Things That Frighten Me - A Rant


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There are so many...

1. Twitter

2. Facebook

3. Myspace (does it even exist anymore?!)

4. Computers in general (if it wasn't for, I may not even turn on the thing :lol:)

5. Kindle

6. Nook

7. ___________________ (fill in your particular technology here)

I can see the use of technology, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I am still unemployed, and anyone who is familiar with this particular dilemma knows that it isn't an easy thing to find someone in a position to hire you that you can TALK TO FACE TO FACE. Everything seems to be done online now.

What ever happened to shaking someone's hand and looking them in the eyes? If I could just meet with these potential employers and smile at them and let them assess me in person, at least then I would feel I did all I could. As it is, I am no more than a computerized application and resume on a screen.

This thread may not make any is certainly disjointed to say the least!'s good to say hello to all of you.

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The best way to find a job is through networking. Talk to everyone you know or meet and let them know you are looking for a job. Standing in line at the grocery store? Chat up the person behind you--introduce the Gospel and let them know you are looking for work.

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BTW, I'm frightened of bugs. Not the computer kind, but the big black ones (like crickets) that like to sneak up on me at my house. I hate them! Why do they have to invade my living space? And I know they just wait for me to let down my guard and appear and squeak just to hear me scream and be all girly. They are laughing at me, I'm sure.

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There are so many...

1. Twitter

2. Facebook

3. Myspace (does it even exist anymore?!)

4. Computers in general (if it wasn't for, I may not even turn on the thing :lol:)

5. Kindle

6. Nook

7. ___________________ (fill in your particular technology here)

I can see the use of technology, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I am still unemployed, and anyone who is familiar with this particular dilemma knows that it isn't an easy thing to find someone in a position to hire you that you can TALK TO FACE TO FACE. Everything seems to be done online now.

What ever happened to shaking someone's hand and looking them in the eyes? If I could just meet with these potential employers and smile at them and let them assess me in person, at least then I would feel I did all I could. As it is, I am no more than a computerized application and resume on a screen.

This thread may not make any is certainly disjointed to say the least!'s good to say hello to all of you.

The fact that you know how to turn a computer on, know what myspace, facebook and twitter are, and have posted almost 300 times on a forum online, shows me that you still know a great deal more than an awful lot of people in first world countries like the UK and USA. There are still a great deal of people who only know how to do what they really have to do through repetition and continual instruction, but don't understand why they have to do that, they just know it works if they do (and if a desktop icon moves an inch to the left of where they are used to it being, well the world must be about to cave in).

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BTW, I'm frightened of bugs. Not the computer kind, but the big black ones (like crickets) that like to sneak up on me at my house. I hate them! Why do they have to invade my living space? And I know they just wait for me to let down my guard and appear and squeak just to hear me scream and be all girly. They are laughing at me, I'm sure.

It's spiders I'm not particulary fond of. They may have their space out in the yard (preferably the neighbor's yard), but they are not welcome in my home! I have tried putting up signs on the front and back door (with my children's help) thay tell the spiders we bear them no ill will, but could they kindly not come didn't seem to work for some reason.

We also have lots of giant cockroaches. They are also not my favorite, but I will take them any day over spiders.

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I have tried putting up signs on the front and back door (with my children's help) thay tell the spiders we bear them no ill will, but could they kindly not come didn't seem to work for some reason.

Well, I've taken to spraying a nice perfume on the doorways for my bugs--it's Raid Any Bug spray scent.

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BTW, I'm frightened of bugs. Not the computer kind, but the big black ones (like crickets) that like to sneak up on me at my house. I hate them! Why do they have to invade my living space? And I know they just wait for me to let down my guard and appear and squeak just to hear me scream and be all girly. They are laughing at me, I'm sure.

I've never seen a black cricket. I met my first cicada this summer, though. Those things freak me out. They're big and loud enough that they could probably eat me, and that's sayin' something!

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I've never seen a black cricket. I met my first cicada this summer, though. Those things freak me out. They're big and loud enough that they could probably eat me, and that's sayin' something!

You have to understand, Wingy, that I don't really know the color or size of bugs. I only see them in black and they are about 3 feet tall to me. That's why I scream and have to jump on my bed or on the counter to get away from them.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

The UK? Mild weather? I was looking for a tent online recently, trying to find one that fit my friend's recommendations for the waterproof rating with a full fly. Looked for literally hours and was unable to find one that was even close, much less a tent I liked. He's German and wondered if the US had less rain. So I decided to look on sites based in the UK based on the amount of rain there, figuring they should be waterproof enough. First site I try, I find the perfect tent. :P So if you don't call a lot of rain mild...

I don't really mind bugs though. I even let them live in my room sometimes as long as they don't crawl on me or my bed. There's been this odd light brown centipede thing that's been in here for quite awhile, though I haven't seen it recently. I even found some cool little centipedes on a tree once and took one home, and it was my pet. But it either died or ran away and I was sad. I hate wasps though. Wasps and bees are not allowed in my room or anywhere near me. But that's about it.

