My First Calling

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So I've only just had my 18th birthday last Tuesday, and I've already recieved a calling! Can you believe that? I m so scared. I am the music leader in primary...I have just seen how they have been eater alive, and I want to be different, even though I am so young. I just am scared that there will be disrespect because of my youth. Will they through me right into it, this up coming Sunday?? Any suggestions?

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Don't worry about your age. The kids won't know any different. You are the adult and age is irrelevent to them. The best way to get into a calling is to jump right in. Talk to the counselor over the music, which if I remember correctly is the 1st Counselor, and see what she expects of you this coming Sunday.

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:) Just remember nothing is going to happen overnight. Some things will work and some things will not. When I received this calling I knew Heavenly Father had a sense of humor. I do not read music, but love to sing. :) Check with your Church Library. They had a tape then on teaching children the songs. They might have something along the same line now to teach you how. :) We still laugh at my attempts to learn how to lead music. Just have fun!

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So I've only just had my 18th birthday last Tuesday, and I've already recieved a calling! Can you believe that? I m so scared. I am the music leader in primary...I have just seen how they have been eater alive, and I want to be different, even though I am so young. I just am scared that there will be disrespect because of my youth. Will they through me right into it, this up coming Sunday?? Any suggestions?

Just do your best and everything will fall into place. But most all, magnify your calling and the Lord will bless you.

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Excellent! Don't worry - a little sheer terror is part of the deal - it goes away after a week or two. The good thing about primary music leader is that there are lots of experienced primary people in the room with you in case something goes wrong.

True story: My first calling was to help someone teach the 5 yr olds. Everything was going well until the more experienced person left to go get chalk. She returned just in time to see the whole class run screaming from the room except for the kid who had thrown up. If you had asked me to come up with the absolute worst thing that could happen, that story would have been close to the top. But I survived, and so did the kids.

You'll do fine.


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