I'm finally meeting with missionaries! Also, need some advice.


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So, I don't know if any of you remember me.

But I finally got the courage to call a church that's nearby my college. I just gave them my number so that the missionaries could call me and then I can just meet with them since I've never done it before I think I should before anything else. So we set up an appointment for Saturday. None of my friends at my school have any idea about me being interested in the church, so it will be interesting when I come back and they ask where I went haha. Especially since on the weekends I usually don't go out. But I'm really excited yet really nervous at the same time.

And incase you don't know like my story? I don't know what to call it, I'll just post it here so you can understand more I guess.

One of my best friends is a member of the LDS church, she's from Utah.. but I'm from Boston lol. And I've been interested in it for a few years now, but she's basically taught me a lot about the religion. I have a book of mormon, which she got me and I try my best to read it everyday. Although, sometimes it can be really confusing. But I visited her last year, and went to church with her and just loved it. She's basically the person that I talk to about any of this, since I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it. I'm pretty positive that this is what I want. I've felt the spirit a few times before and that's what's helped me with this decision. I know it's not easy to do, to like convert, but I know out of any religion this is the only one that's actually kept me interested and actually helped me keep a relationship with God.

Now here's the problem. I'm in college right now and I have no car. And my college is about 45 minutes away from my house, the church that I found isn't in the same town as my college but sort of near it. My family is Catholic, well I am too, well I guess supposed to be lol. They know nothing about me being interested in the church. It's been discussed because my friends Mormon. And I know for a fact that my dad and sister are going to be completely negative when I tell them about this interest. I know it's my choice, but it's the main thing that scares me. And it's the thing that's been holding me back from doing anything sooner. My mom on the other hand I think will be a bit more accepting just because one of her best friends is Mormon, but then again I may be wrong because I am her daughter.

Also, school ends in a few weeks so I'll be going home for the summer, this might have been stupid of me to JUST decide to meet with the missionaries because I'm not sure how I'll be able to do anything over the summer with no car and being at home and with my family not knowing a thing about it.

So that's basically that. Um, I just wanted to fill you guys in with that information just because I joined awhile ago and just thought it'd be better to let you know.

Is it normal to be nervous about meeting with the missionaries? I guess I'm not really sure what to expect. I know part of the nerves is because I'm doing this without my family knowing, have any of you had to deal with that before? If you did, when did you tell them and like how do you even go about that?

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There is nothing to be scared of about the missionaries, they are normal 19ish year olds with taser guns, riot batons (for stray dogs) and lots of pamphlets (to inflict paper cuts on their enemies). No seriously, they will come to you and if you tell them wait till you come back to school they will wait. Or come visit until you leave, they are pretty easy.

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So, I don't know if any of you remember me.

But I finally got the courage to call a church that's nearby my college. I just gave them my number so that the missionaries could call me and then I can just meet with them since I've never done it before I think I should before anything else. So we set up an appointment for Saturday. None of my friends at my school have any idea about me being interested in the church, so it will be interesting when I come back and they ask where I went haha. Especially since on the weekends I usually don't go out. But I'm really excited yet really nervous at the same time.

And incase you don't know like my story? I don't know what to call it, I'll just post it here so you can understand more I guess.

One of my best friends is a member of the LDS church, she's from Utah.. but I'm from Boston lol. And I've been interested in it for a few years now, but she's basically taught me a lot about the religion. I have a book of mormon, which she got me and I try my best to read it everyday. Although, sometimes it can be really confusing. But I visited her last year, and went to church with her and just loved it. She's basically the person that I talk to about any of this, since I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it. I'm pretty positive that this is what I want. I've felt the spirit a few times before and that's what's helped me with this decision. I know it's not easy to do, to like convert, but I know out of any religion this is the only one that's actually kept me interested and actually helped me keep a relationship with God.

Now here's the problem. I'm in college right now and I have no car. And my college is about 45 minutes away from my house, the church that I found isn't in the same town as my college but sort of near it. My family is Catholic, well I am too, well I guess supposed to be lol. They know nothing about me being interested in the church. It's been discussed because my friends Mormon. And I know for a fact that my dad and sister are going to be completely negative when I tell them about this interest. I know it's my choice, but it's the main thing that scares me. And it's the thing that's been holding me back from doing anything sooner. My mom on the other hand I think will be a bit more accepting just because one of her best friends is Mormon, but then again I may be wrong because I am her daughter.