Needles are my main enemy as far as fears. I have to turn my head and close my ears watching anyone get a needle even on movies.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

You have to understand, Wingy, that I don't really know the color or size of bugs. I only see them in black and they are about 3 feet tall to me. That's why I scream and have to jump on my bed or on the counter to get away from them.

Reminds me of this one girl I used to know. It was just spiders for her though I think. If there was one anywhere in the nearest mile, she would scream at people to kill it while jumping on a chair. We've had seminary interrupted on a number of occasions this way.

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There are black crickets they have them out here in the midwest. Crickets don't bother me too much, cicadas don't bother me too much, I am bothered by anything that is small and buglike and that may give me a disease or bite me. Mostly just spiders though, I am ok if I see the spider first and know where it is and can kill it easily. When I am surprised by spiders though, that is when the blood curdling screams happen. Don't much like beetles, don't like cockroaches, cicadas are a bit frightening when you are picking vegetables from the garden and you almost grab a huge bug instead. Ick!

At least we don't have super big spiders here, or super big cockroaches, or super big bugs in general, excluding of course grasshoppers, cicadas, and praying mantises. I think praying mantises are kind of cute but I don't think I would want to hold one in my hand.

As for technology, it doesn't really scare me, rather some of the ways the world has been going lately scare me, and we know it will only get worse. Oh yay to live in the last days!

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There are black crickets they have them out here in the midwest.

I'm in the Midwest. I didn't know you were, too. Where?

I don't think I've ever seen crickets here, only heard them. I grew up in CA, which brown crickets. Here is where I discovered cicadas, though, just this Summer.

...cicadas are a bit frightening when you are picking vegetables from the garden and you almost grab a huge bug instead. Ick!

The first (only, actually) time one flew out at me, it was in my tomato plant, which was so dense that the bug was so loud I thought it must be a bird or something -- it sounded that big.

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I'm in the Midwest. I didn't know you were, too. Where?

I don't think I've ever seen crickets here, only heard them. I grew up in CA, which brown crickets. Here is where I discovered cicadas, though, just this Summer.

The first (only, actually) time one flew out at me, it was in my tomato plant, which was so dense that the bug was so loud I thought it must be a bird or something -- it sounded that big.

I am in Illinois, in the Chicago land area. They have these little black crickets out here that like to get into basements if you aren't careful, they are aggrivating little buggers because they seem to be able to hide in any little crack.

Yeah, the cicadas are LOUD, thankfully these aren't the 17 year cicadas, when those come out they come out in droves and all you hear all summer long is their noise. In my parent's eggplant patch the cicadas have used the big leaves to shed their juvinile skin on and then they dry out under the plants and then move on, problem is lifting up the leaves and finding a huge cicada skin looking at you. UGH! It isn't alive, it is just skin, but it is still creepy.

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I feel left out that I have never in person seen a cicada or a cockroach. The UK is so boring... we only get "mild" of everything, like insects, weather etc. Never any extremes :D

It's cuz of that stiff upper lip of yours. If the British won't scream like little girls when an insect comes around why would they bother moving there? And then there is the whole noon-day sun thing... ;)

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In my parent's eggplant patch the cicadas have used the big leaves to shed their juvinile skin on and then they dry out under the plants and then move on, problem is lifting up the leaves and finding a huge cicada skin looking at you. UGH! It isn't alive, it is just skin, but it is still creepy.

They used my green beans and zucchini (such as it was) this year. That was the first evidence I found of them: the molted skins near the holes.

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Guest mirancs8

Spiders, ants, lizards, snakes, mice, rats... no issues with any of that. BUT this guy... yeah I have serious issues with the scorpion. My friends wife got bit by one when she went into her laundry basket and her finger looked like a baseball bat!! Can you say ouch. She said it REALLY hurt, and it's a good thing it wasn't the poisonous ones.

This little guy has the power to kill a human (poisonous ones of course)!

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I feel left out that I have never in person seen a cicada or a cockroach. The UK is so boring... we only get "mild" of everything, like insects, weather etc. Never any extremes

It's cuz of that stiff upper lip of yours. If the British won't scream like little girls when an insect comes around why would they bother moving there? And then there is the whole noon-day sun thing...

I expect that mad dogs don't run from insects, either...

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7. ___________________ (fill in your particular technology here)

7. Photoshop!

I used to know this program like the back of my hand, but that was 20 years ago. I recently bought it again, and I feel like I'm reading a foreign language.

I follow the tutorials along exactly, but don't get the stated results.

I miss my brain.


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I've never seen a black cricket. I met my first cicada this summer, though. Those things freak me out. They're big and loud enough that they could probably eat me, and that's sayin' something!

I saw one of those once on a summer vacation, and when it finally moved, it freaked me out a bit. I don't have those in my area, but another bug I hate are those Japanese beetles because they bump into you and are noisy.

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