Cold snap in South America


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Coldest temperatures in over ten years in South America right now.

I wonder if Al Gore has a chart on how global warming is affecting their weather?

And? What's your point?

Hotest temperatures in New York, ever:

Do you think that ten year weather records are proof against climate change?

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Tidbit: climate changes or not, the earth is a preparation stage to return to its paradiscal glory - terrestrial state. This has nothing to do with human intervention or industrialization. I could remove all human inhabitants and its technology, it will still be preparing for this state. Another issue, even our own bodies or those who have the opportunity to live in this state, will also under go a dramatic change to be able to withstand the environmental conditions associated with the new changes.

Yes! I know science have no belief in this principle, but it doesn’t matter one way or another, when in the end science itself will be corrected. :P

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Tongue in cheek, Snow. Tongue in cheek. There is climate change. Whether it is permanent or not is another thing. And whether or how it affects different areas of the world is also something not often discussed.


I hoped to argue with an dogmatic ideologue. Oh well.

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