Also, school ends in a few weeks so I'll be going home for the summer, this might have been stupid of me to JUST decide to meet with the missionaries because I'm not sure how I'll be able to do anything over the summer with no car and being at home and with my family not knowing a thing about it.

So that's basically that. Um, I just wanted to fill you guys in with that information just because I joined awhile ago and just thought it'd be better to let you know.

Is it normal to be nervous about meeting with the missionaries? I guess I'm not really sure what to expect. I know part of the nerves is because I'm doing this without my family knowing, have any of you had to deal with that before? If you did, when did you tell them and like how do you even go about that?

Yes it's normal to be nervous about meeting people with people.

Yes it will be tough, altho it will be worth it in the long run... Pray a lot, ask for God to grant you peace of mind and calmness in heart, and trust him that that things will work out eventually, also ask him to bless your family with understanding.

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There is nothing to be scared of about the missionaries, they are normal 19ish year olds with taser guns, riot batons (for stray dogs) and lots of pamphlets (to inflict paper cuts on their enemies). No seriously, they will come to you and if you tell them wait till you come back to school they will wait. Or come visit until you leave, they are pretty easy.

haha. that was quite funny. :lol:

Thank you, I know I could tell them that I want to wait, but I DO want to talk to them.. I guess I was just saying I wish that I had made the decision to call sooner rather than later.

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Yes it's normal to be nervous about meeting people with people.

Yes it will be tough, altho it will be worth it in the long run... Pray a lot, ask for God to grant you peace of mind and calmness in heart, and trust him that that things will work out eventually, also ask him to bless your family with understanding.

I will definitely take your advice and pray about it. It's good to know it's normal to be nervous too. Thank you! ^_^

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I will definitely take your advice and pray about it. It's good to know it's normal to be nervous too. Thank you! ^_^


as a missionary that was something I had to deal with being nervous with meeting other people for a long time (such as investigators, people at the door and etc). the Lord helped me overcome that for my mission.

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as a missionary that was something I had to deal with being nervous with meeting other people for a long time (such as investigators, people at the door and etc). the Lord helped me overcome that for my mission.

That's good that he helped you with that (: Thanks for sharing that as well!

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So I forgot to update this. But my first meeting with the missionaries went really well, once they got there I wasn't even nervous at all. I felt silly for being nervous haha. I've already met with them two other times so far and I'm even meeting with them again tomorrow. We kind of made everything fast paced because I'm leaving school soon and they don't cover my home town. And I actually like how fast it's going actually. So I'm glad that's what we've decided to do haha.

It's been a great experience meeting with them. I feel like each time I meet with them I feel like that I'm making the right decision. One of the missionaries likes to explain things with visuals or like tries to relate it to something and that's really helped with me understand things. They've even helped me with ways of getting to the church while I'm at school. And they told me about churches that are near my home town when I'm home, like for the summer. And they gave me some great advice on how to tell my family about all of this, even though it will still be very nerve wracking to do haha, but their advice definitely helped.

So yeah It's been amazing (:

I'm so glad I decided to meet with them. And I'm even going to go to church this weekend to see how the one here is, so I can't wait for that!

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Of course 'we' remember Melissa!

Do you think the school funding may still be an issue with the parents when you tell them?

Aw thanks! (:

No, school funding will be fine, they know that's important and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't change. I have a feeling that nothing too drastic will happen when I tell them, but then again I don't know lol.

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So, I have another update (: for anyone that's interested lol.

I went to the church that's near my school this past Sunday and I LOVED everything about it. I thought it was a lot of fun. It was great meeting all the people there. They were all SO nice haha, very welcoming. They even set up like a special session for me (the 2nd hour of church, I can't remember what it's) and they got a few of the girls to come to that with me. And there the lesson was about sacrifice which I thought was really helpful. And then at the next hour, women's society? I think it what it's called. I don't why I'm blanking on it. But they talked about prayer, which was probably the best topic they could have talked about with me being there. It was extremely helpful. And it was really nice to hear some of the people's personal stories.

And then today I had my last meeting with the missionaries here. Which was kind of sad haha. They gave the missionaries at the YSA ward near my home my number so I'll be talking with them now, but idk, I guess you kind of get a bond with those first missionaries. They've helped me understand a lot and realize a lot, so I kind of don't want to leave them haha. But I know these new missionaries will be great as well. i haven't spoke with them yet, though.

