Bye !


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I think it will be a dirty rotten shame if we loose Laureltree. She is a very nice person. There are lots of people talking about leaving, from mods to just members. And who is doing it? Why, it is us, the members, the ones that are bickering and fighting like cats and dogs in these forums and who knows where else...

I just told a mod last night how sick I was of the forums and what was going on there... No, I cannot invite my friends here either due to the contention. I don't want them to get that impression of us as LDS people. I love this site, except for the contention and bickering. Even after Ben asked to stop except for in open forum, it started right back in this very same forum immediately.

We profess LDS and then act like a bunch of I don't know what bickering with each other.

SO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't see what the big deal is about contention. In all seriousness, that is basically what a message board is about, at least in part. It's a place to exchange ideas. When different people have different ideas, that naturally causes contention in a group as large, and as varied as this.

I do hope LT doesn't leave, because she brings a sweetness to this board... I don't know of one person who doesn't think she's awesome. And I think she's speaking of something personal that many of us (including me) don't know about.

At least I HOPE she's not just talking about the discussions that have been going on. If anyone knows and would like to fill me in about the soap opera drama going on, please send me a PM.

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SoulSearcher, as far as I am concerned that is exactly what you are here for. We all know the rules and if we don't keep them and you are not allowed to enforce them, then we have chaos and something that I don't want to come too. This is suppose to be a clean, safe place to come and relax and have fun. If I can't do that, then I don't want to come.

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I'm wondering if all this talk of contention is about the debate that's been going on today in the polygamy thread. Is this so?

I hope that good-natured debating is not over here at this forum. What's wrong with debate? Isn't that one of the purposes of message boards?

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and that is not what this is about at all. Someone please tell me. :dontknow:

Actually, I thought the conversation went pretty well, comparatively speaking. ;-)

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Does this mean you will stop engaging in Snow's conspiracy theories about moi? LOL


Shame on you!!!

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<div class='quotemain'>

I'm wondering if all this talk of contention is about the debate that's been going on today in the polygamy thread. Is this so?

I hope that good-natured debating is not over here at this forum. What's wrong with debate? Isn't that one of the purposes of message boards?

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and that is not what this is about at all. Someone please tell me. :dontknow:

Actually, I thought the conversation went pretty well, comparatively speaking. ;-)

For the record, Laurel Tree is not upset about this debate about polygamy that I'm speaking of. As I suspected, it's about another matter that we can probably all guess.

I thought the debate went well too, Ari, for the most part!

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<div class='quotemain'>

This may be harsh but as the voice of reason I will just say that as a MOD if something bothers you that goes against the spirit of the board then just delete it.

In response to this, while i understand and even agree with the sentiment, if we as mods do this,then we get accused of sensorship and suppressing free speach.

If mods delete posts, it should be on equal ground. Allowing one person to express their opinions about something or someone and not allowing that person to respond is unfair.

For the record, Laurel Tree is not upset about this debate about polygamy that I'm speaking of. As I suspected, it's about another matter that we can probably all guess.

I thought the debate went well too, Ari, for the most part!

Perhaps we set an example today. :-)

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I fell I owe it to shanstress to explain like she said. I feel all the things that have been going on lately on the board are just simply ( STUPID ) & ( CHILDISH ) I wish everyone could debate within reason, debate but be kind.....Why argue so much.... My main problem are those who do unexceptable things on the board (or with people on the board ) and blame others, they dont take responsibility for there own actions. We as moderators try not to be harsh and keep a sense of peace here, however when you get members pming us to let individuals back after they have been put on mod status or banned, it causes contention on the board....

Let us do our jobs.....We know the whole story behind why the action was taken, most often you only know part and thats why you are able to just let that action go for that person. Then this becomes a war between mods and members , the members get angery while the mods try to justify why they had to disipline someone.....

As for the other reason.....Setheus has blamed me for his childish behavior and I refuse to be his escape goat...He always finds a way out and stays on the board and I think its wrong...I think he needs to take responsibility for his own actions for once..........I think you guys need to decide what kind of board you want to come to, because if you allow enough bad eggs in, thats what this place will become or like it saids in the scriptures about the olive tree...Try graphing in good members, so that they will blossom and weed out the bad. :idea:

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LT~ I don't want to see you leave, you have been a rock for a lot of us here. And we look up to you BECAUSE of your values and standards. We may all fall short of where we should be in life, but it's good people like you who help us find our way back up.

People can be stupid and childish and make life unbearable sometimes, but that is when we need to make a stand for what we believe is right.

You took a stand for what you believe is right.... no one should question did what you needed to do for the best of the board in your opinion. And we value your opinion, please don't think we don't.

I will join the throng to wish you back .......

I love having you around......



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Laurel Tree I do not question what you as mods do. You are here for our safety and to keep this site the kind of place we want to come too. I trust you and those that work with you and feel like you all do what you think is best for the site and all of us. I sincerely hope you decide to stay and I hope that you, as mods are allowed to do what you think is best, despite what other members believe to be right. Like you say, we don't know the whole story. I come to this site, because it is a great place to be and i want it to stay that way. If you leave, it will be loosing a very special part of itself.

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Nastiness and arguing isn’t new to LDStalk - history has repeated itself many times here. Posters come and go. Some conversations can be quite pleasant and others volatile, it’s human nature. I’m not a “chat” person so I don’t know what happened in the chat conversations; but if posters and especially Mods go into the chats expecting others to not be on their best behavior then you are not as shocked when it actually happens. The board has rules, if posters are breaking them deal with them and move on. It’s not the end of the world!


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Guest Unorthodox

Unfortunately the board is more active when people are fighting.

So it just means we need to keep the debates civil, but still challenging, without resorting to personal insults.

We don't want a board that is full of fighting, or a board with no debate.

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Unfortunately the board is more active when people are fighting.

So it just means we need to keep the debates civil, but still challenging, without resorting to personal insults.

We don't want a board that is full of fighting, or a board with no debate.

EXACTLY... :idea:

A really good friend asked me to stay...So I will, however I will be laying low for a while and just enjoying the board. i dont want to see others leave, it can be a great board we just have to make the effort

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Unfortunately the board is more active when people are fighting.

So it just means we need to keep the debates civil, but still challenging, without resorting to personal insults.

We don't want a board that is full of fighting, or a board with no debate.

Actually, I would suggest the best way to accomplish this is to stop calling them "debates". By calling them "discussions" instead (and keeping that difference in mind), things will be less likely to turn ugly.

It's not a debate forum, it's a discussion forum. Perhaps there is a fine line there, but one side is beautiful and uplifting, the other...not so much...

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