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Ok here's my problem:

I moved away when I was 16...and i wasn't really happy about it. The boys in my new ward are really wierd and we dont really talk. That was a long time ago, and I've never been on a double date. They're snobby and full of themselves. I thought that once I'd turn 16, I would be having so much fun going to the movie or a park with a group date, but now that I'm here, it's only in my dreams. None of the guys in my ward are ppl that I would feel comfortable with going on dates. I've tried to be positive about the whole move thing and getting to know everyone, but things aren't working out for me. I was really looking forward on going on doubledates, too. This totally BITES!!!! :tinfoil:


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I was/am in EXACTLY the same situation... :D ..###### dosnt it?? Well, do you have any other wards close by or that go to the same school? You might have to look outside ur ward if you want to not be miserable anymore. and, well, another option is to date non-lds out though, sometimes you have to be careful and always make sure you go on group dates, but there can be a ton of really good guys out there who you could date that may not be mormon, so try to stick with the ones that do have higher standards...just to be safe. :)

Another thing you could try is talking to the leaders, particularly the YM leaders, they might be able to offer some advice or even plan a couple of activities centered around dating...its worth a try.

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You might have to look outside ur ward if you want to not be miserable anymore. and, well, another option is to date non-lds out though, sometimes you have to be careful and always make sure you go on group dates, but there can be a ton of really good guys out there who you could date that may not be mormon, so try to stick with the ones that do have higher standards...just to be safe. :)

Ok i did agree with what you said put i do want to point out some thing, I have known LDS guys in my ward when i was young who were worse that nonLDS guys, so just because they are LDS does not mean thay are always gentelmen! be careful no matter who you date :D
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lol i'm not in any rush.... i will wait patiently until that time comes. Hopefully it'll come before i turn 80.. ^_^

Does anyone wanna share their first date experience?

until later,


First date huh? Well... I have to say I've come a long way from the beginning. My first date was homecoming of my junior year, total failure of a date. I planned the whole date and this being my first time was a bad idea. I ended up only finding one other pair for our group both of which me and my date hardly knew. So we started off the date, I picked up Marci and we waited for the other couple to meet us at our house where we proceeded to watch Les Mis (the musical) which ended up being really boring, mostly because the guy in the other couple was really geeky about the movie and kind of started singing with it because he liked it so much. We ordered pizza during the movie that was pretty good, but overall it was just pretty boring and unoriginal. We took the girls home then, we got ready, then picked them up and went to Spaghetti factory for dinner (another bad idea) I realize now you shouldn't head to a messy dinner place before a dance. The dance was just awkward because at that time I wasn't comfortable just breaking loose, and our group people totally seperated off from us as well. But I can laugh at the whole thing now and how pathetic I really was! I don't know anyone though who starts out and knows everything about dating the first time though so the first has to be really awkward eh? What's your first date experience?

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I'm not old enough to date. AND I'm dateless. *go me*


Can anyone explain to me the point of "going out". (and I'm talking about the you're my bf I'm your gf type.. the seemingly pointless kind) cuz it just confuses me..??

I wish I could explain "going out" but I dont think it has point either. All it does it put a lable on a girl and a guy and they are obligated to act a certian way. I think all that going out does for you is make it hard to break things off, and leaves a ton of emotional baggage.

Dating is so much more fun anyways, and you can date more than one guy at a time :D ...not I would do something like that ;)

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lol true that!!! "going out" is usually when a guy and a girl get together because they like eachother. But we all know that those "relationships" don't ever last and just cause heart ache in the me, i know. I definately agree that group dates and actually having fun!! If only the guys in my ward were not all jerks... gawsh. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol, I had a really "good" bad first date too.

My first date was the homecoming dance my junior year. As the date of the dance approaches, I kept wondering if I would get asked to go. Well, 2 weeks before, nothing. 1 week before, nothing. 3 days before, nothing. 2 days before, nothing but, I had admitted defeat and had already accepted the fact that I wasn't going to the dance. 1 day encounting and what happens...yep, I got asked out. That was problem #1, which played into a lot of the other problems. He asked me the night before the dance and I didn't have a dress to wear. The only time I had to shop for a dress was first thing in the morning before the dance. My mom and I spent an hour at Dillards and found a dress that would work. (it was hard because none of the dresses were modest, and I am). Next problem was my hair, I had to style it myself (not too big of a problem). Then I was ready after walking around in a panic that morning. Well, he came to pick me up and I looked gorgeous! Well, I had a flower for him and he had NOTHING for me. So, on our way out, he stopped at a grocery store to have one made for me. (hello, formal dance!!! :blink:) After we got that out of the way, it was embarassing walking through a grocery store in a formal dress, he took me out to dinner. Well, it wasn't just any dinner, it was KFC!!! Holy cow! What in the world! (Hello, formal dance, and I hate their mashed potatoes) After that he took me to a movie (I wish this date would end faster!!!) Finally, I got to the dance and I was nice and I stood by my man and I didn't ditch him. Luckily, we were both uncomfortable dancing so after a few songs we went and talked to our friends. I was happy that he didn't try to kiss me. We did remain friends through out high school and I think he had a crush on me for a LONG time. I laugh about it now. (ha ha ha, kfc for a formal B)

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