But I've been praying praying about all of this. And I'm pretty certain that I want to get baptized. Mainly the only thing holding me back from it is my family and parents. Which, is the hardest part. I'm not moving out of the dorms here till Thursday.. so that's the earliest I can tell them. But, it's still just really nerve wracking for me. I did talk to the missionaries and I've been praying about it a lot. But I don't think that feeling will go away until I tell them. And it's kind of starting to bug me that I'm hiding it from them.. I guess that's a good thing since that will sort of push me more to tell them. But I just don't even really know where to begin with it, cause I have no idea what their reaction is going to be. But that's my next step in this entire process, and I'm pretty sure it will be the hardest step of all. I'm not quite sure when I'm telling them, but it will have to be soon.

So, that's pretty much it so far (:

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I had the opposite happen to me, but similar feelings. I didn't decide to join the church until I was 50 (now a member going on 6 years) -- I have two grown children, a son and a daughter. I was nervous telling them!

I can see how it's more frightening for you as a person who still needs parents in their lives and would hate to do anything that might damage those ties. But, I know how much our Father in Heaven loves you and He will not let you go through this without guidance, if you ask of Him. This experience can be something that will help your faith grow. Only you know how to approach your parents but if you pray for guidance, I KNOW Heavenly Father will help you.

It surprised me that both my children were a little disturbed (for lack of a better word) by my becoming 'Mormon' but as time has gone by they have seen me grow in the gospel and love seeing me so happy. Maybe, your parents will react in a similar manner. My kids still aren't interested, but that's okay -- they're happy for me and that I appreciate.

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But I've been praying praying about all of this. And I'm pretty certain that I want to get baptized. Mainly the only thing holding me back from it is my family and parents. Which, is the hardest part. I'm not moving out of the dorms here till Thursday.. so that's the earliest I can tell them. But, it's still just really nerve wracking for me. I did talk to the missionaries and I've been praying about it a lot. But I don't think that feeling will go away until I tell them. And it's kind of starting to bug me that I'm hiding it from them.. I guess that's a good thing since that will sort of push me more to tell them. But I just don't even really know where to begin with it, cause I have no idea what their reaction is going to be. But that's my next step in this entire process, and I'm pretty sure it will be the hardest step of all. I'm not quite sure when I'm telling them, but it will have to be soon.

Your experience is similar to mine- nobody in my family is a member of the church, and some of them don't hold a favorable view of the LDS church. Going through the process of telling family that we had joined the LDS church is probably similar to 'coming out'- the fear of rejection and hostility.... in reality though, I got a few raised eyebrows, but that was it.... it really wasn't as bad as what I had built up in my mind. I'm still asked every now and then "are you still going to that church?", but that's it. I will say this though- when you guys have that talk, make sure you control the conversation- most people have huge misconceptions about the church and what we believe- your folks might overreact because they mistakenly believe that we pray to Joseph Smith or something, so if you control the discussion and tell then what you believe and why you believe it, it'll help quash any misconceptions before they can cause a problem.

When I visit my folks i'll bring an ensign and accidentally leave it there.... oops. ^_^

Regarding attending the YSA branch in the summer- i'm 99.99% sure the missionaries can find someone willing to pick you up and take you to church if that's what you wanted.

As for everything else, I wish you the best on your spiritual path. Keep us updated, and drop by the chat room sometime :)

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I'm finally meeting with missionaries! Also, need some advice.

Make sure you have lots of cheese on hand. Cheddar is fine but gouda would be better.

Is it normal to be nervous about meeting with the missionaries?

No. Something is wrong with you.

I guess I'm not really sure what to expect. I know part of the nerves is because I'm doing this without my family knowing, have any of you had to deal with that before?

Yes - last week I sold your grandmother's engagement ring without telling anyone.

If you did, when did you tell them and like how do you even go about that?

I told her last week and now she's not talking to me. I offered to split the proceeds with her but she's still peeved.

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...Yes - last week I sold your grandmother's engagement ring without telling anyone.

I told her last week and now she's not talking to me. I offered to split the proceeds with her but she's still peeved.

I'd be peeved at you too. That was very thoughtless of you Snow. You should buy her a condo in a nice place that doesn't have hurricanes, floods, tornados, volcanos, sinkholes or earthquakes.


