Brigham Young Jr - President of the 12

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I understand Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12 around 1900, but was released as President even though he was called as an apostle before Joseph F Smith. I read a claim of Young Jr living a "jack" Mormon lifestyle and the other members of the 12 and First Presidency not wanting him to become President of the Church.

I haven't been able to find a reliable source as to what took place, but it does seem clear Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12. Does anyone know what happened?

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I understand Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12 around 1900, but was released as President even though he was called as an apostle before Joseph F Smith. I read a claim of Young Jr living a "jack" Mormon lifestyle and the other members of the 12 and First Presidency not wanting him to become President of the Church.

I haven't been able to find a reliable source as to what took place, but it does seem clear Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12. Does anyone know what happened?

Well, ya got me on that one. I'm sure it's in Quinn's 1st The Mormon Hierarchy book.

I do know that Brigham Young Sr. re-shuffled the 12 at least once.


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I haven't been able to find a reliable source as to what took place, but it does seem clear Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12. Does anyone know what happened?

Around 1900, the church changed the process of entry to the Quorum. It was changed to seniority in the Twelve instead of date of ordination. That's why Joseph F. Smith became the senior apostle and then Church president a year later.

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Also, yes there were some issues with him as well concerning the Spanish-American War which the Church fully supported. He strongly disagreed. The Church pressured him to stop because he was very vocal about it, he eventually did.

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Suzie, do you know if the process was changed to prevent Young Jr from becoming President of the Church? Other sources seem to suggest as much (let's just say he doesn't sound like a Temple Recommend Holder), however these are non LDS sources.

One can only speculate on this issue. The timing seems to be too coincidental for some people. He spent a little time in jail but so did Pres. Cannon for the same issue (contempt). Other than that, what other information you have that doesn't look like a temple recommend holder?

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Remember that Temple Recommend interview questions have gotten progressively stricter over time.

It's possible that WoW was "recommended living" but not required for temple attendance. Same with paying tithes.

However, I'm pretty sure that sustaining the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 have always been a part of a temple recommend interview.

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One can only speculate on this issue. The timing seems to be too coincidental for some people. He spent a little time in jail but so did Pres. Cannon for the same issue (contempt). Other than that, what other information you have that doesn't look like a temple recommend holder?

I've read allegations that Brigham Young Jr was living in New York during the time he was President of the 12 and was living a rather indulgent life style complete with morality and Word of Wisdom problems. Skippy makes the point that WOW wasn't always required which I hadn't taken into consideration. What I read came from a source most would consider Anti so I haven't posted any links.

The Wiki article does shed some light onto Young Jr and give an explanation as to why Joseph F Smith jump over him in seniority.

I find much of the Church History to be very interesting. Brigham Young Jr is an interesting figure to me and it seems a good deal of the story is missing. It also seems the story isn't one that most people are familiar with. Maybe it is more soap opera than history. Or perhaps it is an example of nepotism and shows Brigham Young Sr was prone to make mistakes as we all are.

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SIDENOTE: if Oliver Cowdery remain active in the church, being second elder called, most likely he would of became an apostle, would have been next prophet of the church after Joseph Smith. Amazing how events played out in having President Young as the succeeding prophet.

From what I've read over the years, I don't believe there were a lot of men who could have led the Saints west and built up Utah the way Brigham Young did. As with any man, Brigham Young had his faults and was far from perfect, Oliver Cowdery or Sidney Rigdon may have made a better leader in a conventional sense, but very clearly Brigham Young was the best man to lead under the circumstances the church was in.

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This might account for the disrepency:

^ The LDS Church at that time did not draw a distinction between President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In that time, the person who in the modern church would be called the Acting President was set apart as the President of the Quorum. The second-most senior apostle was not set apart as the President of the Quorum if they were a member of the First Presidency, which Smith was.

So, he could have been set apart as President of the Quorum, without technically being next in line to be prophet. One of the counselors was the real President of the Quarum ordination wise.

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I understand Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12 around 1900, but was released as President even though he was called as an apostle before Joseph F Smith. I read a claim of Young Jr living a "jack" Mormon lifestyle and the other members of the 12 and First Presidency not wanting him to become President of the Church.

I haven't been able to find a reliable source as to what took place, but it does seem clear Brigham Young Jr was President of the 12. Does anyone know what happened?

I don't know about that but I do recall that BY Jr thought that the WoW ought not apply to Danish Beer.

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