Favorite Snacks


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I like snacks.

My favorite Candy has to be Junior Mints, though I enjoy most candies. I don't like dark chocolate, and I don't usually like things with peanuts (peanut butter cups are OK, though). Don't like gum very much.

In Cookies, my taste tends toward the traditional. Chocolate chip. Or chocolate chip dough without the chips.

I don't like brownies or chocolate cake. Other flavors of cake are OK, but not a real favorite.

I really like fruit pies and cobblers. Also lemon merangue pie, and some cream pies.

Ice Cream: rich and satisfying vanilla or vanilla-based ice creams (a ribbon of fudge or carmel is nice, or a touch od fruit). I also like sorbets in all flavors.

On the salty side, I like buttery popcorn or jerky or Baked Lays potato chips.

I really like sweet more than salty.

So, what do you like?

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So, what do you like?

My favorite sweet of all time has to be: Tiramasu. It's a rich, moist cake that is the BOMB! :combust:

For salty junk food I love heavily salted french fries that I dip in mayo (cf Pulp Fiction).

And, for every day yummy cheap snacks, DONUTS! Especially old-fashioned glazed donuts, along with a beverage that does not violate my own religious tenets. :P

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The best ice cream is French vanilla in Paris. The best Sea food is in China – which is also the worse place for beef or chicken. Best bread – anywhere in Europe. Worse deserts – Japan. Best fast food – Mos Bugger, Japan. The worse pizza – China. Best pizza – North Lake Tavern in Seattle Washington. Best noodles – Japan. Hottest spicy food – China. Food most likely to taste good and make you sick – Mexico and South America. Best atmosphere for eating – English pub. Most fuss over eating – Arabs in Saudi Arabia. Best BBQ (and slaw) almost anywhere in the South US. And last but not least – The world’s best waffles – at my place (secret family recipe – whole wheat toped with an apricot sauce.)

The Traveler

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What I like and what I eat are probably entirely different:

I'm a vegetarian, so I have grown to love a variety of veg. that I'd normally never touch...however I still can't get over my egg plant phobia!

I love dairy products, which doesn't help my cholestrol: cheese, milk, eggs, yoghurts...although I do try to have soya milk and yogurts when I can, and have been told eggs are not as bad for you as cheese...unfortunately cheese is my all time fave!!

I don't eat biscuits often, but when I do I love choc chip cookies, jammy dodgers and chocolate bourbons.

I love trifle, cheesecake, lemon meringue, gateaux and tiramisu...I don't eat these very often though.

I love a good old english Traditional Roast Sunday Dinner, though I will substitute the meat with Quorn or a nut roast or veg. burger of some kind.

I love pizza, Indian mild dishes and Pakora (potato or mushroom/cauliflower), Chinese dishes...vegetarian, and Italian pasta dishes.

Unfortunately, my most favourite snacks...therefore the foods I eat the most of, are salted or dry roast peanuts, cashews, tortilla chips, crisps and pickled onions/courgettes/beetroot/red cabbage/cauliflower!!! mmmmm....my mouth is watering already....

So what does that say about me Mom of jcchlsm? :)

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Mos Burger! Wow! We used to eat there all the time! Yum!

You've made me think of more yummies:

Nuts - cashews and pistachios and pecans.

Anyone like frozen grapes in the summertime? And frozen peas - I used to pop those while doing homework. Sweet and crunchy.

Brown sugar is good straight (in small quantities - otherwise your tongue gets raw).

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I used to eat a lot of junk food, but lately it just hasn't appealed to me. However, I still love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Nacho Cheese Doritos, Caramel Hershey's Kisses, Pizza w/ mushrooms and xtra cheese, and wash it all down with a DIET(Hehe) Dr. Pepper. With the exception of the diet drpepper, I haven't had any of the other stuff in awhile. When I do eat junk food, it will be one of those things.

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For salty junk food I love heavily salted french fries that I dip in mayo (cf Pulp Fiction).

GEEE Chap i never figured you were a pulp fiction kinda guy LOL :P

You know, the first time I watched it, I hated it. Then, a few years later, someone was describing the movie, and made it sound like the best thing. So, I gave it a second look, and it kinda grew on me. Maybe it was the Samuel S. Jackson quoting Old Testament prophets? Maybe it was John Travolta extoling the virtues of fries dipped in mayo? Who knows? :dontknow:

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For salty junk food I love heavily salted french fries that I dip in mayo (cf Pulp Fiction).

GEEE Chap i never figured you were a pulp fiction kinda guy LOL :P

You know, the first time I watched it, I hated it. Then, a few years later, someone was describing the movie, and made it sound like the best thing. So, I gave it a second look, and it kinda grew on me. Maybe it was the Samuel S. Jackson quoting Old Testament prophets? Maybe it was John Travolta extoling the virtues of fries dipped in mayo? Who knows? :dontknow:

Gotta love ya chap!!!!! you truley crack me up at times! :wow:

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Here is a odd thing that only can be understood as genetics imprinting.

Up until some years back some of you know I grow up not knowing I had a sister.

When we first bet we saw that we did not look a lot alike but our likes and dislikes were the same.

When we get tired we both play with our hair, same toothpaste face cream and so on.

We made a list of things we wanted to ask each other after we were told by others we acted alike and so on.

One of the questions I asked was what do you eat when your depressed or down in the dumps?

Both of us wrote the same thing. Liverwurst on crackers and watch way to much TV.

How odd is that? I mean really who else but a genetic link could come up with that.

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Here is a odd thing that only can be understood as genetics imprinting.

Up until some years back some of you know I grow up not knowing I had a sister.

When we first bet we saw that we did not look a lot alike but our likes and dislikes were the same.

When we get tired we both play with our hair, same toothpaste face cream and so on.

We made a list of things we wanted to ask each other after we were told by others we acted alike and so on.

One of the questions I asked was what do you eat when your depressed or down in the dumps?

Both of us wrote the same thing. Liverwurst on crackers and watch way to much TV.

How odd is that? I mean really who else but a genetic link could come up with that.

good point winnie, i really cant think of anyone LOL but my mom at times at that nasty stuff LOL heyyyyyyyy maybe she was depressed LOL
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My favorite dessert is dark chocolate...Godiva truffles, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies (homemade) and fudge brownies. (To avoid the bulge, I don't often indulge. ;-)

My favorite food is grilled chicken Caesar salad, corn chowder, and chicken Alfredo.

My favorite snack is romaine lettuce (right out of the bag) and almond butter on rice cakes. We don't eat red meat, and we try to eat healthy. :)

- Mrs. A

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Haha..Mom of jcclsm...if only that were the truth!!!

I'm afraid my eating habit: eat next to nothing in the daytime, and eat my salty, fatty foods at night means that I'm quite a few pounds over my ideal weight...in fact I'm clinically classed as obese and have acquired type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure as a result...

Change of lifestyle ought to be on my agenda for this year again, if I can find the motivation...(see bi-polar thread for full details!)

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