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My husband and I started our meeting with the elder,which I was sooo nervous myself. Then they were transferred and we had to finish up with the sisters. This is the first time sisters were used in our ward instead of elders and they are awesome.The elders put me at ease and the sisters are wonderful.The first session you might be nervous as can be,but after that you will be at ease.They are just like we are,but their life revolves around doing God's work.They are very dedicated

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So, I don't know if any of you remember me.

But I finally got the courage to call a church that's nearby my college. I just gave them my number so that the missionaries could call me and then I can just meet with them since I've never done it before I think I should before anything else. So we set up an appointment for Saturday. None of my friends at my school have any idea about me being interested in the church, so it will be interesting when I come back and they ask where I went haha. Especially since on the weekends I usually don't go out. But I'm really excited yet really nervous at the same time.

And incase you don't know like my story? I don't know what to call it, I'll just post it here so you can understand more I guess.

One of my best friends is a member of the LDS church, she's from Utah.. but I'm from Boston lol. And I've been interested in it for a few years now, but she's basically taught me a lot about the religion. I have a book of mormon, which she got me and I try my best to read it everyday. Although, sometimes it can be really confusing. But I visited her last year, and went to church with her and just loved it. She's basically the person that I talk to about any of this, since I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it. I'm pretty positive that this is what I want. I've felt the spirit a few times before and that's what's helped me with this decision. I know it's not easy to do, to like convert, but I know out of any religion this is the only one that's actually kept me interested and actually helped me keep a relationship with God.

Now here's the problem. I'm in college right now and I have no car. And my college is about 45 minutes away from my house, the church that I found isn't in the same town as my college but sort of near it. My family is Catholic, well I am too, well I guess supposed to be lol. They know nothing about me being interested in the church. It's been discussed because my friends Mormon. And I know for a fact that my dad and sister are going to be completely negative when I tell them about this interest. I know it's my choice, but it's the main thing that scares me. And it's the thing that's been holding me back from doing anything sooner. My mom on the other hand I think will be a bit more accepting just because one of her best friends is Mormon, but then again I may be wrong because I am her daughter.

Also, school ends in a few weeks so I'll be going home for the summer, this might have been stupid of me to JUST decide to meet with the missionaries because I'm not sure how I'll be able to do anything over the summer with no car and being at home and with my family not knowing a thing about it.

So that's basically that. Um, I just wanted to fill you guys in with that information just because I joined awhile ago and just thought it'd be better to let you know.

Is it normal to be nervous about meeting with the missionaries? I guess I'm not really sure what to expect. I know part of the nerves is because I'm doing this without my family knowing, have any of you had to deal with that before? If you did, when did you tell them and like how do you even go about that?

I think the missionaries were always more nervous than the people they meet. I know. I was once a missionary. And as a missionary, one of the things that makes us sad is when the person we're teaching haven't confided with their parents about their meetings with us. Honesty is always the best policy, unless the Lord directed you to just keep it to yourself for a while until the time is right. And I would like to thank you for wanting to meet with the missionaries. Now regarding your other concerns Here's a strong idea from the Lord Himself:

34 Think not that I am come to send apeace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

36 And a man’s afoes shall be they of his own bhousehold.

37 He that aloveth father or mother bmore than me is not worthy of me: and he that cloveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38 And he that taketh not his across, and followeth after me, is not bworthy of me.

39 aHe that findeth his life shall blose it: and he that closeth his dlife for my sake shall find it.

40 ¶ He that areceiveth you breceiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

Matthew 10:34-40

29 And every one that hath aforsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my bname’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit ceverlasting life.

Matthew 19:29

I strongly believe that this scripture passages are for people who have concerns regarding what to do or what to prioritize. Also the Lord is telling us here what will happen with our relationship with our parents and family members once we accept the Gospel.

You have to be very brave and strong and face this challenges with conviction and in time you will found out it was all worth it. And I promise you the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto your view.:)

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Thank you so much everyone for your advice :D

So I don't know how or why, but I decided to just go and tell my parents today.

My dad is really disappointed and keeps telling me to go look at like exmormom.org and all sites like that to just see what they have to say. He almost started crying at one point too, he was telling me that he doesn't want me to fully give up the catholic church.. so i told him i'd still come to church on holidays with him.. since that's when we only go. and he kept saying that he doesn't want people thinking that i want this because we don't go to church anymore. it really seems like he's afraid that people will be blaming him. and he also seems afraid of what people will think of me and stuff. cause he kept joking around saying 'well if you go to utah..' or 'utah needs some teachers' cause im going to school to become a teacher. and i have a friend in utah too.. so.

