community the notion that God brutally slays innocent people to call other sinful people to repentance... and does so through the promulgation of false claims (ie increasing earthquakes).

Do you recall in this past general Conference when President Monson said that God had killed 92,000 Haitians because He was upset with Venezuela President Hugo Chavez?


How about Fall Conference several years ago when President Hinkley said that Hurricane Katrina and it's casualties was God's way of getting Christians to pay their tithing.

Know why you don't recall that? Cuz it never happened. Modern Church authorities don't say such things. They get it. Unfortunately for our image, some Mormons still don't get it.

I have seen no change in what the Church says on these matter, it is consistent.

You keep quoting what you do not believe. What is it that you do believe? When the scriptures and Prophets talk about God's wrath and list the judgments and signs what does that mean to you?

What do you really believe? As I asked someone else what is your God like? What does your God mean by these things?

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I have seen no change in what the Church says on these matter, it is consistent.

Then it's a safe bet that you don't attend conference or read the talks... or, can you please quote President Monson or President Hinckley claiming that deaths of innocent people in natural disasters are caused by God to cause other guilty people to repent or something to that effect?

I gonna bet - no, you can't despite your protestations.

You keep quoting what you do not believe. What is it that you do believe? When the scriptures and Prophets talk about God's wrath and list the judgments and signs what does that mean to you?

I should think that was rather clear by now. I believe that God does not kill innocent people to make a point to other guilty people. Why people, in years and cultures gone by said such things, it means to me that they lived in a different milieu.

And if anyone doubts that remarks from Church leaders may be a product of the times in which they live, we need only recall a few comments by former Church leaders:

"The Christian world, so called, are heathens as to their knowledge of the salvation of God." (Brigham Young, JD 8:171)

"What! Are Christians ignorant? Yes, as ignorant of the things of God as the brute best." (John Taylor, JD 13:225)

You'd never hear an LDS leader say something like that. What you hears is... we invite our non-member friends to take their light and goodness and it to the fullness of the gospel.

As I asked someone else what is your God like?

Honest, true (meaning that He doesn't make false claims, like about increasing earthquakes) chaste, benevolent, virtuous - who believes in doing good to all mankind (which rules out brutally killing innocent people to make a point to guilty people), etc

What does your God mean by these things?

Huh. I'm trying to make sense of that question but can't for the life of me.

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I believe the fundamental issue being debated here is this: "Does God cause good or innocent people to be afflicted?" First I wish to point out that no soul on this earth above the age of accountability except for Christ is innocent or good in any absolute sense. But let us presume for the sake of argument that there are many people who are trying to be righteous, be they of whatever faith they may and let us allow that perhaps not all who suffer in this life deserve their suffering. The first question then is “Does God cause the suffering of righteously motivated souls?”

The first way I look at this question is as follows. Whether God intentionally causes suffering or simply allows it to happen makes no difference. God is omnipotent and has the power to prevent any suffering that is not his will. His refusal to do so in numerous instances is evidence that he is partly responsible for much of the suffering in the world. He may not cause it in all instances, but if he allows it when he has the power to intervene, then he is responsible for it. No one can argue that many righteously motivated people suffer all manner of afflictions in this life, including untimely death. Since God could have prevented all this, then he must be willingly allowing it to happen, at the very least.

How do I reconcile myself to a God who even allows “good” people to suffer or die? One may argue that much of the suffering and death comes about because of the free will of the unrighteous, which God is not willing to abrogate. Yet there are many instances of suffering due to natural causes that are not the result of the free will of any person or persons. I suppose wondering at the mercy of a God who allows earthquakes to drop bricks on the heads of pregnant women is no different than wondering at his mercy in allowing a sweet and faithful young mother in the church to die of a congenital heart defect, leaving her children and husband to mourn her, or the mercy of a God who allowed millions to die in the great plagues of Europe including many good and humble Christians. If God had the power to intervene, then why didn’t he? Where is his mercy?

I believe that we place far too much importance on the length and quality of our mortal lives. We imagine that if God were to shorten or lives one year shy of what we think we deserve, then he would be unjust and unmerciful. If he were to knowingly allow us to contract a disabling illness that left us paralyzed from age twenty until the end of our life, then he would be unjust and unmerciful.

