Australian smokes Bible and Koran ...


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German news server: Inmitten der Kontroverse über Koran-Verbrennungen hat ein australischer Atheist ein Video mit dem Titel "Bibel oder Koran - was brennt besser?" ins Internet gestellt. Seit Montag ist der Jurist deswegen seinen Job los ... During struggle about burning copies of Quran an Australian lawyer has tried to find out which is more preferable for making cigarettes: Bible or Quran. He used pages from both holy scriptures for rolling tobacco to cigarettes ... He made a video about this and published it on You Tube, and, in effection to this has lost his job. (should be found on You Tube.)

Moral: don't smoke!

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Does anyone know what he actually did as a job?

EDIT: Just checked. He was a lawyer, and it also apparently looked like he was smoking something that may have been a little bit more controversial than tobacco. He said it wasn't drugs - He'd just 'sprinkled some grass clippings in'.

Which is not something I've ever heard of. No wonder he was fired.

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The interesting tidbit is this: We're fairly confident that Christians won't hunt him down and kill him. But there's a pretty good chance that Muslims will try to hunt him down and kill him if this is widely spread by the Arabic and Muslim news media.

It plugs into what Dove was really up to: Trying to prove that Islam is a religion of violence by intentionally provoking them. But in this case, it's more like a side-by-side comparison of the two religions and how violently they react when offended.

Agreed with Pam though. Some people are idiots.

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Does anyone know what he actually did as a job?

EDIT: Just checked. He was a lawyer, and it also apparently looked like he was smoking something that may have been a little bit more controversial than tobacco. He said it wasn't drugs - He'd just 'sprinkled some grass clippings in'.

Which is not something I've ever heard of. No wonder he was fired.

Ha, ha. Good statement. :) (not ironic)

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The interesting tidbit is this: We're fairly confident that Christians won't hunt him down and kill him. But there's a pretty good chance that Muslims will try to hunt him down and kill him if this is widely spread by the Arabic and Muslim news media.

It plugs into what Dove was really up to: Trying to prove that Islam is a religion of violence by intentionally provoking them. But in this case, it's more like a side-by-side comparison of the two religions and how violently they react when offended.

Agreed with Pam though. Some people are idiots.

That's exactly the point. I agree to this in a hundred per centual way.

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As a hearing officer in a prison, I've had a few offenders use Bible pages as rolling papers. We took a Bible from one offender that was half missing, some of the missing papers were soon discovered in a hiding spot with tobacco. So, I'm thinking that in US prisons, the Bible is the preferred rolling paper....that and you don't have to worry about any fatwas against you.

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As a hearing officer in a prison, I've had a few offenders use Bible pages as rolling papers. We took a Bible from one offender that was half missing, some of the missing papers were soon discovered in a hiding spot with tobacco. So, I'm thinking that in US prisons, the Bible is the preferred rolling paper....that and you don't have to worry about any fatwas against you.

No, I guess you don't have to worry about that. But even if it was like that, what could be worse than being imprisoned and impelled to use pages from the Bible as cigarette papers? Could there be any "fatwa" to make the situation even worse ...?

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I've always wondered this:

Where did anyone ever get the bright idea to roll up plant leaves between paper, light one end on fire, and breathe in the smoke from the other end?

And druggies claim pot is "natural". :rolleyes:

I wonder if it started from putting it onto a fire and inhaling that way. As far as how did it end up on the fire? I'm guessing someone who figured, "Looks dry, it should burn."

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Feasible enough. I'm not sure if that explains tobacco though.

Dried leaves burn, they actually make good tinder. I dunno, it just seems more probable than, "Hey, let's roll up that random plant and inhale it's smoke while it sits in our mouth smoldering." Though I find it more plausible than some guy looked at huitlacoche ( Corn smut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and thought, "Yum."

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Dried leaves burn, they actually make good tinder. I dunno, it just seems more probably than, "Hey, let's roll up that random plant and inhale it's smoke while it sits in our mouth smoldering." Though I find it more plausible than some guy looked at huitlacoche ( Corn smut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and thought, "Yum."

Is tobacco addicting in and of itself, or is it just the additives? Because if it is, then that would explain it.

Edit: Nevermind, it does have nicotine in it. Question answered. haha.

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Guest mormonmusic

I think it's appropriate to use the Book of Jude in the Bible as your doobie sheathing. That way you can feel at harmony with smoking, while listening to "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. In fact, I think Paul McCartney actually wrote the song as a yearning for the Book of Jude paper.

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I think it's appropriate to use the Book of Jude in the Bible as your doobie sheathing. That way you can feel at harmony with smoking, while listening to "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. In fact, I think Paul McCartney actually wrote the song as a yearning for the Book of Jude paper.

This is the first post on this forum I have legitimately laughed out loud at. Congratulations, mormonmusic!

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I've always wondered this:

Where did anyone ever get the bright idea to roll up plant leaves between paper, light one end on fire, and breathe in the smoke from the other end?

And druggies claim pot is "natural". :rolleyes:

I think it came from the Latin American indians, when the Spanish "conquestadores" landed there and saw how they smoked tobacco and tried it, too, and then brought it to Europe. But don't ask me why the indians did it. Perhaps it once came from the Lamanites, who might be assumed to have done many evil things, and therefore why should not be assumed to have invented rolling up tobacco leaves and inhaling the smoke?

"And druggies claim pot is "natural" ... but it surely is in some way, as bad things (and I would say smoking "pot" is not a good thing at least) might have its own source in some kind of (super-) natural origin, that might be called "evil" ...

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New Subject title please:

Idiot smokes Bible and Koran

There thats better, this wanna be intellectual moron needn't be lumped in with all Australians.

I wouldn't think people believe that all Australians are like that and use holy scriptures for making cigarettes. And I don't think people believe that kangaroos could speak or use their bags for shopping.

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