But my mom said it wasn't a surprise.. she didn't say much, she kinda kept quiet about it. i know she's not as upset as my dad is about it. but i don't think she's 100% for it either.

but I feel so relieved now after telling them. And I honestly don't know how I did it.

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First, let me say this from one convert to another- congrats! the "hard" part is over, but the harder (and best) stuff is still ahead.

keeps telling me to go look at like exmormom.org and all sites like that to just see what they have to say.

I find it interesting that your dad would even know about sites like that- most people who haven't had any experience with the church typically seek those sites out. If my may go into conspiracy mode here for a second- perhaps your mom had looked at the church before, and your dad did some recon about the church back then.... hmm.....

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First, let me say this from one convert to another- congrats! the "hard" part is over, but the harder (and best) stuff is still ahead.

I find it interesting that your dad would even know about sites like that- most people who haven't had any experience with the church typically seek those sites out. If my may go into conspiracy mode here for a second- perhaps your mom had looked at the church before, and your dad did some recon about the church back then.... hmm.....

Actually, she kind of did when they started dating LOL.Or before they were dating I'm not sure.. but it was because one of her friends was looking into it and I think she lived with her at the time or something like that. But she clearly never converted. Which I think it why my mom is okay with it.. but that's probably why he knows. But he also did tell me that after I told him (because I told them and then he came up to me and told me he wanted to talk to me just us two) He mentioned that he had googled like why not to become a mormon or something silly like that.

But thank you! It seriously was hard to tell them and I'm hoping over some time my dad will just at least be okay with it.

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One could hope for more than that- build your testimony, feed your faith, and become a witness of the truth for your parents. Are you going to ask them to come to your baptism?

I will do that (:

My dad straight out told me he wouldn't come if I was to get baptized, my mom said she'd have to think about it.

Thank you!

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My dad straight out told me he wouldn't come if I was to get baptized, my mom said she'd have to think about it.

Hopefully you can convince your mom to come- she can report back to dad afterwords. At our baptism, there were a few speakers, a video, and a bunch of people from the ward we were joining. My mother-in-law went, sis-in-law , and a friend of my wife (a Catholic actually) also came- none of whom are LDS- everyone enjoyed it and could feel the spirit there with us that night. I hope your mom will have that opportunity.

Oh... and don't forget to subscribe to the Ensign. It'll keep coming to your folk's house even after you've left for school in the fall... you never know.... in a frantic search for some bathroom reading material, your dad might grab it and be forced to read an article or two ;)

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So... apparently my dad has changed his mind. He told me he wants me to do NOTHING with anyone.. aka the missionaries, the church, the members of the church.. even though I haven't met any of the people from the ward near home yet.

I told my mom that he said this, and I'm so grateful for her because she said that she has my back no matter what. I heard them yelling earlier today, and she told me she spoke to him about how what he said was wrong.

And I talked to the missionaries on the phone today, and for now we're just going to have to talk on the phone. They said they'd give me like homework lol so I can keep learning more since I can't really go anywhere.

Although, my mom was saying, I could always have one of my friends come pick me up and say I'm going out with her and have her drop me off at the church or wherever. She did say that if I do that she doesn't want to know that I'm actually doing it haha. But I'm not even sure if I'll do that, cause then I am going behind his back.

I'm thinking he's been looking at all those anti sites while he's at work, because whenever he's gotten home he's been in a really bad mood. It really stinks that he's decided to change his mind and now he's all of sudden all against it. He did tell me "I don't like the things I'm reading about the church" well he is ONLY reading the negative things, which obviously isn't going to help anything. And I really don't think it's getting through his head that is it MY decision to do this because he did say "just tell them that it's your dad's fault that you can't do anything" and I told him that I WANT to do it, it's not them making me. I think he's got this mindset that people at the church are going to like suck me in or something. I don't know.

It's been hard dealing with him, and it really stinks that he is completely against it. And that I really can't meet the church members or attend church. But oh well, summers only a few months.. I know for sure I'll be going to church when I get back to school. lol.

So yeah, I'm thinking it's gonna be a bit rough with him for now.. :/

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