I reconcile myself to this issue by remembering that the purpose of life is to be schooled in faith and holiness. These qualities are almost never developed by people who enjoy a long life of ease and comfort with no significant grief or suffering. On the contrary, suffering including the untimely death of a loved one can lead us to a crossroads, where we must decide whether we will curse God, reinvent God by imagining him powerless to intervene and denying his hand in all things, or embrace God as being wiser than we are who knows what is best for us. As Job said “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”

In Summary, my point is simply this. God allows a lot of unpleasant things to happen to good people, including untimely death. Allowing such things is for an all-powerful God no different than causing them. He is consenting to their happening. Either we regard this as cruel and reject faith in God altogether, preferring an atheistic world view in which all things are simply accidents, including man’s very existence, or we accept that God has wise and wonderfully loving purposes in allowing or even causing death and suffering in the world. I cannot embrace the idea of a God who is powerless over his own creation. The God I believe in has total executive control. He can even shorten the leash on the adversary if he wishes to. God has a wonderful plan for all of us and death and suffering, even of good people, serve the purpose of helping people develop faith and holiness. I know this to be true. I have had to reconcile myself to a great deal of suffering in my own life, suffering which could easily have led me away from God, but because I chose to trust in Him, has lead me closer to Him.

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Then it's a safe bet that you don't attend conference or read the talks...

Hmmm again surprised by the hostility. You attempt to slander me and what I have to say by ridiculing me and charging me falsely? This shows me that you are not attempting a conversation but a fight. I will not be baited into arguments with you but I want to clear a false assertion that has been made.

All Prophets today and in the past that have stated prophecies and scriptures are all correct. One cannot maintain that the old prophets are wrong while the new ones are right or vice versa etc. They all are right or they all are wrong. The Church is true and run by the mouthpieces of God or it is not. They all say the same doctrines of the Church, we may receive more clarification or they may word things more diplomatically at times, yet the doctrines are the same. It seems that you do not believe in the words of older prophets as you believe they are out of date. How out of date is the Book of Mormon then since it is far older and written by far more ancient Prophets? Yet we are told “In its descriptions of the problems of today’s society, [the Book of Mormon] is as current as the morning newspaper, and much more definitive,” said Gordon B. Hinckley

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I know this to be true. I have had to reconcile myself to a great deal of suffering in my own life, suffering which could easily have led me away from God, but because I chose to trust in Him, has lead me closer to Him.

Along a similar note, I believe many people who suffer will end up with a better final judgement.

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People have been saying the end is near since the beginning of organized religion.. and maybe earlier. History repeats itself as usual.

All Prophets today and in the past that have stated prophecies and scriptures are all correct. One cannot maintain that the old prophets are wrong while the new ones are right or vice versa etc. They all are right or they all are wrong.

Then why has doctrine changed? Why have teachings changed? Truth itself does not change but doctrine surely can and does.

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Hmmm again surprised by the hostility. You attempt to slander me and what I have to say by ridiculing me and charging me falsely? This shows me that you are not attempting a conversation but a fight. I will not be baited into arguments with you but I want to clear a false assertion that has been made.

YOU claimed that in these matters today's Church leaders say the same things that was said in years long gone by. Since today's leaders do not say such things, I inferred that you were unfamiliar with what Church leaders said. Rather than proving your point - by posting a relevant quote by President Monson, you act like you are some sort of victim.

Spare us the melodrama. You are making wild claims - back em up. Post your proof that earthquakes are increasing and post your proof that today's leaders teach that violent deaths in natural disasters is God's way of making a point.

Obviously you would have posted your evidence if you had any instead of just making stuff up.

All Prophets today and in the past that have stated prophecies and scriptures are all correct.

That is utterly false and untrue. I do not know if you are simply posting because you are too lazy to find out the truth or because you know the truth and are choosing to deliberately post something false. Joseph Smith didn't think that all of the Bible was inspired scripture and Brigham Young taught that stories in the Old Testament were fairy tales.

One cannot maintain that the old prophets are wrong while the new ones are right or vice versa etc. They all are right or they all are wrong.

That is perhaps the silliest thing that I have heard for quite some time. Isaiah wrote untrue prophecies but that doesn't mean that President Monson is wrong.

Are you familiar with the term non-sequitar?

The Church is true and run by the mouthpieces of God or it is not.

That's a handy little piety but is hardly relevant to whether or not God kills innocent babies in falling rubble.

They all say the same doctrines of the Church, we may receive more clarification or they may word things more diplomatically at times, yet the doctrines are the same.

Well - no, not exactly. Church leaders have taught all sorts of things over the years that were believed to be doctrinal that we currently deny. Would you like a few examples?

It seems that you do not believe in the words of older prophets as you believe they are out of date.

I don't know what you are talking about since you have not quoted any older prophets that I have seen. You quoted Elder Cannon, and correct me if I am wrong, but what he said is not canonized.

How out of date is the Book of Mormon then since it is far older and written by far more ancient Prophets? Yet we are told “In its descriptions of the problems of today’s society, [the Book of Mormon] is as current as the morning newspaper, and much more definitive,” said Gordon B. Hinckley

That's a nice platitude but could you please focus on your point that God kills babies and innocent pregnant ladies to make a point to bad people.

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So here's my challenge to you Beautiful Rose,

Go into work tomorrow and in your next meeting announce out loud to your boss that God violently killed the tens of thousands of people in Haiti recently because he wants your boss and co-workers to repent - and that if they don't repent, God will just kill some more.

Let us know how it goes.

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People have been saying the end is near since the beginning of organized religion.. and maybe earlier. History repeats itself as usual.

Then why has doctrine changed? Why have teachings changed? Truth itself does not change but doctrine surely can and does.

Regarding the end is near:

If you are LDS then the name of the Church should answer your question. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Therefore we live in the latter-days. If you are not then I can understand your feeling.

Regarding Doctrines this is what they are and where they are found:

Doctrines are teachings. They are classified as true or false. True doctrines come from God, the source and fountain of all truth, and our teachings and concepts found in the Gospel.

Gospel doctrine is synonymous with the truths of salvation. It comprises the tenets, teachings, and true theories found in the scriptures. It includes the principles, precepts, and revealed philosophies of pure religion; prophetic dogmas, maxims, and views are embraced within its folds. The Articles of Faith are part and portion of it, as is every inspired utterance of the Lord's agents. - Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R McConkie

In addition to restoring ancient principles, Joseph Smith added new revelations to the body of scripture: the volume of sacred writ was not to be closed. Many of these revelations were communicated during regular conferences, then printed in official reports. Significantly, these revelations stand as scripture itself: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, … my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” (D&C 1:38.)

Thus, by experience and revelation, Joseph learned and taught (1) that scripture is nothing more or less than the word of the Lord, (2) that the book of God’s word is not closed, (3) that God speaks to all dispensations, (4) that scripture must be correctly understood through the spirit of truth, and (5) that the words of the Lord’s servants when moved upon by the Holy Ghost are scripture, too. (See 2 Pet. 1:20–21; D&C 68:4.)

With divine inspiration, the First Presidency (the prophet and his two counselors) and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (the second-highest governing body of the Church) counsel together to establish doctrine that is consistently proclaimed in official Church publications. This doctrine resides in the four “standard works” of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith.

Here is a list of Official Church Publications:

Holy Bible

Triple Combination


Ensign (for adults)

New Era (for youth)

Friend (for children)

Liahona (international)

Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual

This manual contains 46 lessons for teaching adults and youth ages 14–17 in Sunday School Gospel Doctrine classes.

New Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual

New Testament Times at a Glance: PDF Chart

Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual

Old Testament Times at a Glance: PDF Chart

Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual (2008)

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: PDF Chart

Book of Mormon: Class Member Study Guide

Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual

Doctrine and Covenants Times at a Glance: PDF Chart

Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Class Member Study Guide

Our Heritage

Teachings of Presidents of the Church

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Harold B. Lee

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young

Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, Part A

Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, Part B

Gospel Principles

Marriage and Family Relations Instructor's Manual

Marriage and Family Relations Participant's Study Guide

Preach My Gospel

Teaching, No Greater Call

The Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A

The Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B

Guidebooks and Other Information

Basic Unit Program Guidebook

Branch Guidebook

Family Guidebook

"Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings"

Information for Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders on Curriculum

Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders' Guidebook

Teachings for Our Time

Teaching Guidebook

Annual Histories

God Loveth His Children

Youth Materials

Resource Guides (2010), Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women

Resource Guides (2009), Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women

Aaronic Priesthood: Fulfilling Our Duty to God (Deacon)

Aaronic Priesthood: Fulfilling Our Duty to God (Teacher)

Aaronic Priesthood: Fulfilling Our Duty to God (Priest)

For the Strength of Youth

Guidebook for Parents and Leaders of Youth

Seminary Student Study Guide - Book of Mormon

Seminary Student Study Guide - Doctrine and Covenants

Seminary Student Study Guide - New Testament

Seminary Student Study Guide - Old Testament

True to the Faith

Young Women Personal Progress

Young Women Camp Manual

Children's Materials

2009 Outline and Sacrament Meeting Presentation

Faith in God for Girls

Faith in God for Boys

Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual

Proclamations and Declarations

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

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